Paul Thomas

Fakultet for humaniora, idretts- og utdanningsvitenskap
Institutt for pedagogikk
Campus Drammen (4220)
Jeg har en doktorgrad i utdanning fra King's College London, tildelt i 2012, med fokus på debatten om skapelse-evolusjon sett fra et islamsk perspektiv. Under veiledning av Dr. L. Philip Barnes, emeritus Reader (Leser) i religiøs og teologisk utdanning, og Professor Alister McGrath, tidligere Andreas Idreos-professor i vitenskap og religion ved Universitetet i Oxford, kjent for sine bidrag til dialogen mellom vitenskap og tro, utførte jeg forskning som utforsket krysningen mellom religion, vitenskap og utdanning.


  • Mine primære undervisningsansvar er forankret i den omfattende femårige lærerkvalifiseringsmesterprogrammet i Norge. Sentralt i dette programmet er utforskningen av ulike læringsteorier og dykk ned i de grunnleggende prinsippene som ligger til grunn for effektiv pedagogikk. Oppmerksomheten er viet til å adressere atferdsutfordringer i klasseromsmiljøet, og utruste lærere med strategier og ferdigheter som er nødvendige for å håndtere og støtte elever med ulike behov. Interkulturell og flerkulturell ekspertise er også vevd gjennom læreplanen, som forbereder lærere til å navigere kompleksiteten i dagens stadig mer mangfoldige klasserom med følsomhet og dyktighet. Praktisk erfaring oppnås gjennom veiledede praksisplasseringer, som gir studenter uvurderlige muligheter til å anvende teoretisk kunnskap i virkelige undervisningssituasjoner under veiledning av erfarne veiledere. I tillegg rustes studenter med essensielle forskningsmetoder, som gir dem mulighet til å kritisk vurdere pedagogiske praksiser og bidra til kontinuerlige fremskritt på feltet. Denne helhetlige tilnærmingen sikrer at kandidatene kommer ut som velfunderte og kapable pedagoger klare til å gjøre en meningsfull innvirkning på sine elevers liv.
  • I tillegg til mine primære undervisningsoppgaver, fungerer jeg som veileder og sensor for master/PhD studenter fra ulike regioner i Norge og utenfor. Videre engasjerer jeg meg aktivt i fagfellevurderingsaktiviteter for anerkjente akademiske tidsskrifter, inkludert men ikke begrenset til Cambridge Journal of Education, Whiteness and Education, Education in the North, Cogent Social Sciences, Social Compass og International Review of Sociology of Religion.
  • Videre leder jeg forskningsgruppen "Minoriteter og utdanning", der vi aktivt forfølger vitenskapelige undersøkelser av relevante spørsmål knyttet til utdanning og mangfold. Vårt nyeste prosjekt involverer publikasjonen av boken "Racism and Education: 400 Years of Black Lives in Norway" (Thomas, P, Alhassan, A.R.A & Hoff, J. (2024)), som har fått positiv mottakelse. For øyeblikket gjennomgår boken en grundig fagfellevurdering hos Manchester University Press (nivå 2/Sikt).
  • I tillegg deler vi av og til vår forskning og ekspertise gjennom ulike medieplattformer, og på denne måten håper å bidra aktivt til å forme diskursen om relevante emner.


Thomas , P. (2024). Too Black to Be Here? Exploring Racism in Norway through Four Critical Case Studies. Open access book. Emerald Group Publishing. In press. 

Thomas, P. (2024). A Somali-Norwegian Saga: My Journey from Refugee to Cab Driver to Professor. Open access book. Can be downloaded for free from Walter de Gruyter.   

Strandberg, Lotta & Thomas, Paul. (2024). “Decolonising teacher education”: A case study at a Norwegian University. Education in the North

Thomas, Paul & Von Hof, Jocelyne (2024). Norway's Involvement in the Transatlantic Slave Trade: A discourse analysis of media coverage and implications for education. Cogent Social Sciences (Taylor & Francis). 

