We apply theoretical and methodological perspectives from social sciences in order to study change and continuity in welfare institutions, governance models, the field of education and working life.

Our research

A common approach to such studies departs from the assumption that there is a mutual influence between agents (i.e. individuals and groups) and institutions (i.e. organizations and regulations).

Topics related to innovation, management & organization and governance models, as well as the interaction that takes place in the intersection between public bodies and different sort of organizations (public, non-public, commercial ones etc), are some of the prioritized arenas for the ongoing research in this research group.

Ongoing research activities stimulates and supports cooperation between research groups within and outside USN, actors outside research and the field of practice.

Hence, ongoing research aims to support USNs goals related to being both intertwined with practice and to solve important societal challenges.

Research methods

The research group uses a wide spectrum of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, in different research projects.

Research disciplines

Involved academic disciplines are sociology, social economics, history, political science and pedagogy. Members of the research group researches within themes related to welfare and welfare institutions, organizations and management, governance and regulation, trust and networks, polarization, education and work, innovation and migration.

Research partners and network
  • Stockholm University
  • Uppsala University
  • University of Vienna
  • University of Oslo
  • Landsforeningen for Hjerte- og Lungesyke (LHL)
  • NIFU
  • NTNU
  • Nordland Research Institute
  • Norwegian Institute of Public Health
  • NAV
  • ARCOM, England 
  • ENRIC network
Projects and activities

Migrant Work Inclusion: NFR-finansiert forskningsprosjekt 2021-2025 om inkludering av innvandrere i arbeidslivet. Kontaktpersoner: Prosjektleder Annett Arntzen / WP-leder Ole Jacob Thomassen

CLASS: Comparisons of Leadership Autonomy in School Districts and Schools. NFR-finansiert 2021-2025. Samarbeid med Universitetet I Stockholm, Universitetet I Uppsala, Universitetet i Wien, Norges Idrettshøyskole og OsloMet. Kontaktperson: Tine S. Prøitz, USN (prosjektleder). Involverte fra forskningsgruppen: Sigrunn Tvedten og Jens B. Grøgaard

«KOLS-prosjektet»: En brukerundersøkelse av egenmonitorering blant personer med kronisk sykdom. Finansiert av Regionale Forskningsfond Oslofjordfondet og USN Handelshøyskolen 2021-2022. Samarbeid med Landsforeningen for Hjerte- og Lungesyke (LHL) og fire kommuner i Østfold og Vestfold. Kontaktperson: Are Branstad og Annett Arntzen (USN).

Evaluering av Kompetanseløftet for spesialundervisning og inkluderende praksis. Finansiert av Utdanningsdirektoratet 2021-2025. Samarbeid mellom NIFU, NTNU og Nordlandsforskning. Kontaktperson: Christian Wendelborg, NTNU (prosjektleder), Cay Gjerustad, NIFU (prosjektleder NIFU). Involverte fra forskningsgruppen: Jens B. Grøgaard.

Forskning på opplæringstilbud for nyankomne elever. Finansiert av Utdanningsdirektoratet 2021-2024. Samarbeid mellom NIFU, Høgskolen Innlandet, Folkehelseinstituttet og Universitetet i Oslo. Kontaktperson: Berit Lødding, NIFU (prosjektleder). Involverte fra forskningsgruppen: Jens B. Grøgaard.

(Nordic) Unequal Childhood. Childhood, School and Inequality in the Nordic Countries. A collaboration platform and research umbrella, including subprojects in collaboration with the municipality of Trondheim, and with municipalities and universities in Tampere and Norrköping. Partly funded by the Nordplus Horizontal program and the Nordic Council of Ministers. Contact persons and project leaders: Håkon Leiulfsrud (NTNU/ISS), Anna Rapp (NTNU/ILS) og Eli Smedplass (NTNU/ILS). Involverte fra forskningsgruppen: Sigrunn Tvedten

Sosial ulikhet i helse: Fagråd i Viken fylkeskommune og HiØ, Befolknings- og folkehelseundersøkelser. Kontaktperson: Bengt Wenstøb (HiØ), Annett Arntzen (USN)

Navs samarbeid med arbeidsgivere: Offentlig phd.-prosjekt finansiert av NFR/NAV. Kontaktpersoner; Karianne Nyheim Stray, Ole Jacob Thomassen


Group leader
