Per Strömberg

USN Handelshøyskolen
Institutt for økonomi og IT
Campus Bø
PhD Per Strömberg, Ass. Prof. in tourism studies at University of South-Eastern Norway since 2012, with focus areas within sustainability studies and tourism. Originally architecture historian from Uppsala University, Sweden.


  • Course teaching: Sustainability marketing (MA); Sustainability marketing and circular economy (BA); Experience design and marketing aesthetics (BA). 
  • Coordinator for 1y exchange programme International tourism and sustainability marketing at Campus Bø, USN.
  • Norwegian part of the NordPlus-related NordBiz-network and the intensive joint course on circular economy.


Key words of competence and research areas (in alphabetic order)

Applied sciences; Attraction & destination development; Architecture studies; Art history; Crea-tive industries; Cultural heritage studies; Destination design; Fashion Studies; Visual culture stud-ies; Post-industrial heritage; Tourism studies; Urban studies.


Academic exams

(2007) PhD in Art History at the Department of Art History, Uppsala University (SE). Title of thesis: Upplevelseindustrins turistmiljöer – Visuella berättarstrategier i svenska turistan-läggningar 1985-2005 (English title: Tourist Environments in the Era of the Experience Economy – Strategies of Visualised Narrative in Swedish Resorts 1985-2005). Oppo-nent: Orvar Löfgren, Professor in Ethnography at Lund University.

(2000) Ph.M (MA) in art history and cultural studies at the Department of Art History, Uppsala University (SE). Specialization: Art history (main subject); Ethnography (sec-ond subject); applied cultural studies.

(1997) ERASMUS-exchange year at the Department of Art history and Archeology at Paris IV-Sorbonne, France.

Pedagogical education and teacher training

(2021) Course in PhD-supervision for university teachers at University of South-Eastern Norway. 2021.

(2020) Course in pedagogy for university teachers in digital learning at University of South-Eastern Norway. Fall 2020. (10 ECTS)

(2019) Management course for study program coordinators at University of South-East-ern Norway.

(2005) Course in basic pedagogy for university teachers at Uppsala University. (4 weeks)

(2004-5) Course in gender theoretical pedagogy for university teachers at Uppsala Univer-sity.

Work experiences

(2012-) Associate Professor in Tourism Studies, Dep. of Economics and Informatics at Telemark University College, Norway. Responsible for the courses: Sustainable Tourism; Experience and Attraction Development.

(2018-19) Coordinator for BA in Marketing and Tourism

(2014-15) Senior researcher fellow for the project “Cultural Economy of Reuse” (Återbrukets kulturella ekonomi) at Uppsala University. Supported by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).

(2013-16) Project leader for an exchange program with Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RSUTS): ‘Education in the Field of Sustainable Tourism Development in Russia’

(2012) Associate Professor in Experience Economy, Center for Experience Economy, BI Norwegian Business School. Temporary position, 1st of March – 30th of June.

(2009-12) Postdoc in Experience Economy, Center for Experience Economy, BI Norwegian Business School. Responsible for course development and teaching: ”Experience Economy” and ”Tourism and experiences”.

(2008-09) Project leader and coordinator and for the BA in Tourism and Experience Management. Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway. Responsible for course development and teaching: “Tourism geography” and “Activity- and experience-based tourism”.

(2008-09) Senior researcher at the Department for creative industries, Agder Research, Kristian-sand. Leader for a project for regional development of film-induced tourism and for a pre-study related to the Norwegian culture politics through a regional perspective

(1999-07) Museum teacher in chief (supervisor of the guide staff) at Gripsholm castle, and museum teacher at series of castles, palaces and museums in Stockholm: The Royal Armoury; Prins Eugen’s Waldemarsudde, The Army Museum, Drottningholm Palace, Tullgarn Palace, the open-air museum of Skansen. Guiding and teaching to groups of tourists as well as children and upper-/secondary schools.

(1996-97) Museum teacher/guide at the Textile Archives in Sollefteå during the summer sea-son.

Leave of absence

2020 Parental leave 5 month (Jan 1-May 31)
2017 Parental leave 4 month (Jan 1-April 27)



(2007) Upplevelseindustrins turistmiljöer: visuella berättarstrategier i svenska turistanläggningar 1985-2005. [English title: Tourist Environments in the Era of the Experience Economy] diss. Uppsala: Konstvetenskapliga institutionen. Uppsala universitet; Uppsala: Fronton Förlag.

Peer-reviewed articles

(2019) Återbruk av det industriella kulturarvet i kulturarvsindustrin. Ett landsbygdsperspektiv. Tidsskrift for kulturforskning. Vol. 18, nr. 2. p. 13-34.

(2019) Industrial Chic: Fashion Shows in Readymade Spaces. Fashion Theory. Vol. 23. Issue 1. pp. 25-56. Published at 19 Oct 2017.

(2018) Meat and Creativity. Adaptive Reuse of Slaughterhouses & Meatpacking Districts. Nor-dic Journal of Architectural Research. Issue no 2. Vol. 30. pp: 65-98.

(2016) Developing Film-Induced Tourism Heritage Tourism in Scandinavia. The Case of Yo-han – The Child Wanderer. Ed. Bom, Anne Klara. Scandinavica. An International Journal of Scandinavian Studies. Vol. 55. No 1, pp. 66-90. NSD: 1.

(2015) (with Trotsenko, Alexandra V.) The Concept of Skansen: Origins and Stages of Devel-opment. Service & Tourism: Current Challenges. 2015:4, pp. 5-11.

