Peter Lindelöf

USN Handelshøyskolen
Institutt for industriell økonomi, strategi og statsvitenskap
Campus Kongsberg (5355)
Professor of entrepreneurship and innovation. Professor Peter Lindelöf has been at the forefront to produce excellent, innovative research. His work on entrepreneurship and innovation has given him a distinguished reputation. Leading academic societies has identified him as a world leading technology and innovation management scholar. After gaining his PhD from the University of Göteborg, in 2001, Peter was awarded the IMIT scholarship as a promising researcher. The dissertation was about science parks (incubators) as an entrepreneurial milieu, conceptualizing the entrepreneurial ecosystem model. In 2003 Peter was appointed Senior Lecturer at Nottingham University, business school, a world leading institution within the fields of entrepreneurship and innovation. He was promoted to Associate professor/Reader in 2005 and declared competent as professor in 2007. Peter holds the position as Professor and Chair in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the School of Business at USN. He has an extensive experience in research and project leadership with in the fields of entrepreneurship, organization and management, innovation and technology management, strategy, technology policy and strategic performance measurement. This includes research for National governments, OECD, European commission as well as regional actors. Peters work provides a useful link between entrepreneurship, innovation and business strategy/organization as well as governance policy. His work is encouraging further understanding and development of theory as well as practical policy implications. His commitment to engaged scholarship is evidenced by active participation in both academic and practice communities. Peter is an active reviewer in leading journals as for example Technovation, Small Business Economics, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development and Research Policy. Peter has well over 15 years of teaching experience and on entrepreneurship, innovation, technology management, organization and overlapping subjects. He has continuously contributed to undergraduate and postgraduate education of both research-led and methodological in nature. Member of CISOM-research group




  • Lindelöf, P., (2002), Teknik- och Forskningsparker som Entreprenöriell miljö, (translated title in English: Science parks as an Entrepreneurial milieu), School of Economics and Commercial Law at Göteborg University (dissertation),  (337 pages).

International journals (peer-reviewed)

  • Lindelöf, P. & Hellberg, R., (2023), Incubation - an evolutionary process. Technovation, (124),
  • Lindelöf, P., (2011), Differences in ownership rights for intellectual property developed at universities and its implications for organization of commercialization of innovations from Universities – Comparative Data from Sweden and the United Kingdom, International Journal of Innovation Management, 15(5), 1069-1092.
  • Aaboen, L., Lindelöf, P., &  Löfsten, H., 2008, Towards incubator facilitation of technology transfer.  International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 5(3), 331 – 355.
  • Aaboen, L., Lindelöf, P., & Löfsten, H., 2008 .Incubator performance:  An efficiency frontier analysis, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 2(4), 355 – 380.
  • Aaboen, L., Lindelöf, P., &  Löfsten, H., 2008, Critical dimensions for technology transfer Incubator-facilitated links between finance, academia and NTBFs. International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 5(3), 356 – 373.
  • Dettwiler, P., Lindelöf, P., & Löfsten, H., (2007), “Business environment and property management issues - a study of growth firms in Sweden”. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 8(3),  pp, 120 – 133.
  • Aaboen, L., Lindelöf, P., von Koch, C., & Löfsten, H.., (2006), Corporate governance and performance of small high-tech firms in Sweden. Technovation, 26(8), pp 995 – 968.
  • Dettwiler, P., Lindelöf, P., & Löfsten, H., (2006), Utility of location: A comparative survey between small new technology-based firms located on and of science parks – Implications for Facilities Management.  Technovation, 26(4), pp 506 – 517.
  • Lindelöf, P., & Löfsten, H., (2006) Environmental hostility and firm behaviour – an empirical examination of new technology-based firms on Science Parks,  Journal of Small Business Management, 44(3), 386 - 406.
  • Lindelöf, P., & Löfsten, H., (2006), “Importance of management accounting in new technology-based firms in Sweden – analysis of environmental and strategic variables”. International Journal of Business Environment, 1(2), pp. 137-161.
  • Lindelöf, P., & Löfsten, H., (2006), “Science Park effects in Sweden –  dimensions critical for firm growth”, Accepted in International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM-LFS-AS-157) but published  in International Journal of Public Policy, 1(4), pp. 451-475.
  • Löfsten, H., & Lindelöf, P., (2005) R&D networks and product innovation patterns of academic and non-academic new technology-based firms on Science Parks. Technovation, 25(9). 1020 – 1038. (direct accept)
  • Löfsten, H., & Lindelöf, P., (2005), “Environmental hostility, strategic orientation and the importance of management accounting - empirical analysis of new technology-based firms”. Technovation, 25(7), 725 - 738. (direct accept)
  • Lindelöf, P., & Löfsten, H., (2005) ”Academic versus new technology-based firms in Swedish science parks: an analysis of performance, business networks and financing”, International Journal of Technology Management, 31(3/4), pp. 334 – 357.
  • Lindelöf, P., & Löfsten, H., (2004), “Proximity as a Resource Base for Competitive Advantage – University–Industry Links for Technology Transfer”, Journal of Technology Transfer (special issue). 29, pp. 311-326.
  • Lindelöf, P., & Löfsten, H., (2003),  ”Science Park location and new technology-based firms in Sweden – implications for strategy and  performance”,  Small Business Economics, 20(3), pp. 245-258.
  • Löfsten, H., & Lindelöf, P, (2003), ”Determinants for an entrepreneurial milieu – Science Parks and business policy in growing firms”,  Technovation, 23(1),  pp. 51-64. (direct accept)
  • Lindelöf, P., & Löfsten, H., (2002),  ”Growth, management and financing of new technology-based firms  -  assessing value-added contributions of firms located on and off Science Parks”, OMEGA  International Journal of Management Science, 30(3), pp.143 -154. (direct accept)
  • Löfsten, H., & Lindelöf, P., (2002), ”Science Parks and the growth of new-technology-based firms – academic-industry links, innovation and markets”, Research Policy, 31(6), pp. 859-876.
  • Löfsten, H., & Lindelöf, P., (2001),  "Science Parks in Sweden - Industrial renewal and development?" R&D Management, 31(3), pp. 309-322.

