EU-finansierte forskings- og innovasjonsprosjekt

Auka samarbeid med dei beste og mest relevante fagmiljøa er viktig for USN. Internasjonalt forskingssamarbeid gjev meirverdi i form av auka kvalitet og relevans, og er ein føresetnad for å løyse dagens komplekse samfunnsutfordringar.

Oversikt over EU-finansierte prosjekt USN deltek i:


Prosjektnamn Vår rolle Forskear(ar) Start Slutt
An AI-based Holistic Dynamic Framework for a safe Drone’s Operations in restricted and urban areas (AI4HyDrop) Koordinator Aurilla Aurelie Arntzen 2023 2026
The Equitable, Inclusive, and Human-Centered XR Project (XR4Human) Koordinator Rigmor Baraas og Rosemarie Bernabe 
Enhancing Human Performance in Complex Socio-Technical Systems (ENHANCE) Koordinator Salman Nazir 2019 2024
Electrification of high temperature and flexible technologies for transforming cement, lime and pulp industry (ELECTRA) Partnar Lars Andre Tokheim 2024 2027
Intelligent neural system for bidirectional connection with exoprostheses and exoskeletons (NerveRepack) Partnar Giuseppe Schiavone 2023 2027
Remote and flexible work arrangements: A cross-national study focused on implications for leaders and employees (REMOTE-FLEX) Partnar Anja Olafsen 2023 2027
Myopia - from genes and environment to cellular responses and treatment (MyoTreat) Partnar Rigmor Baraas 2023 2027
Grön omställning med Laddning, Elektrifiering och Infrastruktur för Fritidsbåtar (GO:LEIF) Partnar Bjørnar Thorsen 2023 2025
Value4Sea Partnar Bjørnar Thorsen 2023 2026
Metal graphdiyne towards electrochemical water splitting (CarbonChem) Individual fellow project Hao Huang 2022 2024
OPTimising FORest management decisions for a low-carbon, climate resilient future in Europe (OptFor-EU) Partnar Lasse Berntzen 2023 2026
Prevention, mitigation, management of infectious diseases on cruise ships and passenger ferries (HEALTHY SAILING) Partnar Jörn Klein 2022 2025
Quantum sensing with nonclassical mechanical oscillators (MQSens)   Partnar

Francesco Pietro Massel

2022 2025
Integrating Adaptive Learning in Maritime Simulator-Based Education and Training with Intelligent Learning System (i-MASTER) Partnar

Ziaul Haque Munim

2022 2026
‘Smart-Bin’ development to quickly identify, sort & trace multiple forms of waste for recycling (Capture) Partnar Marit Gunda Gundersen Engeset 2022 2024
Supercapacitors for Power Grid Modernization towards a More Stable Future (SuPriM) Partnar

Pai Lu

2021 2025
Health effects of cArdiac fluoRoscopy and MOderN radIotherapy in paediatriCs (HARMONIC) Partnar Hilde M. Olerud 2019 2024
Responsible open science in Europe  (ROSIE) Partnar Rosemarie de la Cruz Bernabe 2021 2024
Artificial Intelligence for Diagnosing Retinal Diseases (AI D) Partnar Rigmor C. Baraas 2021 2024
Empowering EU health policies on Task SHIfting (TaSHI) Partnar Vibeke Sundling 2021 2024
Self-calibrating photoiodes for UV and exploitation of induced junction technology (S-CALe Up) Partnar Eivind Bardalen 2023 2026
Design, preparation and structural evolution of carbon quantum dots for zinc ion hybrid capacitors (Nanocarbon) Koordinator Kaiying Wang 2024 2026
Smart Maritime and Underwater Guardian (SMAUG) Partnar Jon Herman Ulvensøen 2023 2026
EmpoWering EDUC for Inclusive Development of the ERA Partnar Thomas Slagsvold 2024 2026
International Platform on Obstetric Violence (IPOV): an innovative tool for a respectful maternity and childbirth care (IPOV-RESPECTFUL CARE) Partnar Mirjam Lukasse 2024 2027
Building a scalable WILDlife monitoring system by integrating remote camera sampling and artificial INTELligence with Essential Biodiversity Variables-(WildINTEL) Partnar Andreas Zedrosser 2024 2027