(2015) Theming. Entry in: (eds.) D. T. Cook & J. M. Ryan. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. pp. 545-549.

(2011) Destinationsdesign – iscensatta fjällbyupplevelser, In: (ed.) Jahn Thon, Hvem eier byen? Tekst, plan, historie, Kristiansand: Novus. pp. 159-174.

(2010) Swedish Military Bases of the Cold War: The Making of a New Cultural Heritage. Culture Unbound. Volume 2.

(2010) Att brännmärka en julbock. Gävlebocken som city brand. Kulturella Perspektiv. No 4.


(2020) Industrial Chic: Fashion Shows in Ready-made Spaces. In: Tiziana Ferrero-Regis & Marissa Lindquist (eds.) Staging Fashion. The Fashion Show and Its Spaces. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. Forthcoming, to be published 12-10-2020.

(2017) Creative Destruction or Destructive Creativity? Negotiating the Heritage of the Cold War in the Experience Economy. In: The 6th Baltic Sea Region Cultural Heritage Forum: From Postwar to Postmodern. (ed.) Maria Rossipal. Stockholm: Riksantikvarieämbetet. 7 pages. pp. 106-112.

(2016) Et in Chronotopia Ego. Main Street Architecture as a Rhetorical Device in Theme Parks and Outlet Villages. In: Scott A. Lukas (ed.) A reader in Themed and Immersive Spaces. Carnegie Mellon: ETC Press, pp. 83-93.

(2016) Destinasjonsdesign. Design og arkitektur som verktøy i destinasjonsutvikling. In: Vi-ken, Arvid (red.) Turisme. Destinasjonsutvikling. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk, pp. 123-138.

(2013) Funky Bunkers. The Post-Military Landscape as a Readymade Space and a Cultural Playground. In: (eds.) Gary A. Boyd and Denis Linehan. Ordnance: War +Architecture & Space. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company. pp. 67-81.

(2011) Based on a true story. Filmen Yohan – Barnevandrer och sörländsk filmturism i jämförelse med svenska berättelsedestinationer. In: (red.) B. E. Johnsen & K. Pabst Formidling: bruk og misbruk av historie: Agderseminaret 2010. Kristiansand: Høyskoleforlaget.

(2011) Funky Bunkers. Konsten att göra Kalla kriget coolt. In: (red.) Andreas Linderoth Kriget som aldrig kom: 12 forskare om kalla kriget. Karlskrona: Marinmuseum. pp. 193-209.

(2009) Astrid Lindgrens upplevelselandskap: där sagor blir verklighet och där verkligheten blir till sagor”. In: Astrid Lindgrens Landskap. Stockholm: Vitterhetsakademien. pp. 127-134. 

(2009) Arctic Cool. Icehotel and the Branding of Nature. In: (red. Hansson, Heidi & Norberg, Cathrine) Cold Matters: Cultural Perceptions of Snow, Ice and Cold. Northern Studies Mono-graphs. Umeå: Umeå university and the Royal Skyttean Society.

(2007) Upplevelsekoncept i turistmiljöer. In: (red.) Jörgen Elbe & Magnus Bohlin Utveckla Destinationer. Ett svenskt perspektiv. Uppsala: Uppsala Publishing House/Konsultförlaget. pp. 162-174.

Other scientific articles

(2009) Destinationsdesign – förstärkta fjällupplevelser. Arkitektur – the Swedish Review of Archi-tecture. No 3. pp. 14-19.

(2007) Kommersens upplevelselandskap – butiksbyar med överskottsförsäljning i fokus. Plan: tidskrift för planering av landsbygd och tätorter. No 4. pp. 23-28.

Other scientific works

(2017) Arkitekturpärlor i Sollefteå In: Sollefteå 100 år. Sollefteå: Sollefteå kommun. pp. 54-58.
(2009) Kalla krigets försvarsanläggningar – kulturarv, turistmål och upplevelserum, Kristiansand.
(2008) Fremtidskapselen. Fra vugge til grav. A foresight report, together with Sarah Holst Kjær and Jon O. Pedersen. Agderforskning ref. 28/2008.
(2008) Yohan-barnevandreren. Hvordan kan en familiefilm skape grunnlaget for ny næringsutvikling i Ag-derfylkene? (Agderforskning ref. 27/2008).
(2005) Genusproblematiken i pedagogiken – Vad gör vi? En genusinventering på Konstvetenskapliga institutionen, Uppsala universitet. Pedagogical investigation. Department of Art History. Uppsala University.
(2001) Arkitektur i Sollefteå, Sollefteå: Sollefteå kommun.
(1996) Från lärtskjorta till blåkrage – en uppsats om båtsmännens beklädnad och uniform. Västernorrlänningen.Vol 57. Sollefteå: Västernorrlands regemetes kamratförning. pp.24-36.

Not published

(2012) Att levandegöra kulturarvet med digital teknologi. Ett designorienterat perspektiv på befästningsmuseer med IKON-projektet som fallstudie. Interreg. III. KASK IKON.


(2010) Lifestyle Hotels, Ethnologia Scandinavica, Vol 40, s. 127-130.
(2010) Maria Strannegård: Hotell Speciell: livsstilskonsumtion på känslornas marknad. Rig, nr 1, s. 33-36.

(2011) Ombrukets goder og dilemmaer. Fædrelandsvennen, den 28 juni 2011.