Admission requirements for a doctorate in humanities, cultural and educational sciences

Admission requires completion of a master's degree, normally with a grade of B or better. Applicants for the programme with external funding are accepted on an ongoing basis. Applications will be processed at the next programme board meeting, normally within two to three months.

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Admission to the PhD programme can take place in two ways.


  1. By applying for admission to the PhD programme on the basis of being appointed as a research fellow at USN.
  2. By applying for admission to the PhD programme on the basis of being appointed as a research fellow at another institution. You must then attach documentation (normally from your employer/research institution) that shows that you have funding to carry out the research training for the entire admission period. The admission period must include (at least) three years for the actual research training, with additions for any compulsory work in the position.


To be admitted, the applicant must:

  • Hold a master’s degree (120 credits), or equivalent, which is relevant to the content of the programme. The master's degree must include a thesis of at least 30 ECTS.
  • Normally have an average grade of B or better.
  • Have drawn up a preliminary project description with relevance for the programme.


The application must contain:

  • A documentation of the education that is the basis for admission.
  • A preliminary project description.
  • A proposed principal supervisor.
  • A possible description of an active research environment at USN that you wish to associate.
  • An explanation of any ethical issues raised by the project, and how these are to be clarified.


The project description must give an account of the theme, issue, theoretical perspectives and choice of method, and specify a realistic progress plan for the research work. You must also attach a plan for implementation, financing, dissemination and any plans for a research stay.



For information about the application process, contact us at