Frank Narve Rosell

Fakultet for teknologi, naturvitenskap og maritime fag
Institutt for natur, helse og miljø
Campus Bø (1-230)


I am especially interested in the behavioural ecology (chemical communication) of mammals and my research focus on two species:

Beavers check out our new book: Beavers - Paperback - Frank Rosell, Róisín Campbell-Palmer - Oxford University Press (

Dogs check our my book: Secrets of the Snout: The Dog’s Incredible Nose: Rosell, Frank, Oatley, Diane, Bekoff, Marc: 9780226536361: Books (its also a Norwegian, Spanish, French and German version; see below)


Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in joining our research team!


Professional ambitions and visions

My aim was, and remains, to undertake original research on aspects of fundamental biology relevant to solving practical problems of wildlife conservation and environmental management, and thus to underpin policy formation and public debate of the many issues that surround the conservation of wildlife and their habitats. I also have a strong interest in interdisciplinary cooperation.

I am conducting a long-term study (since 1997) on a single species the beaver because I believe such studies are crucial or effective management and conservation. I have live-trapped, marked, measured and collected different samples (hair, castoreum, anal gland secretion, blood, faeces, etc.) almost 600 different beavers since 1996 (approximately 60 of them have been re-trapped every year since 1998). In total we have data and material from >1500 trappings. We have also radio-tracked, attached proximity loggers on >20., and devices like time-depth recorders (TDR's), and tri-axial accelerometers and GPS's. The beaver was nearly extinct at the end of the 19th century in Europe (only c. 1200 survived in eight relict populations) but many countries have re-introduced the species due to their ecological impact, i.e. their ability to modify ecosystems. For this reason they were recently (May 2009) reintroduced beavers to Scotland and I was the leader for the trapping part of the project. The beaver is an excellent model for behavioural ecology and biological conservation research, and I would very much like to continue my long-term studies on this fascinating species.

I am especially interested in the chemical communication of mammals and how these results can be used in the conservation of species. Although, it could be argued that research in behavioural ecology over the last two decades has had a negligible impact on conservation and management. The study of animal behavioural can make a significant contribution to conservation and I will therefore continue to focus on this in my future research. My projects focus on interdisciplinary cooperation and how research, with a main focus on behavioural ecology, can make a significant contribution to conservation.



Personal data:

Date of birth: 22 July 1969, Halden, Norway; Citizenship: Norwegian.

Professional address: Department of Environmental and Health Studies, University College of Southeast Norway, Hallvard Eikas plass, 3800 Bø i Telemark, Norway

Phone/fax/E-mail: + 47 35 95 27 62/ + 47 35 95 27 03 /


Dr.scient (PhD): April 2002, Zoology, NTNU. Thesis title: The function of scent marking in beaver (Castor fiber) territorial defence.

PhD trial lecture: The role of chemical signals in mammal communication.

Cand.scient (MSc): September 1994, Zoology, NTNU. Thesis title: Factors affecting territory size and scent marking behaviour in the European beaver (Castor fiber).

Bachelor: June 1991, Chemical engineer, Biotechnology, Høgskolen i Østfold. Thesis title: The occurrence of PCBs and heavy metals in fish and mollusks from the Iddefjord and Ringdalsfjord.

Other: Other courses: Laboratory Animal Science (FELESA category C researchers); Training Course: Basic PCR; R-statistic and GIS training Evenstad (9-12 August 2011); Multivariate data analysis PCA/PLSr (spring 2012), and Introductions to generalized linear models and generalized linear mixed models (March 18-22, 2013 and fall 2020).


2007: Full professor, Telemark University College (TUC)/University of South-Eastern Norway; responsible for the following courses: 4012 Biology and Environment II (first year) (until 2015), 4017 “Innføring i naturvitenskapelig forskning” (2020 and 2021), and 4311 Ecological methods/Field methods (MSc course in English) (2007-2021), and NM103 “Økologi and Evolusjon” (2022-today).

2002 to 2007: Associate Professor, Telemark University College (TUC); responsible for the following courses: 4005 Biology and Environment (first year), 4205 Conservation Biology (third year) and 4311 Methods and analyses of wildlife- and fish populations (MSc course).

1998-2002: PhD scholarship, TUC.               

1994-1998: Assistant Professor, TUC, teaching in the following courses: 158 Wildlife Biology, 140 Wildlife Management, 103 Introductory Ecology, 163 Biology, 127 Human Ecology, 101 General Chemistry, and 170 Limnology.

Academic profile

I have published (or had accepted) scientific papers (most on Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber)) in refereed international journals, international book chapters or conference proceedings, consistently publishing in high impact journals on aspects of mammalian behaviour, ecology, evolution, conservation and management, together with the epidemiology of wildlife pathogens, contaminations (heavy metals) and chemical analyses. In my published/submitted material I have used Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber), North American beaver (C. canadensis), brown bears (Ursus arctos), dogs (Canis lupus familiaris), Guatemalan beaded lizard (Heloderma charlesbogerti), mink (Neovison vison), Olive Ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), trout (Salmo trutta), root voles (Microtus oeconomus), yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris), badgers (Meles meles), grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra), cats (Felis catus) and Golden jackals (Canis aureus) as model species (and others). 


