Semester start programme for campus Vestfold

Get an overview of what happens the first week on your campus.


Sunday, August 11th

  • 12.00-15.00 See your campus! New students can enter campus on the Sunday before the start of studies. Employees and sponsors will be on campus and the Student Association is at work so you can pick up keys to your dorm.

    keyboard_backspace Join in on Open Sunday

  • Guided tour on campus for international students at 1 pm. Meet at the service center by the main entrance 10 minutes before the tour begins.

Monday, August 12th

Tuesday, August 13th

  • 09.00 Introcution to your study programme and information from USN.
    Some programmes have different start times and start later.
  • 13.00 International meet up, for international students in room C2-80.
  • 14.00 "Rebusløp". Solve puzzles in teams and find your way around campus.
  • 16.00 "Waterday" held by the student sports organization in Vestfold.
  • 18.00 Mocktail course on HUSET. Non alcoholic event you need to sign up for.
  • 20.00 Movie Night. Non alcoholic event.
  • Party at Glassmagasinet in Horten.

Wednesday, August 14th

Thursday, August 17th

Friday, August 16th

Social programme for the study start week

keyboard_backspace For "Buddy week/Fadderprogram" and programme organized by the student society download this Norwegian programme (.pdf)

keyboard_backspace The student society "HUSET" programme pages

keyboard_backspace For other student activities, follow the Southeast calendar

Time schedules