Jeppe Oute Hansen

Fakultet for helse- og sosialvitenskap
Institutt for helse-, sosial- og velferdsfag
Campus Drammen (15014)
My research interests span from care policy and organization, medical anthropology, and critical research in public management and welfare systems; e.g. studies of institutionalization, stigma, ideology, professionalization, power and subjectivity and patient- and relative involvement processes in psychiatry and drug treatment systems. Within all of these interconnected areas of research, I am focusing on the interchangeability of political, clinical and day-to-day logics and rationales about citizens, political requirements and moral imperatives in practice. see Orchid:


Jeg er engageret i Videreutdanning i Psykisk helse og Rus (Vidrus), Master i Samfunn og Helse og Mastervejledning. Desuden forsker jeg i forskellige projekter på feltet (se ovenfor)



Medical anthropology, ethnographic research approaches, discourse analysis, narrative analysis, theory of science, (post)structuralism, social constructionism, phenomenology, 

Research fields: Recovery & PPI, User perspectives, Subjectivity and Power, Stigma, Mental health institutions, burecracy and mental health and drug policy


Current positions

  • Associate Professor of Mental Health care (Førsteamanuensis i Psykisk helsearbeid) (100%), Institutt for helse-, sosial- og velferdsfag, USN  
  • Co-director of Research Group in Mental Health and Drug Addiction, Health-, Social and Welfare Research, USN
  • Honorary Visting Fellow (2020-2026), School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex, UK
  • Research Affiliation at Competence Centre for Dual Diagnosis (KFD) Capital Region of Denmark


Thematical foci for my research interests

  • Recovery & Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)
  • Organization of mental health and drug treatment
  • Mental Health & Drug policy



2021-21 Digitalization in education ‘On digital learning approaches for associate professors and Professors, Dept. of Digitalization and educational quality, University of South-Eastern Norway, completed June 2021.

2019-20 PhD supervision course ’Developing Research Supervision 2019-2020’, University of South-Eastern Norway. (Attachment 7)

2017-17 University pedagogics for postdocs & assistant professors, Dept. of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Aarhus University, course leader Torben K. Jensen (Attachment 1).

2011-16 PhD/doctoral studies in Social studies in Medicine, User Perspectives, Dept. of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, (Attachment 2).

2008-10 Master of Arts in Educational Anthrology, Dept. of Pedagogy and Life Long Learning, The Danish School of Education, Aarhus University (Attachment 3).

2007-8 Supplementary BA in Educational Anthrology, Dept. of Pedagogy and Life Long Learning, The Danish School of Education, Aarhus University

2006-2007 Supplementary BA in Nursing Science, JCVU, Section of Nursing, Aarhus (Attachment 4).

2005-6 Post graduate introduction to mental health nursing, Capitol Region Denmark, Sankt Hans Hospital. (Attachment 5).

2001-4 Diploma in Nursing and Registration as qualified practitioner (RN), The Nursing School in the County of Viborg (Attachment 6)

Academic positions

2023-2027 Co-Director of Research Group in Mental Health and Drug Addiction, Dept. Health-, Social- and Welfare Research, Co-direction in equal collaboration with associate professor Knut Tore Sælør, University of South-Eastern Norway

2023- Guest researcher affiliation at Competence Centre for Dual Diagnosis (KFD), Capitol Region Denmark, Agreement signed by director, associate professor Katrine Johansen May 2023.

2023-2026 Honorary Research Fellow, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex

2020-2023 Honorary Research Fellow, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex

2019-2021 Associate Professor Alcohol and Drug Research in Social Science (10%), Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Dept. of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Aarhus University

2016-19 Assistant Professor, Alcohol and Drug Research in Social Science (100%), Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Dept. of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Aarhus University

2015-16 Research Assistant, Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Dept. of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Aarhus University

2011-15 PhD student, Health, Man and Society/ (later) User Perspectives, Dept. Public Health, University of Southern Denmark. 

2011- 18 External lecturer and examinor, Post graduate program in public Health, University College Northern Denmark

2011-12 External Lecturer, BA program in Nursing, University College Northern Denmark

2011- 15 External Lecturer, BA program in Nursing, University College Lillebælt

2010-11 Research Assistant, Team for Affective Disorders, Psychiatric Dept. Esbjerg-Ribe, Region of Southern-Denmark

2010-11 Lecturer, FADL (Union of Danish Medical Students), Aarhus & Aalborg

2010-23 External Lecturer, Post Graduate Program in Mental Health Nursing (all five Danish Regions).