I have published (or had accepted):

  • 146 scientific papers,
  • 20 popular science papers/other publications/reports,
  • 3 teaching materials,
  • >70 abstracts in international conferences (until 2016),
  • 5 international reports,
  • 3 national popular scientific books:
  • 3 international books and 4 translations:
  • 1 chapter in a national book:

See publications at:

Supervision experience

  • PhD student supervisor: 13 through to fulfilled PhD degree
  • MSc student supervisor: 56 through to fulfilled MSc degree
  • BSc student supervisor: 49 through to fulfilled BSc degree


  • Nomination to Dog Writers Association of America 2018 Annual Writing Competition for excellence in the category of Books Behavior Health General Care: Secrets of the Snout: The dog’s incredible nose. The University of Chicago Press.. The book was also reviewed in Nature.
  • I was selected as the most productive beaver researcher in the world in 2018 (this was the first time this prize was awarded).


Funding (since 2018)

  • 2018 – 380 000 NKr – Norwegian Food Safety Authority, Literature review of beetle detection dogs and recognition of wood boring longhorn beetles.
  • 2019 – 2020 – 240 000 NKr – Norwegian Food Safety Authority, Pest detection dogs for wood boring longhorn beetles: a standardized training and testing protocol to minimize bias and confounding results.
  • 2019 - 2020 – 450 000 NKr – Norwegian Environment Agency, Fødselstid hos bever i Sør-Norge.
  • 2021 – 179 000 NKr – Hofseth Aqua, Acceleration code for different behaviours in a Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra): a case study from the Bergen Aquarium.
  • 2021 – 5 mill NKr – Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse, Arter i arbeid - artskunnskap i naturforvaltningsutdanning og samfunn.
  • 2022 – 14.2 mill NKr – NFR, Return of the otter: Aggravation of human-wildlife conflicts and potential for mitigation strategies for coastal areas under pressure.
  • 2023 – 100 000 Stimuleringsmidler USN, Automatic tagging of wild animals.
  • 2024 – 50 000 Sparebankstiftelsen DNB, Thermal drone.

Conferences and broadcasting

I have attended many international conferences since 1997 to date, given many public lectures and newspaper interviews, and made several broadcasts on radio (e.g., P1 21. November, 2014 «En nese for alt»; NRK P2 26. August, 2012 «Telemarkskanalen, Minutt for minutt»), and TV (NRK1 & 2 («Ut i naturen» October 2006, «Dagsrevyen» 2008, «Undring og mangfald» 2016, «Vill Viten» 2017), TV2 («Dyreriket» 2004), BBC (UK) 2008, NDR (Germany) (August, 2012). I have helped filmed companies as Oxford Scientific Films and National Geographics with scientific information for their productions. I have also published a popular book about dog olfaction (in Norwegian «En nese for alt. Hunden - menneskets nyttigste venn» November 2014). This book has (or will be) been translated to French, German, English and Spanish. I was invited to a major talkshow called Lindmo on Norwegian Broadcasting (22. November 2014) to discuss the dog book.


Scientific papers published/accepted (peer referee):

146) Dytkowicz, M., Tania, M., Hinds, R., Megill, W.M. Buttschardt, T.K. & Rosell, F. 2024. Individual recognition of Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) by their tail pattern using a computer-assisted pattern-identification algorithm. Ecology and Evolution.

145) Tomiyasu, J., Robstad, C.A., Korzekwa, A., Rosell, F. 2023. Development of fetal Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). Theriogenology Wild 3:e100059..

144) Hinds, R., Dytkowicz, M., Tania, M., Megill, W.M. & Rosell, F. 2023. A tale of tails: the use of Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) tails for ageing and individual identification. European. Journal of Wildlife Research 69:88.

143) Ariano-Sánchez, D., Nesthus, A., Rosell, F. & Reinhardt, S. 2023. Developed black beaches - too hot to emerge? Factors affecting sand temperatures at nesting grounds of olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea). Climate Change Ecology 5:e100074.

142) Dytkowicz, M., Hinds, R., Megill, W.M., Buttschardt, T.K. & Rosell, F. 2023. A camera trapping method for the targeted capture of Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) tails for individual scale pattern recognition. European Journal of Wildlife Research 69:39.

141) Meisingset, E.L., Gusevik, J., Skjørestad, A., Brekkum, Ø., Mysterud, A. & Rosell, F. 2022. Impacts of human disturbance on flight response and habitat use of red deer. Ecosphere 13:e4281.

140) Mayer, M., Lian, M., Fuchs, B., Robstad, C.A., Evans, A., Perrin, K., Gruenz, E., Arnemo, J.M. & Rosell, F. 2022. Retention and loss of PIT tags and surgically implanted devices in the Eurasian beaver. BMC Veterinary Research 18:219.

139) Lodberg-Holm, H.K., Garvik, E., Stensby, M., Reinhardt, S. & Rosell, F. 2022. Crop circles revealed spatio-temporal patterns of beaver foraging on cereal fields. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 337: e108066.

138) Tomiyasu, J., Korzekwa, A., Kawai, Y.K., Robstad, C.A., Rosell, F. & Kondoh, D. 2022. The vomeronasal system in semiaquatic beavers. Journal of Anatomy 241:809-819.