Thomas, P., A.R.K Alhassan., A.O. Ali. (2023). ‘Seeing Whiteness’ in Norwegian education: Challenging a discourse of silence. Whiteness and Education (Taylor & Francis Online).

Thomas, P. (2022). Doing Critical Pedagogy Together:  A case study in a Norwegian postgraduate program. Journal of Transformative Education. Sage Publications. Online first. May 2022. 

Thomas, Paul and Kuyini Alhassan, Abdul-Razak. "Challenging Antisemitism: A Pedagogical Approach in a Norwegian School" (Book chapter). Volume 4 Confronting Antisemitism from Perspectives of Philosophy and Social Sciences, edited by Armin Lange, Kerstin Mayerhofer, Dina Porat and Lawrence H. Schiffman, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2021, pp. 345-368. Level 2 publication (NSD). Part of the research group "Minorities and Education". 

Thomas, P. (2021). The discourse of international standard-setting: PISA tests and Norway, a critical discourse analysis. Education in the North, 28(2) pp. 6-23. 

Paul Thomas, Abdul-Razak Kuyini Alhassan & Anne Liv Kaarstad Lie (2020) Bunad, minorities and belonging in Norway, National Identities: Critical Inquiry into Nationahood, Politics & Culture (Routledge) DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2020.1851669. Part of the research group "Minorities and Education". 

Thomas, P. (2019). Delegitimizing Multicultural Education: Populist Politicians in Norway and the Weaponizing of the Autobiographical Genre. European Politics and Society (Routledge/Taylor & Francis/). Article DOI. 10.1080/23745118.2019.1683984. 

Thomas, P. (2019). Shadow Schools – Tamil Educational Success in Norway. Other Education: The journal of educational alternatives.

Thomas, P., Alhassan, A.R.K. (2019). Religious education, antisemitism and the curriculum in Norway. THEO WEB. Zeitschrift für Religionspädagogik. Academic Journal of Religious Education. The official publication organ of the German Association of Religious Education Scholars. Universität Wien 

Thomas, P., Hennum, Ø. (2019). School Absenteeism and the New Ten Percent Ruling in Norway: A Case Study. Power and Education (Sage Publications Ltd). Published Online first 31.05.2019. 

Thomas, P., Seehawer, M., & Fylkesnes, S. (2019). Arenas of empowerment? Case study of a ‘multicultural’ high school in Oslo, Norway. In Habib, S., & Ward, M. R. M. (2019). Youth, place and theories of belonging. BSA/Routledge: Sociological Futures Series. Level 2 (Cristin).

Thomas, P., & Skinstad van der Kooij, K. (November 2018). The history syllabus in post-genocide Rwanda: Implications for teacher education. ​Cogent Education. Taylor & Francis, 5(1). 

Thomas, P. (May 2018). Whose Vision 2020? The World Bank’s Development and Educational Discourse in Rwanda. Development Studies Research. Taylor & Francis. doi. 10.1080/21665095.2018.1469422.

Thomas, P. (2017). The Call for Muslim Schools in Norway: The Political Debate. Nordic Studies in Education, Vol. 37, 3-4, pp. 166-182. ISSN 1891-5914. Universitetsforlaget.  

Thomas, P., & Røthing, Å. (2017). Exploring feminism in a multicultural classroom: using Bend it Like Beckham as a tool in a high school class. Intercultural Education, 1-19. Level 2 article in CRistin /NSD.

Thomas, P. (2017). The portrayal of non-westerners in EFL textbooks in Norway. Cogent Education4(1), 1275411. 

Thomas, P. (2016). Norwegian-Somali parents who send their children to schools in Somalia. Cogent Education3(1), 1229520.

Thomas, P. (2016). Exploring Anti-Semitism in the Classroom: A Case Study Among Norwegian Adolescents from Minority Backgrounds. Journal of Jewish Education82(3), 182-207.

Thomas, P. (2016). “Papa, Am I a Negro?” The Vexed History of the Racial Epithet in Norwegian Print Media (1970–2014). Race and Social Problems8(3), 231-243.

