Sabrina Krogh Schmidt

Fakultet for humaniora, idretts- og utdanningsvitenskap
Institutt for friluftsliv, idrett og kroppsøving
Campus Bø (1-225)
Ph.d i fysisk aktivitet og helse med forskning og formidlings interesse i fysisk aktivitet, helse og friluftsliv og treningsledelse.


Underviser på:

Bachelor i idrett, trening og ledelse

  • (idrettsaktiviteter, idrettspedagogikk, treningsledelse, fysisk aktivitet i et livsperspektiv, praksisvejleder, forskningsteori og metode, bachelorvejleder)

Master i idrett, friluftsliv og kroppsøvning

  • (metode, vejledning)


Nuværende forskning:

  • Prosjektleder i "Telemark 1997 kohort". Målet er å se på helse og livsstilsfaktorer fra barne og inn i voksen alder. 
  • Prosjektmedarbeider på prosjektet "liv og røre i VGS". Evaluering av pilot på videregående skole for helsefremmende implementering av fysisk aktivitet, sundt kosthold og søvn bland elevene. Skriver metode artikkel om involvering av et ungdomspanel.
  • Medlem i forskningsgruppen Health and Exercise in a Lifecourse Perspective (HELP)
  • Medlem i forskningsgruppen friluftsliv, samfund og bærekraft


Fysisk aktivitet og helse, trening, treningsledelse, friluftsliv, vannaktiviteter (hav og elv), trening i natur, idrettspedagogik og didaktikk, helseadfærd, helsefremmende interventioner, kvantitative metoder, kvalitative metoder, mixed-methods forskning.


  • 2023: Ph.D. in physical activity and health, through phd program Person-centred healthcare. Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway – Norway. Ph.D thesis, title: Classroom-based physical activity as a means to promote health, well-being and learning in secondary school. A study on health changes and students’ and teachers’ perspectives in secondary school
  • 2017: Master in sports, physical education and outdoor life. Department of Sports, Physical Education and Outdoor Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway – Norway. Master thesis, title: Motivation to maintain lifestyle changes in patients with type 2 diabetes after an intensive lifestyle intervention (The U-TURN Trial): A longitudinal qualitative study.
  • 2016: Bachelor in outdoor life, Department of Sports, Physical Education and Outdoor Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway – Norway
  • 2014: Bachelor in Sports, physical activity and health, Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark – Denmark


Publications in peer-review journals

  1. Schmidt, S. K., Reinboth MS, Resaland GK, Bratland-Sanda S (2020). Changes in physical activity, physical fitness and well-being following a school-based health promotion program in a Norwegian region with poor public health profile: a non-randomized controlled study in early adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(3), 896.
  2. Bottolfs M, Støa EM, Reinboth MS, Svendsen MV, Schmidt, S. K., Oellinggrath I, Bratland-Sanda S (2020). Resilience and Lifestyle-related Factors as Predictors for Health-Related Quality of Life among Early Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of International Medical Research, 48(2), 300060520903656–300060520903656.
  3. Schmidt, S. K., Hemmestad L, MacDonald C, Langberg H & Valentiner LS. (2020). Motivation and Barriers to Maintaining Lifestyle Changes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes after an Intensive Lifestyle Intervention (The U-TURN Trial): A Longitudinal Qualitative Study (2020). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(20), 1–16.
  4. Schmidt, S. K., Bryne J, Barker M. (2022). “…the thought that I could flip and die today made me feel anxious”: A study of the experienced emotions of novice white-water kayakers (2022). Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education 6(1), 51-75.
  5. Schmidt, S. K., Bratland-Sanda S, Bongaardt R. (2022). Young adolescents lived experience with teacher-led classroom-based physical activity: A phenomenological study (2022). Teaching and Teacher Education, 116,
  6. Schmidt, S. K., Bratland-Sanda, S., Bongaardt, R. (2022). Secondary school teachers’ experiences with classroom-based physically active learning: “I'm excited, but it's really hard” (2022). Teaching and Teacher Education, 116,
  7. Bratland-Sanda S, Schmidt, S. K., Reinboth M, Vrabel K (2022). Under pressure to exercise: a cross-sectional study of characteristics and predictors of compulsive exercise in early adolescents. Journal of Eating Disorders.



  1. Bratland-Sanda, S., Schmidt, S. K., Karlsen, M. L., Bottolfs, M., Grønningsæter, H., Reinboth, M. (2020). Liv og rører i Telemark – sluttrapport. USN Open Archive.
  2. Bratland- Sanda S., Krane V., Trangsrud L., K. Schmidt, S. K. (2023). Liv og røre i videregående oppæring. Slutrapport fra pilotprosjekt med Kragerø videregående skole. Universitetet i Sørøst Norge.