137) Munclinger, P., Syruckova, A., Nahlovsky, J., Durka, W., Saveljev, A.P., Rosell, F., Samjaa, R., Stubbe, A., Stubbe, M., Ulevicius, A., Samjaa, R., Yanuta, G. & Vorel, A. 2022. Recovery in the melting plot: complex origins and restored genetic diversity in newly established Eurasian beaver (Rodentia: Castoridae) populations. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 135:793-811.

136) Ariano-Sánchez, D., Mohr Mortensen, R., Wilson, R.P., Bjüreke, P., Reinhardt, S. and Rosell, F. 2022. Temperature and barometric pressure affect activity intensity and movement of an endangered thermoconforming lizard. Ecosphere 13(3):e3990.

135) Robstad, C.A., Lodberg-Holm, H.K., Mayer, M. & Rosell, F. 2021. The impact of bio-logging on body weight change of the Eurasian beaver. PloS ONE 16(12):e0261453.

134) Arnesen, C.H. & Rosell, F. 2021. Pest detection dogs for wood boring longhorn beetles. Scientific Reports 11:16887.

133) Mortensen, R.M., Reinhardt, S., Hjønnevåg, M.E., Wilson, R.P., and Rosell, F. 2021. Aquatic habitat-use in a semi-aquatic mammal, the Eurasian beaver. Animal Biologging 9:35.

132) Nimje, P.S., Mayer, M., Zedrosser, A., Sæbø, M. & Rosell, F. 2021. Territory acquisition and pair formation depend on competitive ability, rather than mate compatibility, in a monogamous mammal. Animal Behaviour 178:165-173.

131) Tumendemberel, O., J. M. Tebbenkamp, A. Zedrosser, M. F. Proctor, E. J. Blomberg, D. J. Morin, F. Rosell, H. V. Reynolds, J. R. Adams, and L. P. Waits. 2021. Long-term monitoring using DNA sampling reveals the dire demographic status of the critically endangered Gobi bear. Ecosphere 12(8):e03696. 10.1002/ecs2.3696

130) Lodberg-Holm, H.K., Steyaert, S.M.J.G., Reinhardt, S. & Rosell, F. 2021. Size is not everything: differing activity and foraging patterns between the sexes in a monomorphic mammal. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75:76.

129) Briggs, A.J.A, Robstad, C.A. & Rosell, F. 2021. Using radio-frequency identification technology to monitor Eurasian beavers. Wildlife Society Bulletin 45:154-161.

128) Campbell-Palmer, R., Rosell, F., Naylor, A., Mota, S., Cole, G., Fraser, M., Pizzi, R., Elliott, E., Wilson, K., Gaywood, M., & Girling, S. 2021. Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) health surveillance in Britain: Assessing a disjunctive reintroduced population. Veterinary Record Open 188:e84.

127) Ariano-Sanchez, D., Muccio, C., R., Rosell, F. & Reinhardt, S. El Nino. 2020. Are trends in Olive Ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) nesting abundance affected by El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability? Sixteen years of monitoring on the Pacific coast of northern Central America. Global Ecology and Conservation, 24:e01339.

126) Mayer, M., Estalella, C. A., Windels, S.K., Rosell, F. 2020. Landscape structure and population density affect intraspecific aggression in beavers. Ecology and Evolution 10:13883-13894.

125) Mortensen, R.M. & Rosell, F. 2020. Long-term capture and handling effects on body condition, reproduction and survival in a semi-aquatic mammal. Scientific Reports 10:e17886.

124) McClanahan, K. & Rosell, F. 2020. Conspecific recognition of pedal scent in domestic dogs. Scientific Reports 10:e17837.

123) Campbell-Palmer, R., Senn, H., Pizzi, R., Elliott, M., Gaywood, M. & Rosell, F. 2020. Beaver genetic surveillance in Britain. Global Ecology and Conservation 24:e01275.

122) Busher, P.E., Mayer, M., Ulevičius, A., Samus, A., Hartman, G. and Rosell, F. 2020. Food caching behavior of the Eurasian beaver in Northern Europe. Wildlife Biology 3:e00734.

121) Ariano-Sanchez, D., Mohr Mortensen, R., Reinhardt, S. & Rosell, F. 2020. Escaping drought and hunters: Seasonality effects on home range, movement paths and habitat selection of the Guatemalan beaded lizard. Global Ecology and Conservation, 23:e01178.

120) Halley, D., Saveljev, A. & Rosell, F. 2020. Population and distribution of Eurasian beavers Castor fiber and Castor canadensis in Eurasia. Mammal Review 51:1-24.

119) Rosell, F., Havier, M. & Kniha, D. 2020. Dogs can discriminate individual beavers from their anal gland secretion. Wildlife Biology 2:e00658.

118) McClanahan, K., Rosell, F.* & Mayer, M.* 2020. Minding your own business: Low pair cohesion in a

territorial, monogamous mammal. Animal Behaviour 166:119-128. [*Equal last authors]

117) Cabre, L.B., Mayer, M., Stayeart, S. & Rosell, F. 2020. Beaver (Castor fiber) activity and space use in response to light and weather conditions. Mammalian Biology 100:261-271.

116) Samuel, L., Arnesen, C.H., Zedrosser, A. & Rosell, F. 2020. Fears from the past? The innate ability of dogs to detect predator scents. Animal Cognition 23:721-729.

