Hochschule Emden/Leer (EMDENLEER)

Ilustration photo Emden
Land: Tyskland
Antall som har reist hit: 14
I 2022 reiste to studenter hit for første gang fra sosialfag på USN. Ønsker du også å oppleve sosialfaglig arbeid i Tyskland, så kan du søke om utveksling i 5.semester, med frist 1.februar!

Why apply to your university?

UAS Emden/Leer is a campus university with a personal flair situated in the northwestern part of Germany near the Dutch frontier and the World natural heritage Wadden Sea. Our institution emphasizes theory-practice-transfer. The city offers short distances, good active leisure time facilities and low-budget living conditions. To get an impression of our institution:

How do you receive international students?

Our International Office offers a two-weeks orientation program before lecture time starts, including welcome session, intensive language course, city rally, excursion to a big city in the surroundings like Bremen or Hamburg, as well as social events. Incomings can apply for a buddy to get peer-to-peer support. All students can participate in the sport program of the institution as well as in the social event program. Monthly country-specific international evenings are organized by incomings supported by local students.

Accommodation and cost of living

Accommodation: Incomings will be provided with a list of landlords including the Studentenwerk Oldenburg, that runs a furnished dorm. Costs for: - Room in the dorm per month: 160 Euro (room in a four-person shared apartment) / 260 Euro (single apartment) - Private room (e.g. in a shared apartment) per month: 250 - 400 Euro

Public Transport: Regional trains in Lower-Saxony can be used with the student card. City buses: approx. 27 Euro per month

Pubs and restaurants: bear (0,5 l): approx. 4,80 Euro cup of coffee: approx. 3,90 Euro pasta / pizza: approx. 6 - 12 Euro burger + chips: approx. 13 Euro complete menu in the students' restaurant (campus): approx. 4,20 Euro -> Average living costs (without accommodation): 400 - 500 Euro.

Facilitation at university 

Some labs and most of the rooms including the students' restaurant are accessible by wheel chair. Students who, due to their impairment or chronic illness, are unable to complete their studies or examinations in the form intended can apply for compensation for disadvantages. Students with families will find a variety of support here

A kindergarten of the Studentenwerk is located in the immediate proximity of the campus.

What are your strongest subject areas?

social work, industrial informatics, business studies, nautical and maritime sciences

Contact person

International Office:

Vera von Hunolstein (Incoming exchange/Erasmus+ students coordinator): vera.von.hunolstein@hs-emden-leer.de

Faculty of Social Work and Health:

Corina Sandersfeld: corina.sandersfeld@hs-emden-leer.de

Faculty of Business Studies:

Sonja Behrends: sonja.behrends@hs-emden-leer.de

Faculty of Maritime Sciences:

Christiane Walden: christiane.walden@hs-emden-leer.de

Les mer på universitetets nettside



Hochschule Emden/Leer

I 2022 reiste to studenter hit for første gang fra sosialfag på USN. Ønsker du også å oppleve sosialfaglig arbeid i Tyskland, så kan du søke om utveksling i 5.semester, med frist 1.februar!


Vi var på «Jugendhilfe»-prosjektet, som tok for seg enslige, mindreårige flyktninger. Jeg mener det når jeg sier dette var de beste tre månedene i livet mitt, og jeg blir rørt og kjenner tårene presser bare jeg tenker tilbake på praksisen.