Annen skriftlig produksjon

Abstracts med poster på vitenskapelige konferanser:

  1. Bratland-Sanda S, Schmidt, S. K., Bergsgard N. A., Tangen, J. O., Telseth, F., Reinboth, M. Training technology in early adolescents. The 16th European Association for the Sociology of Sports Conference, Bø i Telemark 2019.
  2. Bratland-Sanda S, Schmidt, S. K., Reinboth M. Increased school-based physical activity improves cardiorespiratory fitness but not overall physical activity level and sedentary time in 8th grade adolescents. ECSS Prague 2019.
  3. Bratland-Sanda S, Schmidt, S. K., Reinboth M. Compulsive Exercise and Physical Activity Among Early Adolescents. American College of Sports Medicine 67th Annual Meeting, 11th World Congress on Exercise is Medicine and the World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise in Regenerative Medicine 2020.
  4. Bratland-Sanda S, Schmidt, S. K., Reinboth M. Predictors for the teachers' likelihood of continuing with physically active learning in secondary schools. American College of Sports Medicine 69th Annual Meeting, 13th World Congress on Exercise is Medicine and the World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise in Regenerative Medicine 2022.
  5. Bottolfs, M., Schmidt, S. K., Oellingrath, I. M., Svendsen, M. V., Bratland-Sanda, S. Secondary school canteens’ adherence to national guidelines for school-based nutrition have little short-term impact on adolescents’ dietary behavior: A non-randomized experimental study. Conference on School Meals in Bergen 2022.
  6. Bratland-Sanda, S., Schmidt, S, K., & Reinboth, M. (2022). Implementing Physically Active Learning In Secondary Schools: Teachers’ Adherence And Motivation: 904. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 54(9S), 220-221.
  7. Krane, V., Trangsrud, L. K. J., Schmidt, S. K., Bratland-Sanda, S. (2023) Student involvement in implementation and evaluation of a school-based health promotion program in upper secondary school: A participatory research approach. 17th World Congress on Public Health. Roma 2 -6 may 2023.
  8. Bratland-Sanda S., Trangsrud, L. K. J., Schmidt, S. K., Krane, V. (2023). Brukerinvolvering i implementering og evaluering av helsefremmende program på yrkesfag: erfaringer med elevpanel fra et pilotprosjekt ved Kragerø videregående skole. Folkehelse konferansen, Tromsø 21-22 september 2023



Foredrag på konferanser og seminar:

  1. Schmidt, S. K., Tofthagen, F., Ruud, A., and Bratland-Sanda, S. Physically active learning as a way to move body and knowledge in secondary school students? European College of Sports Science, 27th Annual Congress Sevilla, Aug 31 – Sep 2, 2022. Oral presentation.
  2. Schmidt, S. K., Reinboth, M., Bratland-Sanda, S. Changes in physical activity, physical fitness and well-being following a school-based health promotion program. American College of Sports Medicine 67th Annual Meeting, 11th World Congress on Exercise is Medicine and the World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise in Regenerative Medicine, San Francisco 26.-30.05.2020 - cancelled due to COVID-19, replaced by a virtual poster presentation.
  3. Bratland-Sanda, S., Schmidt, S. K. Præsentation af Liv og røre i Telemark – sluttrapport. Seminar for Telemark og Vestfold fylkeskommune afdeling for helse, samt projektledere i kommunerne. Digitalt. 10.12.2020.
  4. Bratland-Sanda, S., Schmidt, S.K. Jenter, fysisk aktivitet og helse! Resultater fra ”Liv og rører i Telemark”. Ressurslærersamling ved Høgskolen på Vestllandet (HVL) Senter for Fysisk Aktiv Læring (SEFAL). 26.02.2020.
  5. Schmidt, S. K., Bongaardt, R., Bratland-Sanda, S. (2022). Classroom-based physical activity as a means to promote health, well-being and learning in school. Activate International Conference, Bergen 21-22 nov, 2022.
  6. Schmidt, S. K. (2023). (U)muligheter for integrering av fysisk aktivitet i undervisning. HELP konferansen, USN Porsgrunn 22 nov, 2023.
  7. Reinboth, M., Schmidt, S. K., Jonskaas, C., Grønningsæter, H., Karlsen, M., Bottolfs, M., Bratland-Sanda, S. (2024). What motivates secondary school teachers to continue to use classroom-based physical activity? A self-determination theory approach. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, 9(2):e000246,




  1. Bratland-Sanda, S., Schmidt, S. K. Lite aktiv hjemmeskole? Prøv mattebowling og glosestafett! Daglig fysisk aktivitet på hjemmeskolen kan gagne barnas læring og bedre familiens fysiske form., 24.03.20.
  2. Bratland-Sanda, S., Bottolfs, M., Schmidt, S. K., Støa, E., Reinboth, M. S., Svendsen, M. V., Oellingrath IM. Hver fjerde 8. klassing har søvnproblemer – Hvordan påvirker livsstil 8. klassingers livskvalitet? Ny forskning viser at søvn er viktigere enn det meste. Harvest, 15.09.20.