115) Arnesen, C. H., Johnsen, C.B., Jean-Marc Costanzi, J.-M. & Rosell, F. 2020. Canines (Canis lupus familiaris) as biodetectors for conservation work: Can they discriminate the rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta) from the willow grouse (L. lagopus) in a yes/no task? PloS ONE 15:e0228143.

114) Benten, A., Cross, H.B., Tinnesand, H.V., Zedrosser, A. & Rosell, F. 2020. Distant-neighbors: friends or foes? Wild Eurasian beavers show sex-dependent responses to simulated intruders. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 74:17.

113) Bidder, O., di Virgilio, A., Hunter, J., McInturff, A., Gaynor, K., Smith, A. & Rosell, F. 2020. Monitoring canid scent marking in space and time using a biologging and machine learning approach. Scientific Reports 10:e588.

112) Mayer, M., Frank, S.C., Zedrosser, A. & Rosell, F. 2020. Causes and consequences of inverse density-dependent territorial behavior and aggression in a monogamous mammal. Journal of Animal Ecology 89:577-588.

111) Rosell, F., Cross, H.B., Johnsen, C.B., Sundell, J. & Zedrosser, A. 2019. Scent-sniffing dogs can discriminate between native Eurasian and invasive North American beavers. Scientific Reports 9:e15952.

110) Noonan, M.J., Tinnesand, H.V., Mueller, C.T., Rosell, F., Macdonald, D.W. & Buesching, C.D. 2019. Knowing me, knowing you: anal gland secretion of European badgers (Meles meles) codes for individuality, sex and social group membership. Journal of Chemical Ecology 45:823-837.

109) Girling, S.J., Goodman, G., Burr, P., Pizzi, R., Naylor, A., Cole, G., Brown, D., Fraser, M., Rosell, F., Schwab, G., Elliott, M. & Campbell-Palmer, R. 2019. Evidence of Leptospira species and their significance during reintroduction of Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) to Great Britain. The Veterinary Record 185:482.

108) Wilson, R., Börger, L., Holton, M., Scantlebury, M.D., Gómez-Laich, A., Quintana, F., Rosell, F., Graf, P.M., Williams, H., Gunner, R., Hopkins, L., Marks, N., Geraldi, N.R., Duarte, C.M., Scott, R., Strano, M.S., Robotka, H., Eizaguirre, C., Fahlman, A. & Shepard, E. 2019. Estimates for energy expenditure in free-living animals using acceleration proxies; A reappraisal. Journal of Animal Ecology 89:161-172.

107) Girling, S.J., McElhinney, L.M., Fraser, M.A., Gow, D., Pizzi, R., Naylor, A., Cole, G., Brown, D., Rosell, F., Schwab, G. & Campbell-Palmer, R. 2019. Absence of hantavirus in water vole and Eurasian beaver in Britain. Veterinary Record 184:253.

106) Schlippe J.L., Rosell, F. & Mayer, M. 2018. Performance of GPS units for deployment on semiaquatic animals. PLoS ONE 13:e0207938.

105) Hohwieler, K., Rosell, F. & Mayer, M. 2018. Scent-Marking behavior by subordinate Eurasian beavers. Ethology 124:591-599.

104) Gable, T.D., Windels, S.K., Romanski, M.C. & Rosell, F. 2018. The forgotten prey of an iconic predator: a review of interaction between grey wolves Canis lupus and beavers Castor spp. Mammal Review 48: 123-138.

103) Frank, S.C., Leclerc, M., Pelletier, F., Rosell, F., Swenson, J.E. Bischof, R., Kindberg, J. Eiken, H.G., Hagen, S. & Zedrosser, A. 2018. Sociodemographic factors modulate the spatial response of brown bears to vacancies created by hunting. Journal of Animal Ecology 87:247-258.

102) Mayer, M., Zedrosser, A. & Rosell, F. 2017. Beyond the border: Extra-territorial movements during the non-mating season in a monogamous mammal. Scientific Report 7:15261.

101) Campbell, R.D.*, Rosell, F.*, Newman, C. & Macdonald, D.W. 2017. Age-related changes in somatic condition and reproduction in the Eurasian beaver: Resource history influences onset of reproductive senescence. PloS One 12:e0187484. [*Equal first authors]

100) Graf, P.M., Wilson, R.P., Cohen Sanchez, L.G., Hackländer, K. & Rosell, F. 2017. Diving behaviour in a free-living, semi-aquatic herbivore, the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber. Ecology and Evolution 12:1-12.

99) Campbell-Palmer, R. & Rosell, F. 2017. Olfactory behaviour in zoo animals. In: Olfaction in Animal Behaviour and Welfare (Ed. Birte Nielsen); pp. 176-188. CABI publishing.

98) Mayer, M., Zedrosser, A. & Rosell, F. 2017. Couch potatoes do better: Delayed dispersal increases the length of territory occupation in the Eurasian beaver. Ecology and Evolution 7:4347–4356.

97) Parker, H., Zedrosser, A. & Rosell, F. 2017. Age-specific reproduction in relation to body size and condition in female Eurasian beavers. Journal of Zoology 302:236-243.

96) Mayer, M., Künzel, F., Zedrosser, A. & Rosell, F. 2017.The seven-year itch: non-adaptive mate change in the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71:32.

