Student Emmy Kristine Rustad i lab.

DigiPro: Digitalization programme for the process industry

DigiPro is a Norwegian center for digitalization of the process industry and offer a set of competence-building courses for increasing the knowledge within this area. These courses are offered to employees of the DigiPro-partner companies.

Offers from NTNU

The course series is designed as a collaboration between USN and NTNU.

keyboard_backspace Offers from NTNU

Offers from USN

Teaching model info

How and where classes are offered.

Progression of study info

Expected progress of study. Full time is programmes with full progress of study (60 ECTS credits per academic year, 30 ECTS credits per semester). Part time is programmes with less than full progress of study (less than 60 ECTS credits per academic year, or less than 30 ECTS credits per semester).

Start up
Online and session-based
Part time
Not defined
Online and session-based
Part time
Not defined

Target group

Target groups include: Managers, project managers and skilled/production workers from Elkem, Eramet, Jotun, Hydro and Boliden.

The DigiPro programme

The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skillsannounced funding in autumn of 2021 for competence building within vulnerable industrial clusters. DigiPro applied and received funding late 2021 for development of competence-building courses (EVU) for digitalization of the process industry.

The project is a collaboration between the universities and research institutions NTNU, SINTEF, UiA and USN, and the companies Boliden, Hydro, Jotun, Elkem and Eramet. The project is led by USN.

Course offerings

The industrial companies emphasized areas such as technology management, cyber security, and data analysis as the most important areas for skills development. Based on this specification will four courses be developed and implemented in this project, three basic courses in the desired areas for skills development, and an overview course named «Digitalization of the process industry». The overview course is intended to be a course where the candidates can combine the competence from any of the basic courses, based on real challenges within their own companies. The knowledge from the basic courses, together with supervising from the staff at the universities and research institutions, the candidate will make a report documenting valuable solution(s) for the company.

DigiPro course overview



These courses prototypes and are free of charge for workers from Elkem, Eramet, Jotun, Hydro and Boliden.

We will at a later time offer these and other courses to all industrial companies at regular costs.