Avslutta prosjekter
Harmonization and Pre-Standardization of Equipment, Training and Tactical Coordinated procedures for First Aid Vehicles deployment on European multi-victim Disasters (VALKYRIES) Partnar Marius S. Tannum og Jon H. Ulvensøen  2021 2023
TiO2 nanotubes/graphene-based nanomaterials to address the emerging contaminants pollution (GRAFTID) Partnar Kaiying Wang 2020 2023
Photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical carbon dioxide reduction (PhotoRed)  Partnar Kaiying Wang 2020 2023
Preserving the Adriatic Sea Ecosystems by Active Participation of CitizenS (SEAS)
Lasse Berntzen 2021 2022
Cloudbased analysis and diagnosis platform for PV prosumers (PVADIPC) Partnar Lasse Berntzen 2021 2022
Development of New digital Microphone-MEMS-Sensors for wind tunnels with open/closed test sections and flight tests (AEROMIC) Partnar Xuyuan Chen 2021 2023
Human, technical and political factors for better coordination and support of e-health in Africa (BETTEReHEALTH) Partnar Shegaw Anagaw Mengiste 2021 2023
Unravelling Data for Rapid Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19 (unCoVer) Partnar Jörn Klein 2020 2023
TURbiNe INnovation for reliable Generation from the TIDEs (TURNING-TIDE) Partnar Knut Vågsæther 2019 2022
Value2Sea Partnar Bjørnar Thorsen 2019 2022
Skandinavisk Elektrisk Transport System (SETS II) Partnar Bjørnar Thorsen 2019 2022
Building COMpetencies for COMpetitive COMpanies (COM3) Partnar Anh Nguyen Duc  2019 2023
PNR for safety of hydrogen driven vehicles and transport through tunnels and similar confined spaces (HyTunnel-CS) Partnar Knut Vågsæther 2019 2022
Self-calibrating photodiodes for the radiometric linkage to fundamental constants (ChipS.CALe) Partnar Per  Øhlckers 2019 2022
The European Landscape Learning Initiative: Past and Future Environments and Energy Regimes shaping Policy Tools (TerraNova) Partnar Hans Renssen 2019 2023
Multi-layer aggregator solutions to facilitate optimum demand response and grid flexibility (SMART-MLA) Partnar Lasse Berntzen 2018 2022
Train the trainer programme in hydrogen safety for responders (HyResponder) Partnar Andre Vagner Gaathaug 2020 2022
U-space Separation in Europe (USEPE) Partnar Aurilla Arntzen 2021 2022
Culture Power: Inspire to Develop Rural Areas (CUPIDO)   Gudrun Helgadottir 2018 2022
Advanced packaging for photonics, optics and electronics for low cost manufacturing in Europe (APPLAUSE) Partnar Per  Øhlckers  2019 2022
Optomechanical quantum sensors at room temperature (QuaSeRT) Partnar Kjetil Børkje 2018 2021
Bolstering the joint operation of HYdrogen and Offshore wiND (BEHYOND) Partnar Elisabet Syverud 2020 2021
Inclusive education and social support to tackle inequalities in society (ISOTIS) Partnar Thomas Moser 2017 2019
QuADC: Waveform metrology based on spectrally pure Josephson voltages Partnar Per Øhlckers 2016 2019
Biogass 2020 Partnar Rune Bakke 2015 2018
Functional connectivity and ecological sustainability of European ecological networks - a case study with the brown bear (BearConnect) Partnar Andreas Zedrosser 2017 2020
Eco-efficiency to maritime industry processes in the Baltic Sea Region (ECOPRODIGI) Partnar Kenn Steger-Jensen 2017 2020
Accelerating Low carbon Industrial Growth through CCUS (ALIGN-CCUS) Partnar Klaus-Joachim Jens 2017 2020
A smart inflow control valve for oil production pipes to reduce pollution and maximise oil recover (CLEAN-OIL) Partnar Einar Halvorsen 2018 202


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Seksjon for forsking og innovasjon koordinerer arbeidet med forskings- og innovasjonsprosjekt finanisert av EU. 

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