95) Mayer, M., Zedrosser, A. & Rosell, F. 2017. When to leave: The timing of natal dispersal in a large, monogamous rodent, the Eurasian beaver. Animal Behaviour 123:375-382.

94) Goodman, G., Meredith, A., Girling, S., Rosell, F. & Campbell-Palmer, R. 2017. Outcomes of a ‘One Health’ Monitoring Approach to a Five-Year Beaver (Castor fiber) Reintroduction Trial in Scotland. EcoHealth 14:S139-S143.

93) Wilson, R.P., Holton, M.D., Walker, J.S., Shepard, E.L.C., Scantlebury, D.M., Wilson, V.L., Wilson, G.I., Tysse, B., Gravenor, M., Ciancio, J., McNarry, M., Mackintosh, K., Quasem, L., Rosell, F., Graf, P.M., Quintana, F., Gomez-Laich, A., Sala, J.-E., Mulvenna, C. C., Marks, N.J. & Jones, M.W. 2016. A spherical-plot solution to linking acceleration metrics with animal performance, state, behaviour and lifestyle. Movement Ecology 4:22.

92) Graf, P.M., Hochreiter, J., Hackländer, K., Wilson, R.P. & Rosell, F. 2016 Short-term effects of tagging on activity and movement patterns of Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber). European Journal of Wildlife Research 62: 725-736.

91) Graf, P.M., Mayer, M., Zedrosser, A., Hackländer, K. & Rosell, F. 2016. Territory size and age explain movement patterns in the Eurasian beaver. Mammalian Biology 81:587-594.

90) Buesching, C.D., Tinnesand, H.V., Sin, Y.W., Rosell, F., Burke, T. & Macdonald, D. W. 2016. Coding of group-odor in the subcaudal gland secretion of the European badger Meles meles: chemical composition and pouch microbiota. Editors Bruce A. Schulte, Thomas E. Goodwin & Michael H. Ferkin. Chemical Signals in Vertebrates, pp. 45-62, Springer Verlag.

89) Nielsen, B.L., Jezierski, T., Bolhuis, L.E., Amo, L., Rosell, F., Oostindjer, M., Christensen, J.W., McKeegan, D., Wells, D.L. & Hepper, P. 2015. Olfaction: an overlooked sensory modality in applied ethology and animal welfare. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 2:69.

88) Graf, P.M., Wilson, R.P., Quasem, L., Hackländer, K. & Rosell, F. 2015. The use of acceleration to code for animal behaviours; a case study in free-ranging Eurasian Beavers Castor fiber. PLoS ONE 10: e0136751.

87) Steyaert, S.M.J.G., Zedrosser, A. & Rosell, F. 2015. Socio-ecological features other than sex affect habitat selection in the socially obligate monogamous Eurasian beaver. Oecologia 179:1023-1032.

86) Tinnesand, H.V., Buesching, C.D., Zedrosser, A., Rosell, F. & Macdonald, D. W. 2015.Will trespassers be prosecuted or assessed according to their merits? A consilient interpretation of territoriality in a group living Carnivore, the European badger. PloS ONE 10:e0132432.

85) Girling, S.J., Campbell-Palmer, R., Pizzi, R., Fraser, M.A., Cracknell, J., Arnemo, J. & Rosell, F. 2015. Haematology and serum biochemistry parameters in wild Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). PloS ONE 10:e0128775.

84) Campbell-Palmer, R., Del Pozo, J., Gottstein, B., Girling, S., Cracknell, J. Schwab, G., Rosell. F. & Pizzi, R. 2015. Echinococcus multilocularis detection in live Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) using a combination of laparoscopy and abdominal ultrasound under field conditions. PloS ONE 10:e0130842.

83) Campbell-Palmer, R. & Rosell, F. 2015. Captive care and welfare considerations for beavers. Zoo Biology 34:101-109.

82) Cross, H.B, Zedrosser, A., Nevin, O. & Rosell, F. 2014. Sex discrimination via anal gland secretion in a territorial monogamous mammal. Ethology 120: 1044-1052.

81) Parker, H. & Rosell, F. 2014. Rapid rebound in colony number of an over-hunted population of Eurasian beaver Castor fiber. Wildlife Biology 20:267-269.

80) Clapham, M., Nevin, O., Ramsey, A.D. & Rosell, F. 2014.Scent marking in wild brown bears: time investment, motor patterns and age-related development. Animal Behaviour 94:107-116.

79) McEwing, R., Frosch, C., Rosell, F. & Campbell-Palmer, R. 2014. A DNA assay for rapid discrimination of North American and Eurasian beaver as a tool for alien species management. European Journal of Wildlife Research 60:547-550.

78) Senn, H., Ogden, R., Frosch, C., Syrůčková, A., Campbell-Palmer, R., Munclinger, P., Durka, W., Robert, Kraus, H.S., Saveljev, A., Nowak, C., Stubbe, A., Stubbe, M., Michaux, J., Lavrov, V., Samjaa, R., Ulevicius, A. & Rosell, F. 2014. Nuclear vs. mitochondrial genetic structure in the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) – implications for future reintroductions. Evolutionary Applications 7:645-662.