2009-10 Lecturer, BA program in Nursing, VIA University College (Viborg, Silkeborg, Horsens)

Clinical positions

2008-9 Basic nurse Psychiatric Emergency Room,, Århus universitetshospital Risskov, Region Midt.

2008 Substitute deputy nurse, Ward, University Hospital Risskov, Region Midt

2008 Basic Nurse, Municipal training and residential facility Stokrosevej, Viborg Municipality, Region Midt

2007 Documentation Nurse, Development of new Health Clinic focusing on harm reduction and prevention for drug addicts, Temporary Project, Centre for addiction treatment, Aarhus Municipality.

2007 Leading night watch/nurse , Department of Dual diagnosis Treatment: M20, M20, M21, M21 og forensic dept. M22, Sankt Hans Hospital, Capitol Region Denmark.

2006-7 Basic Nurse, acute psychiatric inpatent ward N1 (adult section), University Hospital Risskov, Region Midt.

2006 Basic Nurse, Section G (Centre for Eating Disorders), Dept. Of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University Hospital Risskov, Region Midt

2005 Post graduate introduction to mental health nursing, Capitol Region Denmark, Sankt Hans Hospital.

Previous and current research

Active participation in developing, managing, completing and disseminating 17 research projects, incl. working as P.I. and administrator on 7 of these (see publication list).

2023-             Research Council of Norway (NFR) ‘Developing youth-friendly services’: a science and open innovation project’ (To be submitted), University of South-Eastern Norway, P.I Professor Bente Weimann

                      Role: Work packages leader, scoping review and policy analysis (youth MH policy). Status: stranded due to illness among collaborators

2022-2024 ‘Analysing stakeholder responses to the UN report on right-based approaches in mental health’, Project commissioned by Julie Hannah, Lecturer in the at School of Law and Director of the International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy based at the Human Rights Centre, and co-founder of the Centre for Mental Health, Human Rights, and Social Justice, a global research consortium. In collaboration with former UN special rapporteur on the rights to health Dainius Puras

                      Rolle: P.I. (forskningsleder) herunder ansøgning, projektudvikling, dataindsamling, analyse og publikation. Co-P.I. professor Susan McPherson, University of Essex

2021-2023 SOWGLOW (Social Work in a Global World): Opportunities for innovation, Social Work in a Global World: Opportunities for Innovation (SoWGloW) - University of South-Eastern Norway ( , P.I. lecturer Steinar Vikholt

                      Role: Module 2 coordinator, module 2 centers around developing digital teaching- and learning resources on mental health and drug use problems in a global work. My role is to coordinate the work, lectures, develop teaching measures (PLOs and learning activities), supervise collaborators, teachers and students in the process of working up the resources.

2021-2024 ‘Recovery, Co-Creation & Co-Production - a comparative policy analysis of key mental health frameworks/policies in Ireland, Norway and Denmark as they relate to recovery, co-creation and co-production’, John Norton (Waterford Institute, Ireland), Calvin Sword (Trinity College), Ottar Ness (NTNU), Kristina B. Åkerblom (NTNU) & Jeppe Oute (USN)

                      Role: Initiative to international comparative policy studies and co-P.I, project development, theory, data collection, analysis and publication. 

2021-2024 ‘Brukere og pårørendes medvirkning og samskaping av helse og omsorgstjenester’ PhD program ‘Institutt for helse, funksjon og deltagelse og fakultet for Sosialvitenskap, Høgskolen på Vestlandet, PhD student Erna Tyskø & Main supervisor/Professor Lennart Lorås

Role: Co-supervisor, incl. Project development, data collection, analysis, publication, and dissemination.

2020-2023 ‘Experiences of Parents of Children in Inpatient Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS): A Narrative Approach’, PhD student Suzanna Greally & Professor Susan McPherson, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex.

Role: Principal Supervisor, Project management (Progress and ensure learning outcomes), participation in formal assessments, data collection, analysis, publication and dissemination. Greally successfully defended her thesis on May 17th 2023 and was awarded the degree.

