Sanna Toiviainen

Fakultet for humaniora, idretts- og utdanningsvitenskap
Institutt for kultur, religion og samfunnsfag
Campus Drammen (4225)
Jeg er en postdoktor forskere ved Masterprogrammet for karriereveiledning. Mine forskningsinteresser inkluderer karriereveiledning ved unges overganger, karriereutvikling blant minoritetsgrupper og integrering og karriereveiledning.


  • Forskning
  • Undervisning
  • Veiledning


  • Karriereveiledning og unges overganger
  • Sosial ekskludering og inkludering
  • Karriereutvikling og migrasjon
  • Karriereveiledning og integrering


1. Personal details

Navn: Sanna Toiviainen

Født 29.7.1983             

Nasjonalitet: Finsk

2. Utdanning (Education and degrees completed)

22.05.2019 Doctor of Philosophy (Education) ”Relational life paths – life management of individuals? Agency and guidance of  young people on the margins of education and work.” Grade: Eximia cum laude approbator, University of Eastern Finland

26.05.2008  Master of Arts (Education), Career Counselling Programme, University of Eastern Finland

3. Nåværende stilling (current position)

01.08.2020 – Associate professor in career guidance, Department of Culture, Religion and Social Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway.

4. Arbeidserfaring (work experience)

01.09.2019 – 31.07.2020 Research Coordinator and Postdoctoral researcher (50%) at AGORA for the Study of Social Justice and Equality in Education -Research Centre, Department of Education, University of Helsinki, Finland.

01.01.2014 31.12.2015  Junior researcher / Doctoral Student at University of Eastern Finland, Finland.

01.12.2010 – 31.07.2020  Career counsellor at Järvenpää General Upper Secondary School, Järvenpää, Finland.

01.06.2008 – 31.12.2010 Junior researcher, “Developmental Evaluation of Career Guidance in Basic Education”-project, University of Eastern Finland (funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education), Finland.

5. Forskning og utviklingsprosjekter med fokus på utdanningsfaglige temaer (Research and development projects with a focus on educational subjects)

2014 – 2015 PhD funding, University of Eastern Finland, 56 000 EUR, PhD student

2008 – 2010, Project funding, Finnish Ministry of Education, 300 000 EUR, Project researcher 

7. Undervisningserfaring

Teaching in tertiary education

2020– Universitetet i Sørøst Norge, Masterprogrammet i karriereveiledning: Arbeid, utdanning og social inkludering (15stp, MKARV430), Karriereveiledning for rådgivere i Osloskolen (30stp, KFR30)

2020 University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences: Power. Dis­cources and dif­fer­ences – fo­cus on in­equal­ity in education 

2014–2016 University of Eastern Finland, Master programme in Career Guidance and Counselling: Guidance in Different Contexts; Introduction to Career Counselling; Education, Work and Guidance

9. Prosjektledelse og prosjektutvikling (Project management and project development)

2010–2012 Development of Järvenpää general upper secondary school guidance counselling model, 2nd project coordinator, funded by the Ministry of Education

2008–2010 National Development of Guidance Counselling in Basic Education, developmenal evaluation project researcher, funded by the Ministry of Education

2007 Final evaluation of 2003–2007 National development of guidance counselling in basic  and upper general secondary education, project leader, funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education

10. Vitenskapelige oppdrag, medlemskap i nettverk (Memberships and positions of trust in scientific societies and other key scientific or academic merits)

2020-2024 Reviewer: Kasvatus, Nuorisotutkimus, Child & Youth Services, Nordic Journal of Transitions, Career and Guidance

2015 Giving expert commentary on the national core curriculum for guidance counselling in general  upper secondary education 

2013–2014 Member of an expert group who designed the national core curriculum for guidance counselling in basic  education 2014.

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