77) Vehkaoja, M., Nummi, P., Parker, H., Hartman, G. & Rosell, F. 2013. American beaver Castor canadensis in Finland and Europe: a discussion of the potential consequences and an eradication strategy. Suomen Riista 59:52-63 (In Finnish).

76) Parker, H., Steifetten, Ø., Uren, G. & Rosell F. 2013. Use of linear and areal habitat models to establish and distribute beaver Castor fiber harvest quotas in Norway. Fauna Norvegica 33:29-34.

75) Tinnesand, H.V., Jojola, S.M., Zedrosser, A. & Rosell, F. 2013.The smell of desperadoes? Beavers distinguish between dominant and subordinate intruders. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67:895-904.

74) Clapham, M., Nevin, O.T., Ramsey, A.D. & Rosell, F. 2013. The function of strategic tree selectivity in the chemical signalling of brown bears. Animal Behaviour 85:1351-1357.

73) Rosell, F., Holtan, L.B., Thorsen, J.G. & Heggenes, J. 2013. Predator-naïve brown trout (Salmo trutta) show antipredator behaviour to scent from an introduced piscivorous mammalian predator fed conspecifics. Ethology 119:303-308.

72) Senn, H., Ogden, R., Cezard, T., Gharbi, K., Iqbal, Z., Johnson, E., Kamps-Hughes, N., Rosell, F. & McEwing, R. 2013. Reference-free SNP discovery for the Eurasian beaver from restriction site-associated DNA paired-end data. Molecular Ecology 22:3141-3150.

71) Campbell, R.D., Newman, C., Macdonald, D.W. & Rosell, F. 2013. Proximate weather patterns and spring green-up phenology effect Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) body mass and reproductive success: The implications of climate change and topography. Global Change Biology 19:1311-1324.

70) Cross, H.B., Blumstein, D. & Rosell, F. 2013. Do marmots have a ‘dear enemy phenomenon’ in response to anal gland secretions? Journal of Zoology 289:189-195.

69) Goodman, G., Girling, S., Pizzi, R., Meredith, A., Rosell, F. & Campbell-Palmer, R. 2012. Establishment of a health surveillance program for the reintroduction of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) into Scotland. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48:971-978.

68) Cross, H.B., Campbell-Palmer, R., Girling, S. & Rosell, F. 2012. The Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) is apparently not a host to blood parasites in Norway. Veterinary Parasitology 190:246-248.

67) Halley, D., Rosell, F. & Saveljev, A. 2012. Population and distribution of Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber). Baltic Forestry 18:168-175.

66) Parker, H., Nummi, P., Hartman, G. & Rosell, F. 2012. Invasive North American beaver Castor canadensis in Eurasia: review of potential consequences and plan for eradication. Wildlife Biology 18:354-365.

65) Jojola, S.M., Rosell, F., Warrington, I., Swenson, J.E. & Zedrosser, A. 2012. Subadult brown bears (Ursus arctos) discriminate between unfamiliar adult male and female anal gland secretion. Mammalian Biology 77:363-368.

64) Campbell, R.D., Nouvellet, P., Newman, C., Macdonald, D. W. & Rosell, F. 2012. The influence of mean climate trends and climate variance on beaver survival and recruitment dynamics. Global Change Biology 18:2730-2742. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2012.02739.x

63) Rosell, F., Campbell-Palmer, R. & Parker, H. 2012. More genetic data are needed before populations are mixed: response to “Sourcing Eurasian beaver Castor fiber stock for reintroductions in Great Britain and Western Europe”. Mammal Review 42:319-324. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2907.2011.00197.x

62) Clapham, M., Nevin, O.T., Ramsey, A.D. & Rosell, F. 2012. A hypothetico-deductive approach to assessing the social function of chemical signalling in a non-territorial solitary carnivore. PloS one 7:e35404.

61) Campbell-Palmer, R., Girling, S., Rosell, F., Paulsen, P. & Goodman, G. 2012. Echinococcus risk limitation in Eurasian beaver releases. Veterinary Record 170:235 doi:10.1136/vr.e1508

60) Campbell-Palmer, R. & Rosell, F. 2011. The importance of chemical communication studies to mammalian conservation biology: a review. Biological Conservation 144:1919-1930.

59) Rosell, F. & Parker, H.  2011. A population history of the beaver Castor fiber fiber in Norway. In: G. Sjoberg, JP Ball (Eds.). Restoring the European Beaver: 50 Years of Experience. Pensoft Publishers, Moscow, Russia, pp. 19-25. [Invited book chapter].

58) Rosell, F., Jojola, S.M., Ingdal, K, Lassen, B.A., Arnemo, J.A., Swenson, J. & Zedrosser, A. 2011. Brown bears possess anal sacs and secretions may code for sex. Journal of Zoology (London) 283:143-152.

57) Campbell-Palmer, R. & Rosell, F. 2010. Conservation of the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber: an olfactory perspective. Mammal Review 4:293-312.

56) Rosell, F., Zedrosser, A., Parker, H. 2010. Correlates of body measurements and age in Eurasian beaver from Norway. European Journal of Wildlife Research 56:43-48.

55) Pinto, B,. M. Santos, & Rosell, F. 2009. Habitat selection of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) near its carrying capacity: an example from Norway. Canadian Journal of Zoology 87:317-325.

