USN hosts the EDUC Steering Committee Meeting in June

Campus Drammen. Photo

We wish all our partners a heartly welcome to the city of Drammen, as the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) will be hosting the EDUC Steering Committee Meeting at our campus in Drammen June 17-19 2024.

The EDUC Steering Committee Meeting is an important part of the governance structure of the European Digital University alliance and includes representatives from each of our eight universities.

During June 17-19 there will be meetings, parallel sessions and networking in addition to social and cultural programmes. The participants will also have the opportunity to experience Drammens natural beauty and to get the true Norwegian experience with a hike to picturesque Åspaviljongen, overlooking the city.

Heidi Tovsrud Knutsen. Foto– We are thrilled to host this event and thus bringing together management, students, administration, faculty, and experts from various disciplines and all universities in EDUC. We look forward to strategic discussions and insightful sessions with our partners. It's all about collaboration and innovation, says the institutional coordinator of EDUC at USN, Heidi Tovsrud Knutsen.

Throughout the three days, different meetings for the Board of Rectors, Board of Students and Advisory Board for Education in addition to the EDUC Steering committee will take place among various management and coordinating groups within the alliance, with a total number of about 60 participants.

– The Board of Rectors will among other topics discuss the process for the legal status as well as future long-term proposals, and the Advisory Board for Education will have the standards and the quality management as well as how we can integrate EDUC structures and courses into our own study programs on the agenda. All important topics for the alliance to reach our goals for a strategic and robust cooperation in education and research.

Overall goal

The specific agenda for each Steering Committee Meeting varies, but the overall goal is to guide the development and implementation of the alliance's mission and objectives, ensure effective cooperation between the member universities, and address any challenges or opportunities that arise.

This is also an opportunity for representatives from different universities to share best practices, learn from each other's experiences, and strengthen their collaborative relationships. The decisions made during these meetings help shape the direction of the alliance and have a significant impact on its activities and initiatives.

The EDUC Student Board will also assemble in Drammen and meet separately from the Steering Committee, although there may be joint meetings or discussions, depending on the topics and issues at hand. The Student Board plays a crucial part of EDUC, consisting of representatives from the student bodies of each university in the alliance and representing the voice of our students.

fem blide personer går over Ypsilon bru med campus Drammen i bakgrunnen. Foto

The purpose of it all

European University Alliances ( represent a flagship initiative within the European strategy for universities ( The primary aim is to establish alliances between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across Europe, thereby enhancing the international competitiveness of HEIs.

The EDUC Alliance presents an opportunity for ambitious and impactful actions. Operating within the budgetary and policy constraints of European University Alliances, we are committed to implementing significant changes that will reshape our universities and our relationship with the broader social environment.

As part of the European Universities initiative, we aim to lead efforts in activating key initiatives advocated by the European Commission, including the implementation of micro-credentials, the European degree, the European student card, and a legal status for the European Digital UniverCity.