Wuhan University of Technology (WUoT)

Illustration photo Wuhan
Country: Kina
Persons who have traveled here: 9
We have collaborated with Wuhan University of Technology (WUoT) for 18, 9 students have been on exchange here. WUoT was merged on May 27, 2000 from the former Wuhan University of Technology (established in 1948), Wuhan Transportation University (established in 1946) and Wuhan Automotive Polytechnic University (established in 1958). WUoT is one of the leading Chinese universities under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education and one of the universities in the country's building plan of university-leading universities and first-class disciplines.

Why apply to your university?

Wuhan University of Technology (hereafter referred to as WUT) is a national key university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education. It is one of the first batch of universities which have entered the national "211 Project" and the national "Double Top" Plan for Promoting the Development of World-class Universities and Disciplines. WUT is jointly constructed by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Transport. It is also the largest university inside the Ministry of Education in talents cultivation for building materials, transportation and automobile, WUT has become an important base for the cultivation of high-level scientific talents and technological innovation for the three major industrial sectors.

Read more on the university's homepage



Wuhan University of Technology

We have collaborated with Wuhan University of Technology (WUoT) for 18, 9 students have been on exchange here. WUoT was merged on May 27, 2000 from the former Wuhan University of Technology (established in 1948), Wuhan Transportation University (established in 1946) and Wuhan Automotive Polytechnic University (established in 1958). WUoT is one of the leading Chinese universities under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education and one of the universities in the country's building plan of university-leading universities and first-class disciplines.