Questions and answers about exams

Here, you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions about exams. For additional information, please refer to the student intranet.

Questions and answers about exams

When is my exam?

Your exam dates can be found on Studentweb. The dates are published and available from 1 October in the autumn semester, and 1 March for the spring semester. 

The board sets the academic calendar annually, which outlines the ordinary examination period's start and end dates, among other details. It is important to be aware that exams or mandatory activities may take place during times not specified in the academic calendar. While the Examinations Office recognizes the desire for early planning, it is unable to provide tentative dates during the planning stage due to the possibility of significant changes before the final announcement.


How do I sign up for an exam?

For regular exams, you will usually sign up as part of the semester registration. Outside the semester registration period, you can sign up for an exam in Studentweb.

Read more about how to sign up for an exam in Studentweb. (Requires login).

Is it possible for me to withdraw from examinations?

You have the option to withdraw from examinations and teaching activities through Studentweb. The deadlines and rules for withdrawal are detailed in Section 7-7 of the Regulations relating to Studies and Examinations.

What do I do if I become ill during an exam?

If you become ill, do not submit an answer for examination. If you have already submitted it, you cannot claim illness afterwards. 

You must submit a doctor's certificate using the digital application form to validate your absence within one week of the exam date. Additional information and forms are available on the intranet.

Typically, a medical certificate should be issued on the exam day and must pertain to the specific exam. Submitting an approved doctor's certificate within the deadline ensures your absence is recorded as valid, and you will not expend an exam attempt.

Be aware that you are responsible for registering for the subsequent exam yourself.

Is it necessary to own a computer?

Yes. For digital exams at USN, students must provide their own laptops that satisfy the minimum requirements for the examination. USN does not offer a computer loan program. A limited number of laptops are available solely for use as a backup in case of technical issues during the exam.

Why are not all my exams visible in Wiseflow?

Exams will appear in Wiseflow once the Exam office activates them individually. Consequently, some exams may become visible before others at random. This does not indicate that you are not registered for an exam. You can verify your exam registrations in Studentweb.

Do I need to write my candidate number on my answer sheet in Wiseflow? 

You do not need to write your candidate number on the answer sheet in WISEflow unless the exam instructions specifically require it. When you log into WISEflow using FEIDE, your answer sheet will be automatically associated with your candidate number upon submission.

How do I appeal against a grade?

Appeals against grades must be submitted through Studentweb. Further information about the appeals process can be found on the intranet.

According to the Public Administration Act, complaints should be processed without unnecessary delay. However, appointing new evaluators for re-assessment may take time, particularly during the Christmas and summer holiday periods. Consequently, you may not receive a response until the next examination session is scheduled.

How do I request an explanation of the grade?

Requests for grade explanations must be submitted via Studentweb within one week after the grade announcement. Further information about explanations and appeals can be found on the intranet. Justifications are typically provided within two weeks; however, the process may take longer, especially during holiday periods.

When can I take a re-sit exam?

As a general rule, students with a valid absence or who have received a grade of F - not passed, will re-sit the exam in the subsequent semester. However, there are exceptions, such as for the bachelor's degree in nursing.

  • Courses typically taught in the autumn semester usually have their retake exams scheduled for weeks 8 and 9.
  • Courses normally offered in the spring semester tend to have their retake exams in weeks 40 and 41.

(Additionally, final courses and those that are prerequisites for the next autumn's courses may have their retake exams in week 32.)

Should you aim to enhance a valid result, withdraw, or be absent for the exam, it is necessary to enroll for the subsequent ordinary examination.

Read more about new exams.

Why can`t I sign up for a new exam?

• Do you have a valid excuse for absence, or did you receive an F - failing to pass the regular exam? You are not eligible to register for a new exam if you have withdrawn or were marked as "not present".

• Is registration currently open? Registration periods typically begin on January 1st for exams scheduled in weeks 8 and 9, and on August 1st for exams in weeks 40 and 41.

• Has the grading been recently released? If the grading is announced close to or during the registration period, registration may be delayed for a few days after the announcement of the grades.

How should I approach a new exam if I have filed an appeal against my previous grade?

It is important not to postpone registering for a new exam while waiting for a grade appeal response. Exams have predetermined dates and specific registration windows. Students who have received an F grade, signifying failure, and intend to retake the exam, are required to register within the designated deadline, regardless of ongoing individual appeals concerning grading decisions or personal circumstances.

Special examination arrangements: How do I apply for special examination arrangements?

Should you have a disability or health condition that significantly disadvantages you during an examination, you are eligible to apply for special examination arrangements.

It is mandatory to use the designated application form for special examination arrangements.

Please ensure you read the details on the form carefully, as it is necessary to submit the required documentation and apply by the deadline for your application to be processed.

The deadlines for applying for special examination arrangements are September 15 and February 15.

Special examination arrangements: How do I resend documentation?

You can resubmit the application form for special exam arrangements, ensuring to note in the free text field that it relates to a previously submitted application. Alternatively, you may hand-deliver the documentation to the examination office prior to the deadline. Important: Avoid sending sensitive information via email.

Special examination arrangements: I can not obtain the associated documentation within the dealine. What to do?

Even if you lack the necessary documentation by the deadline, it is crucial to apply on time. You should submit the documentation within four weeks after the deadline. Should you encounter difficulties in obtaining the documentation within this timeframe, contact your campus examination office to discuss your situation. On a case-by-case basis, an extended deadline may be granted.

Special examination arrangements: What special exam arrangements can I get?

Information and guidelines for commonly utilized special exam arrangements can be found in the notes to § 7-15 of the USN regulations on studies and examinations. However, the relevance of specific exam arrangements for you will be determined by your individual, documented needs. A diagnosis alone does not entitle you to any particular exam arrangements.

Decisions regarding the nature and duration of individual adaptations at the time of the exam are based on the student's application, expert assessment of documentation, legal and regulatory provisions, and professional judgment.