Book chapters/Part of an anthology

  • Lindelöf, P., Sønju Le Bruyn, E., & Hovland Honerud, J., (2022),  “Comparative longitudinal analysis of the evolvement of the university technology transfer ecosystem in Sweden and the United Kingdom – policy, system- and organisational design”, Proceedings on the 2022 ISPIM innovation conference: The role of innovation: Past, Present and the Future ISBN: 978-952-65069-1-3, ISPIM Lappeenranta University of Technology Press Conference proceedings, Series - LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications.
  • Lindelöf, P., & Hellberg, R., 2021, “Stages of incubation- A systematic review of incubation research”, Proceedings on the 2021 ISPIM innovation conference : Innovating our common future ISBN: 9789523354678, ISPIM Lappeenranta University of Technology Press
  • Lindelöf (2018), “Differences in ownership rights for intellectual property developed at universities and its implications for organization of commercialization of innovations from Universities – Comparative Data from Sweden and the United Kingdom”, on university technology transfer has been selected for inclusion in the follow allegory (book) –  "Exploiting Intellectual Property to Promote Innovation and Create Value." (Eds.) Tidd, J., Series on Technology Management, pp. 22 – 58, Ch 2, Series editor: Tidd, J., and Bessant, J.R., Vol 29. World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd, London (2018). Previously published in International Journal of Innovation Management, 15(5), 1069-1092., 2011. 
  • Lindelöf, P. & Löfsten, H. (2005), Science Park Location and New Technology-Based Firms in Sweden: Implications for Strategy and Performance, previously published in Small Business Economics, 20(3), pp. 245-58, new (2006) – chapter 16 in Technological Entrepreneurship: Institutions and Agents Involved in University Technology Transfer (Editor: Donald S. Siegel). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Vol xx. The International Library of Entrepreneurship, Series Editor: David Audretsch.

Conference proceedings (peer-reviewed/dubble blind)

  • Lindelöf, P & Hellberg, R., University Technology Transfer Ecosystem, a Longitudinal Analysis, R&D Management in Stockholm, Sweden. 17-19 June 2024.

  • Lindelöf, P & Opsahl, A., Entrepreneurial Ecosystems' Influence on Board Structures in SMEs. XXXV ISPIM Innovation Conference, Tallinn, Estonia 09 June to 12 June 2024. ISBN 978-952-65069-6-8.

