Bachelorstudent i arkitektonisk lysdesign

Universal lighting design

Kongsberg - Part time

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities shall ensure that disabled people have their human rights fulfilled in the same way as everyone else.

  • Closing dates: 15.11.2024

Study facts

  • Campus: Kongsberg
  • Study level: Further education
  • Progression of study: Part time
  • Specialization: Universal lighting design
  • Start up: Spring 2025
  • Teaching model: Session-based
  • Credits: 5
  • Charge: 10000,-
  • Closing dates: 15.11.2024
  • Semesters: 1
  • Teaching Language: English
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Course content 

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities shall ensure that disabled people have their human rights fulfilled in the same way as everyone else. Norway signed the UN Convention in 2007 and ratified it in 2013. This means that the state is obliged to comply with what is stated in the convention. This convention is often abbreviated CRPD after the English title "Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities". 
Norway, also have our own Gender Equality and Discrimination Act, which makes it prohibited to discriminate against disabled people in education, working life and in other areas of society. The purpose of the law is to promote equality and prevent discrimination. Equality means equality, equal opportunities, and equal rights. Gender equality presupposes accessibility and facilitation. Lack of universal design of offers aimed at the public is considered discrimination

The course teaches the students how to create and design universally designed visual environments for everyone, by advanced lighting and visual strategies.

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Learning activities

The course consists of teaching with various learning activities. Examples of learning activities are resource lectures, project work, practical exercises, group discussions, work with portfolio submissions, inspections, student presentations, as well as guidance for portfolio assignments and exercises. The work with the portfolio submissions (written / project assignments, individually and in groups) will be included throughout the semester. 

Coursework requirements 

The student is responsible for completing all the assignments in the course and will have to exercise independent disposition of the activities within the framework of the study. It is expected that the students largely work independently and come prepared for the teaching sessions. Lectures, demonstrations, practical activities, and project work may have compulsory attendance, and this is stated in the semester plan. A portfolio is to be handed in and must be passed prior to the exam. 

Compulsory activity and compulsory attendance

In the case of compulsory attendance, attendance of at least 80% is a condition for being able to sit for the examination

Forms of assessment

Assessment of achieved learning outcomes in the course is assessed based on portfolio assessment. Folder submissions through the course are collected in an individual digital folder that can be processed throughout the semester and students can receive guidance along the way, both from the teacher and fellow students. The portfolio must be delivered within the set time and be complete in order to sit for the exam. 

Final assessment: During the examination period, the students must individually further develop parts of their portfolio according to established criteria and submit an individual assessment portfolio. The entirety of the completed assessment file will then form the basis for the final assessment in the course.

Admission requirements

Bachelor's degree or equivalent education, with an average grade of C or better. In addition, 2 years of relevant professional experience in the field of architecture, design, engineering or similar is required.

See also: English requirements for programmes and subjects taught in English.

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Teaching model info

How and where classes are offered.

Progression of study info

Expected progress of study. Full time is programmes with full progress of study (60 ECTS credits per academic year, 30 ECTS credits per semester). Part time is programmes with less than full progress of study (less than 60 ECTS credits per academic year, or less than 30 ECTS credits per semester).

Start up
Part time
Spring 2025
Part time
Spring 2025
Part time
Autumn 2023
Part time
Autumn 2023