54) Rosell, F., Gundersen, G. & Le Galliard, J. F. 2008. Territory ownership and familiarity status affect how much male root voles (Microtus oeconomus) invest in territory defence. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62:1559-1568.

53) Thomsen, L.R., Campbell, R. & Rosell, F. 2007. Tool use in a display behaviour by Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber). Animal Cognition 10:477-482.

52) Parker, H., Rosell, F. & Mysterud, A. 2007. Harvesting of males delays female breeding in a socially monogamous mammal; the beaver. Biology Letters 3:106-108.

51) Veraart, A.J., Nolet, B.A., Rosell, F. & P. P. de Vries. 2006. Simulated winter browsing may lead to induced susceptibility of willows to beavers in spring. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:1733-1742.

50) Rosell, F. & Sanda, J.I. 2006. Potential risks of olfactory signaling: the effect of predators on scent marking by Eurasian beavers. Behavioral Ecology 17:897-904.

49) Haarberg, O. & Rosell, F. 2006. Selective foraging on woody plant species by the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) in Telemark, Norway. Journal of Zoology, London 270: 201-208.

48) Parker, H., Rosell, F. & Danielsen, J. 2006. Efficacy of cartridge type and projectile design in the harvest of beaver. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34:127-130.

47) Rosell, F. & Thomsen, L.R. 2006. Sexual dimorphism in territorial scent marking by adult Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber). Journal of Chemical Ecology 32:1301-1316.

46) Herr, J., Müller-Schwarze, D. & Rosell, F. 2006. Resident beavers (Castor canadensis) do not discriminate between castoreum scent from simulated adult and subadult male intruders. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:615-622.

45) Rosell, F., Parker, H. & Steifetten, Ø. 2006. Use of dawn and dusk sight observations to determine colony size and family composition in Eurasian beaver Castor fiber. Acta Theriologica 51:107-112.

44) Peterson, A.M., Sun, L. & Rosell, F. 2005. Species and sub-species recognition in the North American beaver. In: Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 10 (ed. by R.T. Mason, L. McMaster & D. Müller-Schwarze). Plenum Press, NY, pp. 56-63.

43) Rosell, F., Bozsér, O., Collen, P., & Parker, H. 2005. Ecological impact of beavers Castor fiber and Castor canadensis and their ability to modify ecosystems. Mammal Review 35:248-276.

42) Campbell, R.D.*, Rosell, F.*, Nolet, B.A. & Dijkstra, V.A.A. 2005. Territoriality and group sizes in Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber): echoes of settlement and reproduction? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 58:597-607. [*Equal first authors]

41) Durka, W., Babik, W. Ducroz, J.F., Heidecke, D., Rosell, F., Samjaa, R., Saveljev, A., Stubbe, A., Ulevicius, A. & Stubbe, M. 2005. Mitochondrial phylogeography of the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber L. Molecular Ecology 14:3843-3856.

40) Romme Thomsen, L, Sharpe, F. & Rosell, F. 2004. Collapsing burrow causing death of a Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). Canadian Field-Naturalist 118: 434-435.

39) Rosell, F. & Schulte, B. 2004. Sexual dimorphism in the development of scent structures for the obligate monogamous Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). Journal of Mammalogy 85:1138-1144.

38) Rosell, F. & Steifetten, Ø. 2004. Subspecies discrimination in the Scandinavian beaver (Castor fiber): combining behavioral and chemical evidence. Canadian Journal of Zoology 82:902-909.

37) Ranheim, B., Rosell, F., Haga, H.A. & Arnemo, J.M. 2004. Field anaesthetic and surgical techniques for implantation of intraperitoneal radio-transmitters in Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber). Wildlife Biology 10:11-15.

36) Herr, J. & Rosell, F. 2004. Use of space and movement patterns in monogamous adult Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber). Journal of Zoology, London, 262:257-264.

35) Parker, H. & Rosell, F. 2003. Beaver management in Norway: a model for continental Europe? Lutra 46:223-234.

34) Halley, D. & Rosell, F. 2003. Population and distribution of European beavers (Castor fiber). Lutra 46:91-101.

33) Sharpe, F. & Rosell, F. 2003. Time budget and sex differences in the Eurasian beaver. Animal Behaviour 66:1059-1067.

32) Schulte, B.A. & Rosell, F. 2003. Beavers (Castoridae). In Mammals V. Vol. 16 of Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, edited by D. G. Kleiman, V. Geist, M. Hutchins, and M. C. McDade, 16:177-184. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale Group. [Invited book chapter]

31) Rosell, F. 2003. Territorial scent marking in the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber L.). Denisia 9: Neue Serie 2:147-161.  [Invited book chapter; this paper is the introduction chapter of my PhD thesis].

30) Parker, H., Rosell, F. & Gustavsen, Ø. 2002. Errors associated with moose-hunter counts of occupied beaver Castor fiber lodges in Norway. Fauna Norvegica Serie A. 22:23-31.

29) Rosell, F. 2002. Do Eurasian beavers smear their pelage with castoreum and anal gland secretion? Journal of Chemical Ecology 28:1697-1701.

28) Parker, H., Rosell, F., Hermansen, T.A., Sørløkk, G. & Stærk, M. 2002. Sex and age composition of spring-hunted Eurasian beaver in Norway.  Journal of Wildlife Management 66:1164-1170.