  • Lindelöf, P., 2023. The importance of geographical proximity for firm-university innovation networks: Evidence from China and Sweden, ISPIM Connects Salzburg – The Sound of Innovation, on 11-13 December 2023. Event Proceedings: LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications: ISBN 978-952-65069-4-4 (peer reviewed).
  • Lindelöf, P., Sønju Le Bruyn, E., & Hovland Honerud, J., (2022) “Comparative longitudinal analysis of the evolvement of the university technology transfer ecosystem in Sweden and the United Kingdom – policy, system- and organisational design”, The ISPIM Connects Athens – The Role of Innovation: Past, Present, Future, on 28-30 November 2022. Event Proceedings: LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications: ISBN 978-952-65069-1-3 (peer-revieed).

  • Lindelöf, P., & Hellberg, R., (2021), “Stages of incubation- A systematic review of incubation research”, The ISPIM Innovation Conference – Innovating Our Common Future, Berlin, Germany on 20–23 June 2021. Event Proceedings: LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications: ISBN 978-952-335-467-8 (peer-revieed).

  • Lindelöf, P., Velvin, J., Solem, B. A., Brekke, T., & Branstad, A., Applied Autonomy Systems Summit 2018, Nov 6 – 8,  University of South-Eastern Norway, Kongsberg, Norway, Community embeddedness, co-creation for developing business models in automation industry, (peer-revieed).

  • Lindelöf, P., Technology Transfer Society, November 2 – 4, 2017, University of Albany - SUNY, NY, USA, Title of the symposium: Communities, Embedded Networks and innovations (peer-revieed).
  • Technology Transfer Society, September 10 – 11, 2011, University of Augustburg, Bavaria, Germany, Title of the symposium: Academic Entrepreneurship, Market Innovation patters between CSOs and USOs located on  Science Parks (peer-revieed).
  • Technology Transfer Society, October 2 – 3, 2009, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA.: Title of the symposium: Academic Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial orientation, context specific effects  as an explanation for performance of small high-tech firms and incubator efficiency – Evidence from Sweden (peer-reviewed).
  • Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference – BCERC 2009, June 3 – 9, Babson College, MA, USA, Control/Tracking Number: 09-A-183-BCERC: Small Business Start-up Motives, Human Capital and Demographics – The Case of the municipality of Eskilstuna as an Entrepreneurial Environment (peer-reviewed).
  • Technology Transfer Society, October 17 – 18, 2008, Albany, NY, USA.: Title of the symposium: Entrepreneurship and innovation clusters, Lindelöf, P., Institutional context, Intellectual Property Rights and implications for organization of University Technology transfer Activities – Comparative Data from Sweden and the United Kingdom (peer-reviewed).
  • Academy of Management conference, August 5-10, 2005 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: Title of Symposium: Entrepreneurial Universities and Academic Entrepreneurship in Spin-offs: Lindelöf, P., (2005), Linkages between proximity, R&D networks, technology transfer and technological innovation (peer-reviewed).
  • Lindelöf, P., Science parks – a dynamic approach, Conference, Digital communities, KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, June 15-18, (2003).
  • Lindelöf, P., Science and Technology Parks (Incubators) Influence on (small) New Technology Based Firms (NTBF) Growth and Profitability. Conference, 10th Nordic Conference on Small Business Research, Växjö, Sweden. (1998).

Published reports and other reports

  •  Lindelöf, P., 2024, Supporting start-ups and scale-ups in industrial ecosystems through incubation and acceleration. Report to the OECD’s Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities (CFE)/ European Commission Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM).

  • Lindelöf, P., (2019), ITM-Master final report for application and external review

  • Lindelöf, P., (2018), Steering report for integrating the ITM-master, innovationslofte-partnership program – student incubator. USN-internal report.

