Cathrine Seierstad

USN Handelshøyskolen
Institutt for økonomi, historie og samfunnsvitenskap
Campus Vestfold (D3-114)
Cathrine Seierstad joined the School of Business, History and Social Sciences as Associate Professor in Organisation and Management in September 2019, promoted to Professor in Organisation and Management from June 2020. Before joining USN she worked as a lecturer in Human Resource Management at Queen Mary, University of London, UK, as a lecturer in International Human Resource Management/Business at the School of Business, Management and Economics, University of Sussex, UK and as a lecturer in Human Resoure Management at Brunel Business School, UK. She also held a visiting position at the University of Witten Herdecke, Germany. Cathrine holds degrees from Queen Mary, University of London (PhD in Business and Management and MA in International Management, with distinction), University of Warwick (MA in International Relations), and the University of Oslo, Norway (Cand. Mag in Political Science). Cathrine’s research interests fall largely within the fields of leadership, women on boards, human resource management, equality, diversity and inclusion at work, integration, corporate governance and CSR. Her current research examines the wider effects of using gender quotas on corporate boards in a variety of countries, corporate governance and the role of boards in different types of organizations, and international HRM. Moreover, she is currently involved in a NFR project about migrant inclusion in Norway.





2011.  PhD. in Business and Management , Queen Mary University of London, UK 

2015. PGCertHE (The Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education/MSc level) University of Sussex, UK

2005. MA in International Management (awarded Distinction) Queen Mary University of London, UK                            

2003. MA in International Relations University of Warwick, UK

2002. Cand Mag (BA) in Pedagogy and Political Science University of Oslo, Norway



2021-       Professor II in Management, Krisitania College

2020-      Professor in Organisastion and Management, USN          

2019- 2020  Associate Professor in Organisation and Managment, USN

2015-2019. Lecturer in International Human Resource Management and Programme Director MSc International Human Resource Management, Queen Mary, University of London, UK

2013-2015. Lecturer in International Business/ International Human Resource Management, University of Sussex, UK

2013-2016. Visiting scholar, University of Witten Herdecke, Germany

2011-2013Lecturer in Human Resource Management, Brunel Business School, Brunel University, UK

2006-2011. Course Organiser and Module Lecturer /Teaching Associate, School of Business and Management, Queen Mary University of London, UK




For complete publication list: ‪Cathrine Seierstad‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Key Publications

Aldossari, M., Chaudhry, S.,  Tatli, A. and  Seierstad, C. (2023) Catch-22: Token Women Trying to Reconcile Impossible Contradictions between Organisational and Societal Expectations. Work, Employment and  Society. Vol. 37(1) 39–5.

Seierstad, C., Healy, G. Goldeng, E and Fjellvær, H. (2021) ‘A ‘quota silo' or positive equality reach? The equality impact of gender quotas on corporate boards in Norway. Human Resource Management Journal. 31(1), 165-186.  DOI:10.1111/1748-8583.12288

Seierstad, C., Tatli, A., Aldossari, M. and Huse, M. (2021) Broadening of the field of corporate boards and legitimate capitals: An investigation into the use of gender quotas in corporate boards in Norway. Work, Employment and Society35(4),753-773.

Mensi-Klarbach, H and Seierstad, C (2020) Gender quotas on corporate boards: similarities and differences of quota scenarios. European Management Review.

Le Bruyn, E.G. and Seierstad, C. (2020) Kjønnsmessig sammensetning av toppledere i forskjellige styringsformer etter kjønnskvotering i styrer i Norge. MAGMA. Vol 3.

Healy, G, Tatli, A. Inal, G, Ozturk, M. Seierstad, C and Wrigth, T. (2019). In the steps of Joan Acker: A journey in researching inequality regimes and intersectional inequalities. Gender, Work and Organization. Vol 26 (12)

Seierstad, C., Warner-Søderholm, G., Torchia, M. and Huse, M. (2017) Women on boards: Beyond the institutional setting – the role of stakeholders and actors. Journal of Business Ethics.  Vol 141 (2):289-315.

Seierstad, C. (2016). Beyond the Business Case: The Need for Both Utility and Justice Rationales for Increasing the Share of Women on Boards. Corporate Governance an International Review. Vol 24 (4): 390-405. (Winner of  Geneen Institute, Bentley University  award for runner up  best paper published in CGIR 2016  )

Seierstad, C. and Kirton, G. (2015). Having it all? Senior women and work-life balance in Norway. Gender, Work and Organization. vol 22 (4) 390-404.

Seierstad, C., Healy, G. (2012) Women’s equality in the Scandinavian academy –a distant dream?. Work Employment and Society vol.26 (2)

Seierstad, C., Opsahl, T. (2011). For the few not the many? The effects of affirmative action on presence, prominence, and social capital of women directors in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Management 27 (1).



Seierstad, C., Gabaldon, P, Mensi-Klarbach, H. (eds.) (2017) Gender Diversity in the Boardroom: European Perspectives on Increasing Female Participation. Vol 1. The use of different quota regulations. Palgrave Macmillan.

Seierstad, C., Gabaldon, P, Mensi-Klarbach, H. (eds.) (2017) Gender Diversity in the Boardroom: European Perspectives on Increasing Female Participation. Vol 2.  Multiple Approaches Beyond Quotas. Palgrave Macmillan.

Hansen, K. and Seierstad, C. (eds.) (2017) Corporate social responsibility and diversity management. Theoretical approaches and best practices. Series Title: CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance. Springer.

Seierstad, C. (2011) Exploring the Norwegian paradox of vertical sex segregation: strategies and experiences in politics, academia and company boards. PhD thesis, Queen Mary University of London.

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