Praksis etter endt grad (Egenvalgt)

Mari er på internship
Country: Egenvalgt
Persons who have traveled here: 0
Please note: "Praksis etter endt grad (Egenvalgt)" = Internship after graduation (Self-selected). Practice in the EU after graduation are offered to all USN students. Take advantage of the opportunity to work in an EU country when you have finished your bachelor's or master's studies. You will receive support for practice for 3 - 12 months!

Practice in the EU after graduation are offered to all USN students. NB. You have to find the internship yourself!

Take advantage of the opportunity to work in an EU country when you have finished your bachelor or master degree. You will receive E+grant for practice for 3 - 12 months.

Erasmus grant

If you soon are finishing your bachelor's or master's degree here at USN? Start looking for an internship in the EU/EEA countries. If you get an internship in one of the EU countries, you can apply for an Erasmus+ grant of 620-680 EUR per month (depending on which country you are going to), in addition to any salary or scholarship you receive from your employer.

If you have been on an Erasmus+ exchange stay for 1 semester during your studies, you can still travel on an Erasmus+ practice after completing your degree (each student can be on an Erasmus stay for up to 12 months in total during the degree).

If you have been on an exchange for 4 months and received an Erasmus + scholarship, you can travel on Practice in Europe after graduation, and receive support for 8 months.

The internship

This is a unique opportunity to gain relevant international work experience and network as a recent graduate! Internships after graduation have great potential, as the stay does not stand in the way of your study progression.

The internship can find place in; companies, organizations, institutions, embassies, permanent delegations and/or schools in all EU countries, including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Northern Macedonia or Turkey (excluding EU institutions and Erasmus + national offices). You can not apply for a scholarship for an internship in Norway, and you can only get funding for one internship at one company/organization.

Requirements for Practice in the EU after graduation - how?

  • Apply before February 1st. during your last semester at USN
  • You must independently find an internship within the EU / EEA countries
  • The internship can be in a company/organization, public or private
  • The duration of the internship period shall be a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 12 months
  • The internship must start in the semester immediately after you have completed the degree
  • The internship must be approved by the faculty / department
  • The section for internationalization has a limited number of scholarship funds. If many applications are received, scholarships will be awarded to students with the best grades. If the grade point average is the same, students who have not traveled on an exchange before will be given priority.


You have to apply for Practice in the EU after graduation within the same dates as outbound exchange: February 1 for practice in the coming autumn semester and throughout the year. Read more about application here: How to apply for outbound exchange


If you are offered a scholarship, you must:

  • Compleet a three-party internship agreement: Learning Agreement - Student Mobility for Traineeships. You and the employer complete the part of the internship agreement called "Before the mobility" by June 1st (before you finish as a student at USN).

  • Attach the employment contract and the job description for the internship from the employer

  • Be sufficiently insured

  • Pay semester fee to USN

  • Sign the Erasmus papers you receive from our Erasmus coordinator within the deadlines we have set

  • Submit report after stay

Where can you find an internship?

There are some good websites when you are looking for an internship, for example:



Praksis etter endt grad

Please note: "Praksis etter endt grad (Egenvalgt)" = Internship after graduation (Self-selected). Practice in the EU after graduation are offered to all USN students. Take advantage of the opportunity to work in an EU country when you have finished your bachelor's or master's studies. You will receive support for practice for 3 - 12 months!