Kjell Ivar Øvergård

Fakultet for helse- og sosialvitenskap
Institutt for helse-, sosial- og velferdsfag
Campus Vestfold (C2-61)
Professor in Work and Organizational Psychology, and have worked with applied cross-disciplinary research for more than 15 years. Øvergård is also Head of the research group of health promotion in settings. Currently he enjoys being a researcher practitioner by splitting his time between academia and private HR industry.


Professor in work- and organizational psychology

  • Supervision of master- and phd-candidates
  • Lecturing on work- and organizational psychology in MSH-VAA4300 "health promoting work places", in applied statistics in MSH-OPP4400 "Master thesis", and in Epistemology and Theory of science in MSH-VET4100
  • Research 
  • Aquisition of external funding for research- and innovation projects


Head of Research Group in Health Promotion in Settings

  • Planning of research strategy
  • Representing research group in internal and external fora
  • Support of research-related activities in the research group


Research Interests
I have been involved in cross-disciplinary research for more than 15 years. My current research interests are related to:

  • Relationship between Work Environment and Worker Health, Productivity and Turnover. 
  • Management and Leadership research 
  • Statistical modelling to describe and predict the effects of organisational measures on absenteeism, turnover and productivity 

I have previously worked with human-technology interaction and transportation safety with particular focus on sea and rail transport. This have also led to an interest in the dynamics of human work behavior as well as the time-dependency between work performance and causal or contributing factors.


  • Professor-competent in Work and Organisational Psychology: Maritime Human Factors (May 2011)
  • Professor-competent in Work Life Research (April 2018)
  • Professor-competent in Human-Technology Interaction (2020)
  • Specialist in Research Design and Applied Statistics with particular focus on General Linear Modelling, non-parametric statistics and bootstrapping procedures. 
  • Experienced in Cross-disciplinary research

Previous employment.

He has worked as Professor of Work and Organisational Psychology at USN since May 2011. He was previously employed at the Department of Maritime Operations at USN (2011-2018) and has worked as adjunct associate professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Oslo (2012-2015) and adjunct Professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (2017-2018). His work experience also includes work at AIBN (Accident Investigation Board of Norway) and NSB (Norwegian State Railways) and in the strategic HR company EBHR. 

Awards and Honors
In 2012 he was the recipient of a gift professoriate from Kongsberg Maritime (4 MNOK over 5 years).

Head of maritime research at the Faculty of Technology and Maritime Sciences (Jan 2012-Dec 2016).

Currently is head of the research group for health promotion in settings at the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Department of Health-, Social-, and Welfare Studies (since Feb 2023 to date). 

He has been both head and vice-head of the program board for the National PhD-program in Nautical Operations (Joint Degree) between September 2016 and April 2018. 

Has led 6 (re)accreeditation expert panels for study programs at universities in Georgia and Croatia. 


Language proficiency: 

Norwegian: Proficient (CEFR C2+)

English: Advanced (CEFR C1)

German: Upper intermediate (CEFR B2)

Croatian: Elementary (CEFR A2)




  • PhD in Psychology (Cognitive Systems Engineering) from NTNU, Norway 2008
  • Cand.Polit in Psychology (Ergonomics and Human Factors) from NTNU, Norway 2004
  • Cand.mag from Akershus College, Norway, 2001

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