2020-23 ’Encounters between dually diagnosed persons and recovery-oriented practitioners with lived experience: a comparative and qualitative and ethnographic study in Canada’, Developing PhD project/ Pre-PhD student Natasja Eilerskov Jensen.

Role: Co-supervisor, funding/ scholarship, participation in PhD courses, data analysis, writing  and publication of pilot project (publication list)

2020-22 ’Peer support workers’ experiences with recovery-oriented practices with dually diagnosed persons in Norway’, Pre-PhD student Ole Martin Nordauet.  

Role: Co-supervisor, data collection, participation in PhD courses, data analysis and publication of pilot project (publication list).

2020-21 Velux Foundation, ‘Peer-mentors – more mentally vulnerables in civic sports communities’, Project lead group member, P.I. Lars Holmbroe, Collaborators: the Peer Network, Frivillighedens hus & DGI

Role: Applicant, data collection, participation in PhD courses, data analysis and publication of pilot project i collaboration with Lars Holmbroe.

2020-2023 PhD School in Social Science and Business (University Scholarship)’Decision Making Processes in Psychiatry - an ethnografic study of dillemmas and discrepancies  in dual diagnosis treatment’, PhD School in Social Science and Business, School of Business and Social Sciences, PhD student, anthropologist Natja B. Kjeldsen, Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Main Supervisor/director & Professor Bagga Bjerge,

Role: Co-supervisor (due to not holding a permanent, full time position at Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, AU), initiative and project developer, funding and scholarship application, access negotiations and recruitment, theory development and analysis, publication and dissemination, research stay support and development of teaching competence

2020-23 ’Depression Guidelines’, PI: Susan McPherson, University of Essex;

Role: external co-researcher (publication list)

2019-2020 Tryg Fonden & Velux Foundation 'Cross-sectoral courses between mental health centres and municipal rehabilitation: How can an improved cross-sectoral course between mental health centres and municipal rehabilitation promote recovery-oriented efforts? P.I. post doc Kim Jørgensen

Role: Initiative and project developer, funding applications, literature review, access negotiations, ethical approval and recruitment, theory development and analysis, publication and dissemination

2018-2019 The Drug Test project:” Literature review in drug testing in the night life economy – methods, services and effects”

Role: Applicant and P.I. in collaboration with Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research and Danish Health Authority, Initiative and project developer, funding applications, literature review, analysis, publication and dissemination

2016-2018 “Explanatory models of sleep deprivation in daily management of citizens with complex problems”, Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Dept. of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Aarhus University

Role: P.I, Initiative and project developer, funding applications, litterature review, analysis, publication and dissemination in collaboration with Centre for Drug Addiction (Aarhus Municipality)

2015-2018 Ydun project: “How do welfare systems manage citizens with complex problems? A qualitative study of clashes and convergences between policies and bureaucratic practices on citizens in need of help “, P.I., Associate professor Bagga Bjerge, Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Dept. of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Aarhus University

Role: Contributions to project development and funding application, Work package leader on field work in dual diagnosis treatment, interview and collection of records, access negotiations in psychiatry, drug treatment and employment services across three Danish Regions, theory development, publication and dissemination and (funding of) internationalization.

2011-2016 PhD project:” Relatives’ everyday life with depression”, main supervisor, Associate Professor and psychologist Lotte Huniche. Title of Doctoral Thesis: ”The Social Construction of Carer involvement in Psychiatry – a multisited field study of political, clinical and families’ discourses on involvement and effects”, User Perspectives, Dept. Public Health, University of Southern Denmark

Role: Initiative, funding applicant and P.I., incl. administration (funds/budget, daily task management and collaboration with clinical actors, informants and supervisors), data collection/field work, transcription, theory development, publication and dissemination (see also portfolio & publication list).

2009-2010 MA project:” When the music disappears – a field study among cohabitant relatives and people with depression”, Dept. of Pedagogy and Life Long Learning, The Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, study conducted in tandem with study of adherence i depression treatment led by supervisor, post doc and nurse Niels Buus

Role: P.I., incl. project development, literature review, data collection, analysis, dissemination and publication (publication list).

2009-2010 “Adherence (compliance) in depression treatment seen from users’ perspectives”, P.I. post.doc and nurse Niels Buus, Health, Man and Society, Dept. Public Health, University of Southern Denmark

Role: Academic assistant, transskription, coding and preliminary analysis of about 50 qualitative interviews

Former and current research funding bids

A total of 13 funding bids in Denmark, Norway and Great Britain with a total amount of +10 million DKK.

