Ready for the rectorship

PIA TAR OVER FOR PETTER: Rektor Petter Aasen trer av og gir roret til ny rektor Pia Cecilie Bing-Jonsson. Hun fikk overrakt en rektor-caps av studentleder Nora Rymoen Houidi.
PIA TAR OVER FOR PETTER: Rektor Petter Aasen trer av og gir roret til ny rektor Pia Cecilie Bing-Jonsson. Hun fikk overrakt en rektor-caps av studentleder Nora Rymoen Houidi.

Pia Cecilie Bing-Jonsson is enjoying her first days as rector at the University of Southeast Norway.

The official “power shift” took place at New Year, but on January 2nd there was a key handover with a marking of the transition from one rector to another.

Pia Cecilie Bing-Jonsson (47) takes over from Petter Aasen, who has a total of 16.5 years as rector of USN and several of the institutions on which the university is built.

A milestone

At the key handover, Bing-Jonsson thanked Aasen for allowing her to “grow up under his wings” as a researcher, leader, and USN-er.

 Pia Cecilie Bing-Jonsson. Photo

“This is a milestone for USN, but it is also a milestone in our lives, for you and me,” said Bing-Jonsson.

“Thank you for allowing me to stand safely on the foundation you have laid. We share the vision of what our university should be. We should be socially useful - especially for the region where we belong.”

The fresh rector has previously stated that she will prioritize the development of the study portfolio, interdisciplinary research, and close cooperation with students.

Excited students 

Student leader for the Student Democracy in Southeast Norway, Nora Rymoen Houidi, was also present on the rector’s first day of work, and could tell that the cheers were high in the Student Democracy when they found out that Pia became USN’s next rector.

“I screamed so loudly in the car when I got the message that the cars around me reacted. I’m really looking forward to working with Pia. She has achieved a lot as a dean and I’m looking forward to seeing what she can achieve for the entire USN,” said Rymoen Houidi.

With over 17,000 students and around 1,900 full-time equivalents, the tasks are many. Pia will use the first time to travel around and get to know the 20 institutes distributed on USN’s campuses. She will also put together a new management team and find good forms of cooperation for central actors in the university landscape.

"On the right track"

Petter Aasen will return to academic work and his field of expertise is educational policy studies.

He wished Pia good luck with the important work ahead of her and encouraged her to hold on to the concept on which USN is built.

“Together, we have established a foundation for what is internationally recognized as a modern, entrepreneurial university. USN is a regionally anchored multi-campus university that, through interaction, should be accommodating and responsive. We are on the right track,” Aasen summarized.

Pia Cecilie Bing-Jonsson

Pia Cecilie Bing-Jonsson (47) is a professor of health science.

She is a trained nurse and has a doctorate in the competence of healthcare personnel in Norwegian municipalities.

She has previously been a dean and vice-dean at the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at USN, an associate professor and lecturer at the same institution.

She has a significant scientific production and is an active participant in public debate.

She took office as rector at the University of Southeast Norway on January 1, 2024.