27) Halley, D. & Rosell, F. 2002. The beaver’s reconquest of Eurasia: status, population development and management of a conservation success. Mammal Review. 32:153-178.

26) Rosell, F. & Bjørkøyli, T. 2002. A test of the dear enemy phenomenon in the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). Animal Behaviour 6:1073-1078.

25) Parker, H., Rosell, F., Hermansen, T. A., Sørløkk, G. & Stærk, M. 2001. Can beaver Castor fiber be selectively harvested by sex and age during spring hunting? Pages 164-169 in: Czech, A. & Schwab, G. (eds): The European Beaver in a new millennium. Proceedings of 2nd European Beaver Symposium, 27-30 Sept. 2000, Bialowieza, Poland. Carpathian Heritage Society, Kraków.

24) Halley, D. & Rosell, F.  2001. Current distribution, status and patterns of spread of the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber, and the implications for management. Pages 15-24 in: Czech, A. & Schwab, G. (eds): The European Beaver in a new millennium. Proceedings of 2nd European Beaver Symposium, 27-30 Sept. 2000, Bialowieza, Poland. Carpathian Heritage Society, Kraków.

23) Parker, H., Haugen, A., Kristensen, Ø, Myrum, E. Kolsing, R. & Rosell, F. 2001. Landscape use and economic value of beaver Castor fiber on a large forest in Southern Norway. Proceedings of the first European-American Beaver Congress, Kazan, Russia (Busher, P. & Gorshkov, Y., eds.), pp. 77-95.

22) Rosell, F. & Sundsdal, L.J. 2001. Odorant source used in Eurasian beaver territory marking. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 27:2471-2491.

21) Parker, H. & Rosell, F. 2001. Parturition dates for Eurasian beavers Castor fiber: when should spring hunting cease? Wildlife Biology 7:145-149.

20) Rosell, F. 2001. Effectiveness of predator odors as gray squirrel repellents. Canadian Journal of Zoology 79:1719-1723.

19) Rosell, F., Rosef, O. & Parker, H. 2001. Investigations of waterborne pathogens in Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) from Telemark county, Southeast Norway. Acta veterinaria scandinavica 42:481-484.

18) Fimreite, N., Parker, H., Rosell, F., Hosen, D.A., Hovden, A. & Solheim, A. 2001. Cadmium, Copper, and Zinc in Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) from Bø, Telemark, Norway. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 67:503-509.

17) Rosell, F. & Hovde, B. 2001. Methods of aquatic and terrestrial netting to capture Eurasian beavers. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29:269-274.

16) Parker, H., Rosell, F. & Holthe, V. 2000. A gross assessment of the suitability of selected Scottish riparian habitats for beaver. Scottish Forestry 54:25-31.

15) Rosell, F., Johansen, G. & Parker, H. 2000. Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) behavioral response to simulated territorial intruders Canadian Journal of Zoology 78:931-935.

14) Rosell, F. & Czech, A. 2000. Response of foraging Eurasian beavers Castor fiber to predator odours. Wildlife Biology 6:13-21.

13) Rosell, F. & Bergan, F. 2000. Scent marking in Eurasian beaver Castor fiber during winter. Acta Theriologica 45:281-287.

12) Ranheim, B., Arnemo, J.M. & Rosell, F. 2000. Anestetic and radio-tracking of beavers. Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift 112:12.

11) Rosell, F. & Sun, L. 1999. Use anal gland secretion to distinguish the two beaver species. Wildlife Biology 5:119-123.

10) Rosell, F. & Kvinlaug, J.K. 1998. Methods for live-trapping beaver (Castor spp.). Fauna Norvegica Serie A 19:1-28.

9) Rosell, F. & Bergan, F. 1998. Free-ranging Eurasian beavers, Castor fiber, deposit anal gland secretion when scent marking. Canadian Field-Naturalist 112:532-535.

8) Rosell, F. & Hovde, B. 1998. Pine Marten, Martes martes, as a Eurasian Beaver, Castor fiber, lodge occupant and possible predator. Canadian Field-Naturalist 112:535-536.

7) Rosell, F. & Kile, N.B. 1998. Abnormal incisor growth in Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). Acta Theriologica 43:329-332.

6) Rosell, F., Bergan, F. & Parker, H. 1998. Scent-marking in the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) as a means of territory defense. Journal of Chemical Ecology 24:207-219.

5) Nolet, B.A. & Rosell, F. 1998. Comeback of the beaver Castor fiber: an overview of old and new conservation problems. Biological Conservation 83:165-173.

4) Rosell, F. & Nolet, B.A. 1997. Factors affecting scent-marking behavior in the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber).  Journal of Chemical Ecology 23:673-689.

3) Kile, N.B. & Rosell, F.  1996. European Beaver, Castor fiber, pinned by a felled tree. Canadian Field-Naturalist 110:706-707.

2) Kile, N.B., Nakken, P., Rosell, F. & Espeland, S.  1996. Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes, kills a European Beaver, Castor fiber, kit. Canadian Field-Naturalist 110:338-339.

1) Nolet, B.A. & Rosell, F. 1994. Territoriality and time budgets in beavers during sequential settlement.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 72:1227-1237.