2023 Independent research fund Denmark (DFF): Mapping Mental Illness and Palliative Care: needs and support (MMIP), P.I. Senior researcher Vibeke Graven (Repha), Role: expert in recovery research (WP2 & WP3)

2023 Independent research fund Denmark (DFF): Creating continuity through co-location – an ethnographic study of mental health services, P.I. Assistant professor Ditte Heering Holt, Role: Advisory board member (expertise on organizational ethnography in mental health care settings and cross-sectoral collaboration)

2022-2024 ‘Analysing stakeholder responses to the UN report on right-based approaches in mental health’, Project commissioned by Julie Hannah, Lecturer in the at School of Law and Director of the International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy based at the Human Rights Centre, and co-founder of the Centre for Mental Health, Human Rights, and Social Justice, a global research consortium., Application: NOK 35.000

                      Rolle: P.I., projec development, data collection, management analysis, publication and dissemination. Co-P.I. Professor Susan McPherson, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex

2021 Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF), ’The DIMS study: Discretion In Mental health Services: An ethnographic study of the dilemmas and discrepancies in mental health care for dually diagnosed persons’, Funding for completion and pay for P.I./seniors and two PhD students.

Role: Co-P.I. and work package leader in collaboration director, associate professor Katrine Johansen at Competence Centre of Dual diagnosis, Capitol Region Denmark, Rejected (May 2022): Assessment: 6

2021 The Research Council of Norway (NFR), Helsevel, ’The DIMS study: Discretion In Mental health Services: An ethnographic study of the dilemmas and discrepancies in mental health care for dually diagnosed persons’, Funding for completion and pay for P.I./seniors and two PhD students.

Role: P.I. and work package leader (dissemination), in collaboration with Professors Halvard Vike, Ottar Ness, Larry Davidsson m.fl., Status: Rejected (june 2021): Assessment:  4-5/‘very good’

2021 ‘Brukeres og pårørendes medvirkning i tjeneste-utvikling i et kritisk og systemiske perspektiv’ Stipendiatsansøgning Norges Forskningsråd, Høgskolen på Vestlandet, kandidat: Erna Tyskø, vejledere: Lennart Lorås og Ottar Ness

Role: PhD co-supervisor, funding application, access and recruitment, theory development and analysis and publication dissemination, Status: scholarship and funding awarded.

2021- Velux Foundation (interessetilkendegivelse), Recovery, kapabilitet og relationel velfærd, Work group member and applicant in collaboration with Frivillighedens hus i Silkeborg og Mentorland

Role: Project development, application, data collection, analysis and publication, Status: Rejected.

2021 DAM ‘Siblings: How brothers and sisters experience and cope with their relative’s addiction and mental health problems?’ in collaboration with associate professor Knut Tore Sælør, USN,

Role: co-PI og applicant, main PhD supervisor, Status: Rejected.

2020 The Research Council of Norway (NFR), Helsevel, ‘The DIMS study: Discretion In Mental health Services: An ethnographic study of the dilemmas and discrepancies in mental health care for dually diagnosed persons’, Funding for completion and pay for P.I./seniors and two PhD students.

Role: P.I. and work package leader (dissemination), in collaboration with Professors Halvard Vike, Ottar Ness, Larry Davidsson m.fl., Assessment:  4-5/‘very good’. Status: Rejected.

2020- The Graduate School, Arts, Aarhus University, ‘Recovery, Learning and Everyday Life Practice - Peer-support in Social Psychiatric Residential Services and Mental Health Services’, University Scholarship, pre-PhD student Toke Zandersen in collaboration with Main supervisor, Professor Line Lerche Mørch

Role: Co-supervisor, project- and  theory development, review, completion, analysis and dissemination, Status: reject in spite of being “promising”.

2020 The Research Council of Norway (NFR), Helsevel, ‘The SURE study: ‘Systematic competence building in user organizations: user-controlled rehabilitation for service users with dual diagnosis’ Forskningsleder Rita Sørly

Role: researcher in WP3 & ‘Second PhD supervisor’ sub-project 3 (What are the experiences of PRS from people with DUD?), Status: Rejected.

