Karianne Nyheim Stray har tatt en doktorgrad i personorientert helsearbeid

PhD Courses

USN has eight PhD programs, each offering a variety of courses that are open to external as well as internal candidates. Please contact the relevant PhD program directly.


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How to apply?

  • Internal candidates apply through StudentWeb.
  • External candidates must fill out and submit an application form using Nettskjema along with supporting documentation. Please contact the PhD Coordinator of the relevant program for more information.

Mandatory course for all PhD candidates

Theory of Science and Research Ethics (5 ECTs)

This course addresses advanced questions concerning the theory of science and research ethics. Based on a selection of topics set out in the course plan, candidates will acquire insight into key and contemporary understandings of how science is being thought of and practised in a variety of fields (Theory of Science), combined with thoughts related to scientific research (Research Ethics). The course will enable participants to focus on relevant questions in chosen academic fields and research traditions, and on research that crosses disciplinary boundaries. 


The following book will be used as a key reference during the course, and will be supplemented by a series of articles etc. 

Peter Godfrey-Smith, 2021. Theory and Reality: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science, University of Chicago Press, Second Edition. 

In addition, all candidates must become familiar with their disciplinary ethical guidelines, which can be accessed via the following link: https://www.forskningsetikk.no/en/guidelines/

Note: This course is only available for PhD Candidates from USN. 

Practical information:

  • Date: 16. - 20. September 2024
  • Place: Borge Hotell, Nøtterøy 

Registration opens 12. August and closes 2. September

Contact information: aina.enstad@usn.no

Elective courses for all PhD candidates

Literature Management and Scholarly Communication
  • Thursday-Friday14-15 March
  • Monday-Tuesday 18-19 March


Course description

Contact information: shea.a.sundstol@usn.no

Culture Studies

2023-2024 Academic session


Course code





Theory of Science and Research Ethics (5 credits). Organised by the Research Office. Required for all PhD candidates in all programmes.

2-6 October, Borge Hotell



Theory of Science and Research Ethics (5 credits). Organised by the Research Office. Required for all PhD candidates in all programmes.

5-9 February, Raulandsakademiet.

4, 6, 10


Theories of Culture (7.5 credits). Core course in Culture Studies, part of degree requirements.


25 January & 8 February online; March 6-8 Bø campus.



Visual and Multi-sensory Methods (5 credits). An elective course in Culture Studies. Given in English.

Postponed. Notodden campus.

5, 9

9229, 9230

Understanding the Role of Language: Diversity, Communication and Interpretation. (3 and 7.5 credits). An elective course in Culture Studies. Given in English.

30 January – 2 February, Drammen campus; online 29 February - 1 March

7, 12

9224, 9225

Kulturturdidaktikk (3 og 7,5 stp). Frivillig emne I kulturstudier, tilbys på norsk.

12.-16.2. Campus Notodden; online 18.-19.3.

15, 18


Body-based practices (7.5 credits). Elective course in Culture Studies. Given in English.

15-18 April, Notodden campus; 13-14 May online



PhD student seminar, Culture Studies. All PhD candidates in Culture Studies encouraged to attend as part of degree requirements.

Location to be determined; May 23-24, 2024.

Updated 1 January 2024

keyboard_backspace External candidates should complete a registration form and return via Nettskjema

USN candidates should register using StudentWeb.


No offers at the present time.

keyboard_backspace Please contact PhD Coordinator Hanna Elsa Wistedt for information.


Spring 2024

Subject code



TCO9000 Theory Construction 2.5
ORT9000 Organisation Theory 5
INR9000 Interorganisational Networks and Relationships 5


Time schedule spring 2024

Course When Where ETCS
Organisation Theory 3-7 June, 2024 Drammen 5
Theory Construction 17-20 June, 2024 Drammen 2,5

Application deadline 20. april 2024.

Teaching language is English.

Nautical Operations

Spring 2022

Subject code




Maritime Logistics and Port Operation Management



Task Analysis in Maritime Socio-technical Systems



Decision Making and Performance Assessment


PN-SYS9000 Systems Thinking 7,5


keyboard_backspace External candidates should complete a registration form and return via Nettskjema.

USN candidates should register using StudentWeb.

Person-Centred Healthcare


Subject code Name ETCS Periode Application



Autoetnografi – en introduksjon: Praksis og teori


  • 10th of January 2024
  • 11th of January 2024
  • 11th of January - 9th of February 2024 (home exam)



Qualitative Method*

Main teacher: Truls Juritzen

  • 13th-14th of March 2024
  • 18th of April 2024
  • 21-22nd of May 2024 (oral exam)

Application deadline: 20th of January 2024


(max. number of participants: 10)



Teori og metoder i samarbeidsbasert forskning

Main teacher: Mona Sommer


Reading list

  • 3-5 of June 2024

Application deadline: 3rd of May 2024

Read more METSAM500

(max. number of participants: 20)



Data Modelling

Main teacher: Rigmor Baraas

  • 22-24 of May 2024
  • 19-21 of June 2024
  • 10-12 of September 2024
  • 22 of November 2024 (exam)



Application deadline: 25th of April 2024

Apply PHDMOD500

(max. number of participants: 8)

USN candidates should register using Studentweb

External candidates should complete a registration form via Nettskjema



Subject code Name ECTS Periode Application




 Person, Health and Society 5
  • 20th of November 2023
  • 15th of January 2024
  • 5 times Journal Club Zoom-lectures 1 hour each
  • 16th of January - 12th of February 2024 (exam)

 Application deadline:

 15th of November 2023

 (max. number of participants: 20)



 Quantitative Methods I* 5
  • 12th of October 2023
  • 17th of October 2023
  • 1st of November 2023
  • 6th of November 2023
  • 8th of November - 15th of November 2023 (exam)

 Application deadline:

 14th of August 2023

 (max. number of participants: 15)

   Person-centred perspectives in research  5

 This course is planned for the fall semester in 2024.

 More information will follow.

 (max. number of participants: 20)

* PhD candidates have to choose one of the courses

Please note that the above dates are subject to change. Course plans for courses without dates may be revised before the course is offered again.

Process, Energy and Automation Engineering

Spring 2023


keyboard_backspace Please contact PhD Coordinator Mariken Kjøhl-Røsand for application.

Pedagogical resources and learning processes in kindergarten and school

Spring 2024

Course registration via StudentWeb for PhD candidates at USN.

Others may register using this form.

Registration for courses will open 1st december. 


Subject code Name and additional information ECTS Periode




5 10., 11. og 12. april

PH-ISA9500 Interaksjonsanalyse 

(Karianne Skovholt, Rein Ove Sikveland, Liz Stokoe )

Kurset avholdes på campus Vestfold

Søknadsfrist: 27. mars.



15.-17. april

Registere here. Application deadline: 27th March 2024


Vulnerability(Margareta Dancus) 

Søknadsfrist: 1. april

Undervisningsplan 2024

5 13.-15. mai

Pedagogiske ressurser og læreprosesser

PEDRES-emnet PH-PRL9100 (obligatorisk)

(Iben Brinch  og Magnus Hontvedt)


Datoer: Første samling: 3.-5. april. Andre samling: 25.-26. april

Søknadsfrist: 22. februar

Please contact PhD Coordinator Liv-Anne Halderaker for more information.