Universiteit Maastricht (UM)

Illustration phtot Universiteit Maastricht 2
Land: Nederland
Antall som har reist hit: 2
Vi har samarbeidet med Universiteit Maastricht (UM) i 8 år, 2 studenter har vært på utveksling her. UM er det yngste universitetet i Nederland (1976) og vokser raskt, med over 11500 studenter og 3000 ansatte. UM er i dag trippelakkreditert: AACSB, EQUIS og AMBA. UM er kjent for et innovativt utdanningssystem, avansert forskning og internasjonal orientering. Nesten alle UMs studieprogrammer blir undervist i engelsk. Hver tredje student, samt 16% av de ansatte, kommer fra andre nasjonaliteter.

Why apply to your university?

Our university offers

  1. Problem Based Learning, With PBL, most of your learning takes place in small groups of 10 to 15 students. You work together to solve real-world problems and do hands-on skills training. Your instructor facilitates, but you take the lead. This makes you the type of independent problem-solver that employers are looking for.
  2. International Classroom. With more than half of our 19,000 students coming from abroad, we are the most international university in the Netherlands. Each year, we welcome more than 1,000 foreign exchange students, while about 40% of our own students study abroad.
  3. Inclusive community: Our strength lies in collaboration and in fostering an environment in which everyone feels welcome and valued. We are an academic community where diverse cultures, perspectives and ideas come together.

How do you receive international students?

At the start of each semester we organise an International Classroom/Introduction session to get to know each other and our campus, but also share some practical information. We even have a short introduction of the Dutch language. Throughout the year our university offers several events for the Well being of all of our students and it is a place where all nationalities come together and get to know more about each others culture.

Accommodation and cost of living

Unfortunately we do not have a campus, so students have to take care of finding their accommodation for themselves. When they enroll themselves in our exchange programmes we refer all of our exchange students to this website to find all the information about housing and transportation.

Facilitation at university 

When students have special needs, they can contact our International Relations Officer -Incoming students, Mrs Pascale Nelissen. She will be in close contact with all of our incoming students and helps where it is possible.

What are your strongest subject areas?

Health Sciences, Biomedical Sciences and Medicine

Contact person

Mrs Pascale Nelissen via exchangefhml@maastrichtuniversity.nl


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Universiteit Maastricht

Vi har samarbeidet med Universiteit Maastricht (UM) i 8 år, 2 studenter har vært på utveksling her. UM er det yngste universitetet i Nederland (1976) og vokser raskt, med over 11500 studenter og 3000 ansatte. UM er i dag trippelakkreditert: AACSB, EQUIS og AMBA. UM er kjent for et innovativt utdanningssystem, avansert forskning og internasjonal orientering. Nesten alle UMs studieprogrammer blir undervist i engelsk. Hver tredje student, samt 16% av de ansatte, kommer fra andre nasjonaliteter.


"Dette er et universitet med muligheter, kompetanse fra alle verdensdeler og Maastricht er gode på å utveksle og dele på sin kompetanse."