2020 Helse Foundation:’The DIMS study: Discretion In Mental health Services: An ethnographic study of the dilemmas and discrepancies in mental health care for dually diagnosed persons’, Co-financed and collaborative study between f Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research (Aarhus University) and Centre for Mental Health and drug addiction (care) (University of South-Eastern Norway), Funding for completion and pay for P.I.

Role: P.I., JO was required by research director at Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research to withdraw the bid due to conflicts with other internal applications.

2019 Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF), ’Rehabilitation Psychology: Psychosocial dimensions of life with life threatening and serious illness’ in collaboration between P.I. Charlotte Glintborg (AAU, DK), Stinne Glasdam (Lunds Universitet, SE), Jeppe Oute (USN, NO) og professorer rethe Eilertsen (USN, NO),

Role: Co-applicant and work package leader on sub-project on recovery and hope in people with serious mental health and drug problems. Stranded due to covid pandemic.

2019 Extrastiftelsen (now ’DAM’) ’Discretion in mental health services: An ethnographic study of the dilemmas and discrepancies in mental health care for dually diagnosed persons’, ion collaboration with user organization A-Larm

Role: Applicant and P.I., status: Rejected as P.I. was considered above post doc level due to teaching obligation at university

2019 TrygFonden, ’PhD project: Recovery-orienteret dialogisk praksis på psykiatriske sengeafsnit - en kommunikationsteoretisk undersøgelse af dialogen omkring behandlingsvalg mellem patienter og personale’, Co-applicant for pre-PhD student Emma Johanne Sørgaard,

Role: Co-supervisor, Status rejected.

2019 Extrastiftelsen, Funding for PhD project ’Activity and Recovery – a collaborative project’, Pre-PhD student Ole Martin Nordaunet

Role: Co-supervisor, Status rejected

2018 Independent Research Fond Denmark (DFF), Samfund og Erhverv Instrument, ’Challenged life-worlds – exploring societal and social factors in the relation between social services and people with mental health problems’, P.I., Professor Kjeld Høgsbro, Assessment: 5/very good,

Role: post doc & co-applicant, Status: rejected.

2018 Velux Fonden, ‘Alcohol’s harms to others: A qualitative study of how care workers experience and make moral decisions about the limits of autonomy among elderly citizens and care home residents who are under the influence of alcohol’, P.I, Professor Kim Bloomfield Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research

Role: Co-P.I.. Status: Rejected

Previous grants

As P.I. and co-P.I., I have been granted a total of 3,7 million DKK. In addition, I have actively contributed to developing the funding bid for Dr. Bjerges Ydun-grant 6,3 mio DKK from the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

2020-21 Velux Foundation, Relationer i bevægelse, in collaboration with Frivillighedens hus i Silkeborg, Cubion og Mentorland

Role: Project developement, funding application, work group member and analysis and publication and dissemination, Granted:   DKK 2 mio.

2018-2019 The Drug Test project: ”Literature review in drug testning in the night life economy – methods, services and effects”

Role: Applicant and P.I. in collaboration with Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research and Danish Health Authority, Initiative and project developer, funding applications, litterature review, analysis, publication and dissemination, Granted: 130.000 DKK

2017 AUFF, DKK 35.000, supplerende finansiering til forskningsophold v. Program for Recovery and Community Health, Dept. Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine,

Role: Ansøger

2016 Erasmus+ Guest researcher at Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge, Dept. Health, Social and Welfare Studies at Campus Drammen, with Professor Ottar Ness & Associate Professor Knut Tore Sælør.

                      Rolle: Applicant, Granted: DKK 5000

2015-2018 Ydun projektet: “How do welfare systems manage citizens with complex problems? A qualitative study of clashes and convergences between policies and bureaucratic practices on citizens in need of help“, in collaboration with P.I., associate professor Bagga Bjerge, Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Aarhus University.

Role: Contributions to project development and final application. Status: Granted DKK 6.382, 890

2012 Health Foundation, PhD project: "Life with depression from relatives’ perspectives"

Role: Applicant, Status: Granted DKK 250.000,

2012 Psykiatriens forskningsfond i Region Syddanmark,”Livet med depression i et pårørendeperspektiv”,

Role: Applicant, Status: DKK 100.000 for extra expences for PhD project

2011 Novo Nordisk Foundation, "Life with depression from relatives’ perspectives"

Role: Applicant, Status: DKK 72.000 

2011 Psychiatric Department Esbjerg-Ribe, PhD project "Life with depression from relatives’ perspectives"

Role: Applicant, Status: acceptance of covering extra expences up to DKK 250.000 for the second year of the project.

