Salman har observasjonspraksis på sykehuset i Vestfold

Quality assurance and optimization in radiology

- Part time

We offer a study in ‘Quality assurance and optimization in radiology’ (15 ETCs) for an international community of radiographers.

  • Closing dates: Expired

Study facts

  • Campus
  • Study level: Modules
  • Progression of study: Part time
  • Start up: Not defined
  • Teaching model: Online-based
  • Credits: 15
  • Application code: 5188
  • Semesters: 1
  • Teaching Language: English
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Why study Quality assurance and optimization in radiology?

Optimization is one of the key principle of radiation protection. As the appropriate imaging modality have been selected for the clinical indication, it’s about selecting the appropriate procedure for the clinical question and individual patient, taking into account both image quality and patient dose.

What you will learn

The course will provide an overview of the various strategies in quality management, quality improvement and quality assurance in medical applications of radiation. The students will be introduced to the principles and methods for optimization of medical exposures in general, and methods for audits of local practice. The students will then learn how to apply the principles and methods on a selected modality focusing on both interdisciplinary procedure development, and individualized optimization from radiographers’ perspective – the patient handling and choice of equipment settings.

  • The course will be piloted Spring 2020, and for this pilot we will focus on Conventional X-ray and Computed Tomography

The program will only be offered as an online course.

Course plan

A course plan will give you a description of the academic content of the course and your learning outcome. You will find reading lists and relevant information on how each course is taught.

Link to the latest published course plan

Admission requirements

This course requires a Bachelor's degree in radiography, biochemistry or other health science/ scientific education with documented expertise in the field of radiation physics, radiation biology and medical radiography equivalent to a Bachelor's degree in radiography.

In addition, either at least 1 year of relevant clinical experience is required before admission to the Master's degree programme, alternatively that you occupy a minimum of a 20% position in a relevant clinical practice throughout the course of study. By relevant clinical practice we mean experience from an establishment that uses medical radiation sources.

You must also fulfil the English requirements, and have a cumulative grade point average equivalent to, or better than, a C in the ECTS system (we do the grade conversion).

Please read all the information about the admission process before you apply.

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