University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)

illustration photo of UTS
Country: Australia
Persons who have traveled here: 53
We have collaborated with University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) for 12, 53 students have been on exchange here. Sydney is Australia's largest city and is located on the continent's south east coast. As a world metropolis, Sydney has offers in most things: Festivals, concerts, art and culture, beach life and exciting people!

Why apply to your university?

UTS is a reflection of Sydney’s multicultural diversity. With around 42,600 students from 120 different countries, UTS is an exciting place to be! Located in the heart of the city, we take a global approach to education that has innovation at its core. We’re a university for the real world, aligning all our courses closely with industry needs, so what you learn will prepare you for your future career.

When not in class, adventure awaits you! Bars and restaurants are at our doorstep, the beautiful Sydney Opera House is just 15 minutes away by train or take it easy on one of Sydney’s many beautiful beaches.

How do you receive international students?

Orientation is the series of events run on campus for new students. During Orientation you will become acquainted with the UTS campus and learn important things that will assist you to be a successful student at UTS. All new students are expected to attend on-campus activities during Orientation. Orientation is designed to help you get the best out of your student experience by providing you with information about UTS support services, academic and professional development, clubs and activities, your faculty, and discovering your new campus.

Accommodation and cost of living

Supporting yourself includes the cost of accommodation, food, transport, services, utilities, entertainment and other expenses to help you make the most of your time in this exciting city. At UTS, we estimate that an international student requires a minimum of A$23,452 – A$28,652 for living expenses for each academic year. A Department of Home Affairs requirement is that prospective international students must demonstrate that they have access to at least A$21,041 a year to fund their living costs in Australia. Choose to live in one of UTS’s five residencies close to the UTS campus or in off-campus accommodation. You will need to consider your preferred location, as well as your budget before you decide which accommodation option suits your needs and lifestyle.

Facilitation at university 

UTS is committed to providing equal opportunity for students with disabilities and ongoing health conditions through an inclusive educational environment. Accessibility Consultants are available to discuss and assist with disability or health condition considerations related to future study at UTS and the application process.

What are your strongest subject areas?

Analytics and Data Science, Business, Communication, Creative Intelligence and Innovation, Design, Architecture and Building, Education, Engineering, Health, Information Technology, International Studies and Social Sciences, Law, Science and Transdisciplinary Innovation

Contact person

Kartika Paksi

Read more on the university's homepage



University of Technology, Sydney

We have collaborated with University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) for 12, 53 students have been on exchange here. Sydney is Australia's largest city and is located on the continent's south east coast. As a world metropolis, Sydney has offers in most things: Festivals, concerts, art and culture, beach life and exciting people!