2011 Psykiatriens forskningsfond i Region Syddanmark, PhD project: "Life with depression from relatives’ perspectives"

Role: Applicant, Granted: DKK 597.092

2011 Dansk Sygeplejeråds sygeplejefaglige forskningsfond, PhD project: "Life with depression from relatives’ perspectives"

Role: Applicant, Status: Granted: DKK100.000

2010 Psykiatriens forskningsfond, Region Syddanmark, Developing PhD project

                      Role: Co-applicant (with post doc Niels Buus): Status: Granted: DKK 107.535 

Editorial work, scientific committees & peer-review experience

2023 Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF: Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond), external reviewer, Thematic research (reviewed three funding bids)

2023 Member of Assessment Committee for PhD dissertation Coercion in Psychiatry,  Candidate Malene Broch Clemmensens, Dept. People and Technology, Roskilde University, Main supervisor: Associate Professor Sofie Pedersen

2023- Editorial board member, Journal of Organizational Ethnography (JOE), Journal of Organizational Ethnography | Emerald Publishing (

2023 Member of Assessment Committee for PhD dissertation ‘Cannabis brugere med psykoser - analyser af dobbeltdiagnose-begrebet i psykiatrien’, Candidate Jonatan Led Larsen, Dept. of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University. Thesis successfully defended on March 30th 2023.

2022 Leader (internal) of Assessment Committee for dissertation for PhD dissertation ‘Samskaping som sosial konstruksjon: en etnografisk studie av samskaping mellom lærere fra barnevernpedagogutdanninger og unge med erfaring fra barnevernet’ Candidate Ann Kristin Larsgaard, the PhD Program in Culture Studies at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN). Thesis successfully defended at Campus Notodden (USN) in November 2022.

2022- Editorial Board member, Nordic Journal of Wellbeing and Sustainable Welfare Development.


2022 External reviewer on VIVE Rapport: Navne, L. E., & Frøslev-Thomsen, J. (2022). Indsatser til voksne pårørende på socialområdet: Udvalgte eksempler fra litteraturgennemgang og interview med organisationer og kommunale tilbudsledere og -medarbejdere. VIVE - Det Nationale Forsknings- og Analysecenter for Velfærd.

2022- Wellbeing and Social sustainability (research group member), led by professor Ottar Ness, Wellbeing and Social Sustainability - Department of Education and Lifelong Learning - NTNU - NTNU

2021 Assessment Committee member at University of South-Eastern Norway and Høgskolen i Østfold, hhv. Associate Professorsships in child care and disability care, two assessments between December 2021-jan 2022

2021-23 Editorial member, Scandinavian Journal of Clinical Nursing (Klinisk Sygepleje - Idunn), recruited by Editor in Chief Bente Martinsen

2021 Assessment Committee member for an Associate professorship inf Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Public Health at University of Southern Denmark

2020 Assessment Committee member at University of South-Eastern Norway and Høgskolen i Østfold, two assessments, respectively as assistant professor in Social Work/Associate Professorship  in Social Work   

2019-21 Guest Editor on Special Issue on The Politics of Mental Health Care in collaboration with director, anthropologist Katrine Scheperlin Johansen (Comptetence centre for dual diagnosis), Journal of Research in Sickness and Society Vol. 18 No. 34 (2021): Psykisk Sundhedsarbejde og Politik | Tidsskrift for Forskning i Sygdom og Samfund - Journal of Research in Sickness and Society

2019-21 Editor in collaboration with post doc Kim Jørgensen ‘Recovery-orienterede praksisser – i Velfærdsinstitutioner og Civilsamfund’ (Oute & Jørgensen red.), Lærebog til Sundheds- og Socialfaglige Bacheloruddannelser om Recovery-orienterede praksisser, m. bidrag fra Larry Davidson, Marit Borg, Bengt Karlsson, Alain Topor, Mike Slade, Knut Tore Sælør, Rose-Marie Bank, Ottar Ness, Pernille Jensen m.fl., Aftale indgået m. Forlaget Samfundslitteratur, Udgivet Januar 2021. Recovery-orienterede praksisser | Samfundslitteratur 