  • Lindelöf, P., Le Bruyn Goldeng, E., and Hellberg, R., (2018), Steering document for developing the ITM-master, USN-internal report.
  • Löfsten, H., Lindelöf, P., & Aaboen, L., (2006), Inkubatorer i Sverige – analys av Indikator- dimensioner och nyttoeffektivitet, VINNOVA-rapportserie (157 p.).
  • Lindelöf, P., (2006), Incubators in developing countries – a tool for economic and social progress?, University of Nottingham, working paper.
  • Lindelöf, P., & von Koch, C., (2006), Corporate Governance of Small High Tech firms in the Baltic region, working paper. University of Nottingham and University of Karlstad.
  • EU/STEP research report  – EU research project acronym, INDICOM: Direct indicators for the Commercialisation of Technology: 2005: Direct Indicators for the Commercialization of Research and Technology Policy Implications, Moray, N., Clarysse, B., Fier, A., Heneric, O.,  Rammer, C., Sofka, W., Wright, M., Lockett, A., Mustar, P., Papanek, G., Perényi, A., Lindelöf, P., Lundberg, M., Cesaroni, F.,   Piccaluga, A.,  Vlerick Business school.
  • EU/STEP research report  – EU research project acronym, INDICOM: Direct indicators for the Commercialisation of Technology: 2004, Company specific report. Moray, N., Clarysse, B., Fier, A., Heneric, O.,  Rammer, C., Sofka, W., Wright, M., Lockett, A., Mustar, P., Papanek, G., Perényi, A., Lindelöf, P., Lundberg, M., Cesaroni, F.,   Piccaluga, A.,  Vlerick Business school, (891p.)
  • EU/STEP research report  – EU research project acronym, INDICOM: Direct indicators for the Commercialisation of Technology: 2004, Country Specific Reports. Moray, N., Clarysse, B., Fier, A., Heneric, O.,  Rammer, C., Sofka, W., Wright, M., Lockett, A., Mustar, P., Papanek, G., Perényi, A., Lindelöf, P., Lundberg, M., Cesaroni, F.,   Piccaluga, A.,  Vlerick Business school.

  • Lindelöf, P., & Löfsten, H., (2005), Teori och metod för val av indikatorer för analys av inkubatorers effektivitet, VINNOVA-rapportserie (VR 2005:02) (70 p).
  • Lindelöf, P., & Löfsten, H., (2004), Teori och metod för val av indikatorer för analys av inkubatorers effectivitet, IMIT WP 04:138 (70 p).
  • Lindelöf, P., & Löfsten, H., (2004), Nya teknikbaserade företags kompetensförsörjning - Corporate governance, strategier, flexibilitet och prestation. IMIT (Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology), Chalmers tekniska högskola, Göteborg.
  • Lindelöf, P., & Löfsten, H., (2003), Teknik- och forskningsparker och entreprenörskap – en longitudinell studie om inkubatorsystemet i Sverige. IMIT (Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology), Chalmers tekniska högskola, Göteborg.
  • Lindelöf, P., (2001), Internationalization of NTBFs, a further challenge to stage theories, paper presented at Stanford university, Ca, USA , Göteborg.
  • Lindelöf, P., Vahlne, J-E., (2000), Entreprenörskap vid HGU – tidiga tankar om ett satsningsområde, Working paper, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, HGU.
  • Lindelöf, P., & Löfsten, H., (1999), Teknik- och Forskningsparker, Industriell förnyelse och utveckling, IMIT WP 99:108 (84 p).
  • Lindelöf, P., (1996), Teknik- och forskningsparkers som entreprenöriell miljö och verktyg för strukturomvandling, I Behre, M., von Koch, C., and Lindelöf, P., Forskningsprogram för att studera strukturomvandling av Svensk näringsliv. HGU (140p.)
  • Lindelöf, P., (1996), "Teoretiska och praktiska utgångspunkter för att studera tillväxt i företag", Working paper, Företagsekonomiska institutionen/PWC, HGU (86 p).
  • Lindelöf, P., (1996), ”Avskaffande av den skattefria handelns förväntade verkan på transportindustrin och konsekvenser för svensk industri och handel.”, VTS (93 p).

Working papers

  •  Institutional trajectories in organising of technology transfer, and their consequences.
  •  Entrepreneurial characteristics, Start-up Motives and what it says about a Regional Context as an Entrepreneurial Milieu.
  • Entrepreneurial orientation as an explanation for context specific performance of small high-technological firms located in a science park– Evidence from Sweden.
  •  Institutions, environment and the organisation of entrepreneurship: Re-thinking the approach to understand the inner dynamics of regional innovation systems.