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  • Physical Education Collaboration with South Korea

Physical Education Collaboration with South Korea

sørkoreansk kvinne i en bjørkeskog langs en hvitveiskledd sti
LISLEHERADMARKA: Sørkoreanske studenter i Semsøyene naturreservat i Notodden. (Foto: Geir Grimeland / USN) Kopirett: USN

New curriculum and teacher education reforms are being introduced in Norway and South Korea. In relation to this, the University of South-Eastern Norway and Incheon National University have joined forces to provide new knowledge for the renewal of physical education in both countries.

The two-year mobility project "Making physical education sustainable for the future (FUTURE-PE)" is funded through Erasmus+ and will provide new knowledge for the renewal of physical education in schools. This is particularly relevant in connection with the new curriculum reforms that are being introduced in Norway and South Korea, as well as the new teacher education reforms in the two countries.

Norwegian outdoor education and outdoor pedagogy are unique in the South Korean context. Similarly, the South Korean exploratory pedagogy and the tradition of having own, school-run sports clubs as extracurricular activities, are unique in the Norwegian context.

A cornerstone

“This project will act as a cornerstone for building collaborative relationships within higher education between Norway and South Korea. Our overall results will be shared openly, and they will be beneficial for other higher education institutions”, says Professor Jorunn Spord Borgen (usn.no), who coordinates the project for USN.

FUTURE-PE builds on previous collaboration between Professor Borgen and Professor at INU Keejoon Yoon (researchgate.com), who both contribute to the expert group for physical education within the ongoing OECD project Future of Education and Skills 2030 - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (oecd.org).

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organization that, among other things, works to promote policies to improve education worldwide.

Creating experiences 

Now, students and teachers at both universities will benefit from experience-based visits to each other.
“Our project creates experiences - both direct and indirect - with physical education across educational cultures and systems. This includes studies of curricula, didactic practices, student activity and also international exchange of research-based knowledge and model practices in physical education”, explains Professor Borgen. 

norske og sørkoreanske personer på tur, posererende ved en iøynefallende konstruksjon i naturmaterialer. FotoFrom April 29 to May 3, Professor Yoon and a group of physical education teacher students from our South Korean partner were on a short-term mobility stay at USN campus Notodden.

”This was a great chance to understand physical education lessons and physical education teacher education in Norway. I was able to get some fresh ideas of how physical education lessons in South Korea could and should be changed for sustainable development. I really appreciate all the faculties and students who we met during our stay”, says Professor Yoon.

Forest bathing

The academic program consisted among other things of participation together with our students in the international study Physical Education and Outdoor Learning where they received teaching in the subject Outdoor Education Pedagogy (Outdoor Education) in Lisleheradmarka.

”I am deeply impressed by the physical education teacher education in Norway. In particular, I have realized that the message of harmony with nature is one of the most important things to succeed with good education”, says INU student Geon Kang. 

The South Korean students and Professor Yoon also visited Notodden Junior High School and Notodden High School, where they got to know Norwegian school, and met students and teachers, and observed the physical education teaching.

”As a graduate students who want to become a physical education teacher, a range of direct experience including watching physical education lessons in different secondary schools, outdoor education lessons, walking in a beautiful park gave me a lot. I would like to come again in the future to study pedagogies for outdoor education in Norway”, inu student Damwon Lee says. 

"School sprint"

During the week, seminars were conducted, where several from the physical education subject group participated and presented their research on physical education, outdoor school and outdoor life, and the practical and aesthetic subjects in Norway. 

Professor Yoon lectured on physical education in school and physical education teacher education in South Korea. The international students contributed with questions for discussion. 

The traditional orienteering day for primary school students at campus Notodden, "School Sprint", was also part of the programme.

co-funded by the erasmus+ programme of the european union