2018 Reviewer ’Stof til eftertanker: om rusmidler, medicin og alt det andet i Orion’ (Pernille Jensen). MergedFile (

2017- 19 Guest Editor, Special Issue on Care Values, Journal of Organizational Ethnography, in collaboration with professor Trudy Rudge, The University of Sydney and Editor in Chief/Senior Lecturer Mike Rowe, University of Liverpool

2017- 18 Guest Editor, Special Issue Drugs in collaboration with Associate Professor Bagga Bjerge and Editor, Professor Rikke Sand Andersen, University of Southern Denmark, Journal of Research in Sickness and Society,

2014 Work Group contributions, Danish Health Authority’s National research strategy for psychiatry with professor Betina Dybbroe and senior researcher Katrine S. Johansen

2014 Work Group contributions, Danish Health Authority’s national strategy on involvement of caregivers in psychiatry in collaboration with consultants Brith Alleslev og Britta B. Mortensen

2010- Peer reviewer for journals (2-5 drafts per month):

Health research: Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, Qualitative Health Research, Health, Social Theory and Health, Klinisk Sygepleje, Critical Public Health, Frontiers in Psychiatry

Social Science Research: Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Advances in Applied Sociology, Academic Quarterly, Fontene, Sociology of Health and Illness

Social Work, Drug Research and Mental Health Care: Nordic Social Work Research, Addiction Research & Theory, Tidsskrift for Psykisk helsearbeid, Dansk Pædagogisk Tidsskrift, Drugs and Alcohol Today, Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy

2013 Assessment of Textbook on Psychiatric Nursing, Munksgaard

International experience and network 

2022     Erasmus+ project participant and USN representative, Developing Person-centered curricula (in practice and higher education), Queen Margereth’s University, Edinburg

2019-26 School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex, international collaboration and scholarship critical psychiatry and sociology of health and illness with professors Susan McPherson, Ewen Speed & Peter Beresford

2019- Member of group, ’Relationell velferd og livskvalitet’, led by Professor Ottar Ness, NTNU, Relational Welfare - Department of Education and Lifelong Learning - NTNU

2019-26 Facilitator and contact person of bilateral international collaboration and exchange of students and junior researcher between Research Group in Mental Health and Addiction &  Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research.

2018 Member of Centre for Sociological Research in Psychiatry (CSP), Led by Professor of Social Work Kjeld Høgsbro (AAU) and Professor Dr. Med. Bent Rosenbaum (KU).

2017 Visiting Assistant Professor, Program for Recovery and Community Health (PRCH), Dept. Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. 15. aug. 2017 → 19 dec. Opholdet medførte konkrete samarbejder m. Psych. D. Janis Tondora og Professor Larry Davidson

2016 Sociology in Health care & Welfare. Research group, led by Associate Professor Stinne Glasdam (Universitetet i Lund) and Professor Christine Øye (Høgskulen på Vestlandet).

2016-18 Coordinator, Internal seminars, Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Dept. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Aarhus University

2016 Guest researcher at Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge, Dept. Health, Social and Welfare Studies at Campus Drammen, with Professor Ottar Ness & Associate Professor Knut Tore Sælør.

2016 Participant, Research Network for Society and psychosocial problems, Roskilde University with associate professor Mari Holen and Professor Betina Dybbroe  

2016 Participant, Diagnostic Culture Network with Professor Svend Brinkmann, Associate Professors Anders Petersen (late) and Rikke Sand Andersen

2015 Participant, Advisory board and collaboration group in drug and dual diagnosis research Wouter Vanderplasschen (Ghent University), Richard Jenkins (University of Sheffield), Betsy Thom (Middelsex University) and Katrine Scheperlin Johansen (Competence Centre for dual diagnosis, Capitol Region Denmark)  at Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research.