Thomas, P., Changezi, S. H., & Enstad, M. (2016). Third space epistemologies: Ethnicity and belonging in an ‘immigrant’-dominated upper secondary school in Norway. Improving Schools19(3), 212-228.

Thomas, P., & Breidlid, A. (2015). In the shadow of ‘Anglobalization’: national tests in English in Norway and the making of a new English underclass. Journal of Multicultural Discourses10(3), 349-368.

Thomas, P. (2015). Managing Religion in a Global World: The United Nation's ruling against Norwegian Religious Education. Politics, Religion & Ideology16(2-3), 201-217.

Thomas, P., & Selimovic, A. (2015). “Sharia on a Plate?” A critical discourse analysis of halal food in two Norwegian newspapers. Journal of Islamic Marketing6(3), 331-353. Winner of the 2016 Emerald Literati Awards

Thomas, P. (2014). Deliver us from Literalism. In Christians and Evolution: Christian Scholars Change Their Mind. Ed. Berry, R.J. Oxford: Monarch.

Thomas, P. (2012). Religious education and the feminisation of witchcraft: A study of three secondary schools in Kumasi, Ghana. British Journal of Religious Education34(1), 67-86. Level 2 article in CRistin /NSD. 

Click here for Google Scholar list.

Popular science production: lectures, media etc.

Klassekampen. (27.05.2024). Redselen for et ord. 

Vårt Land. (06.08.2023). Elever kan ikke tvinges til vestlige idealer.

Aftenposten (08.08.2022). Fremmer eller hemmer Sjaman Durek kampen mot rasisme?

Romerikes Blad (05.15.2021). Evnen til å leve med forskjeller. 

(10.06.2020). Opinion piece. "Gjør Jesus svart igjen!". Vårt Land. 

(2020). Opinion piece entitled “Hvilke krefter får ungdom i Norge til å velge enten bunad eller nikab?". Aftenposten

(2018). Opinion piece "Bashe Musse svikter unge somaliere" (Bashe Musse lets down Somali youth) is published in Nettavisen and critiques a representative of the Somali community who I argue has been sending conflicting signals in the media about the integration of Somali youth. 

(2018). Speaker for the pedagogy panel (18-22 February 2018) for conference themed, "An End to Anti-Semitism" organized by The Institute for Jewish Studies at the University of Vienna. 

(2018). NrK Radio 22.04.2018. Ytring. Participant in the debate about Somali children who are sent to Quran schools in Somalia. 

(2017). “Koranskoler gir traumatisering” (Quran schools traumatize). Article in Utrop, Norway’s first multicultural newspaper. 

(2017). Interview with Nettavisen journalist, Thomas Paust. «Barn sendes på ‘koranskoler’ i Somalia : For dårlig disiplin i norske skoler». (Children sent to Quran schools in Somalia: poor discipline in Norwegian schools). 

(2017). Speaker: IPED seminar. University College of Southeast Norway. “Norwegian-Somali parents who send their children to schools in Somalia”. 15.12.17. Kongsberg, Norway.

(2016). One of two keynote speakers at a seminar arranged by The Norwegian Association of Religious Education Teachers (23 April 2016). Theme: Challenges in the classroom.

(2016). Aftenposten. «Vi trenger mer flerkulturell forståelse enn noensinne» (We need more multicultural understanding than ever before). 

(2014). Parents-Teachers pilot project at Hellerud high school, east Oslo (December 3, 2014). Responsible for one of two classrooms which comprised part of the ‘Parents-Teachers project’. The objective was to liaise closely with parents (for under 16 year old students) for a year and evaluate results on several indices.

(2013). Aftenposten. Er Norge et egoistisk land? Et svar til norgeskritiker Eshan Fadakar (Is Norway an egoistic country? A rejoinder to Eshan Fadakar). 

(2012). Dagsavisen. "Multikulturalisme - en menneskerett" (Multiculturalism – a human right».