2015-2016 Participant/group member, Gender study group, Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Aarhus University Led by Professors Vibeke A. Frank & Geoffrey Hunt

2015 Research Stay, Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Aarhus University, Januar-februar, with assistant professor Bagga Bjerge

2010 Journal Club for Research on relatives in health research, at Dept. Public Health, Section of Nursing, Aaarhus University

2009 Initiative & Co-Founder, Network for Young Academic Nurses (NUAS), with Associate Professor Ellen Thingleff, Camilla Blach Rossen and Kristian Paaske

2008-9 Intensiv masters thesis program on qualitative mental health research, Århus Universitetshospital, Risskov v. post.doc. Niels Buus   

2006–9 Network for research in mental health nursing, led by associate professor Merete Bjerrum and post doc Niels Buus

2004 Exchange student in psychiatric Nursing Deakin University in Melbourne, including clinical placement at Monash Health Stepping stones Adolescent Unit (Rehabilitation and training), 7th Semester (5 months) in Nursing School

Conference contributions and scientific lecturing

2023 Keynote, Oute, J. “Polemik, Krænkelser og Fremtidstro i offentlige drøftelser om fremtidens psykiatri”, Invited Keynote speaker, Danish Society of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Torvehallerne Vejle, 250 participants,

2023 Keynote, Oute, J. Towards rights-based approaches in mental health: Analysing conflict, contestation and unity in stakeholder responses, Invited speaker, Seminar on politics and health at School Health and Social Care, University of Essex, 100 participants.

2023 Organizer, “The Politics of Evidence”, research seminar, member of organizing committee in collaboration with Professors Ewen Speed and Susan McPherson, University of Essex, work in progress

2022 Producer and interviewee, Oute, J. & Sælør, K.T. What is a mental health problem? The Socialpod (Spotify), How do we conceptualize substance use and addiction? – The Socialpod | Podkast på Spotify

2022 Producer and interviewee, Oute, J. & Sælør, K.T. What is a mental health problem? The Socialpod (Spotify), What is a mental health problem? – The Socialpod | Podkast på Spotify

2021 Chair, ”The Politics of Recovery: Controversy and co-option in the era of austerity”, research seminar, University of South-Eastern Norway, Organiser, (postponed from 2020 due to the emergence of Covid-19)

2020 Invited speaker, ”The Politics of Participation”, research seminar, University of Essex, januar 2020, Bidragsyder: The grass roots recovery movement in Scandinavian mental health - and its contingency on shifts in MH policy, 75 participants

2019 Keynote, Peernetværkets Landskonference, ’Hvorfor peerfagligt arbejde i psykiatriske velfærdssystemer?’, Keynote-præsentation af nyere policy og videnskabelig forskningslitteratur om peer-mentorer i lyset af recovery-begrebet, 24/4. 100 participants

2018 Keynote, Kommunernes Landsforening (KL). ’Hvorfor får socialt udsatte i så meget hjælp – barrierer i indsatsen til udsatte borgere?’, Den årlige misbrugskonference, Nyborg Strand, 300 participants 

2018 Psykiatrien i Region Syddanmark, ’Recovery og mennesker med komplekse problemer’, DGI-huset Vejle, 300 participants

2018 KABS (Alkohol og Stofbehandling),’Han bruger stofferne for at få noget søvn” - Et kvalitativt studie af søvnforklaringer blandt behandlere og stofbrugere’, Misbrugskonference, Crown Placa, København, 300 participants

2018 AU Talks (public dissemination), ’Diagnoser – hvad er de og hvad gør de?’, Studenterhuset Aarhus, Keynote 250 participantsdeltagere

2015 DSR, ’Sammenhængen mellem den politiske og samfundsmæssige forståelse af psykisk sygdom, og synet på hvad inddragelse er og skal gøre godt for’, Kr. Hovedstadens Fagdag for 250 sygeplejersker

Membership Professional Organisations  

2019- Member, Union of Social Science academics, DJØF (Faglig organisation for samfundsvidenskabelige og erhvervsøkonomiske akademikere og studerende),

2001-19 Member, The Danish Nurses’ Organization/ Dansk Sygeplejeråd (DSR)

Teaching (see portfolio)

+5 years’ managerial of courses in mental health care and psychology.

Experience with developing 2 PhD courses in Society and Health, 5 consecutive classes in post graduate mental health care at masters level, 2 masters programs in mental health, 1 MA course in psychology and 2 BA programs in social work and nursing.

15 years of experience with teaching/lecturing in higher education in medicine, psychology, health and social care (BA, MA, PhD level)

+10 years of experience clinical teaching in different post graduate mental health care programs for nurses and doctors

Supervision: A total of 8 PhD students (1 finalized as main supervisor, 2 co-superviser in third year), approximately 100 Master students in obligatory feedback and -forward sessions and 22 individual master students.


See publication list


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