USN Partner Days

"In the year 2007 with the launch of the Life-long Learning Programme (LLP) the European Commission started a new activity under the Erasmus programme: Erasmus staff trainings.

Erasmus staff mobility for staff training offers an opportunity to participate in different forms of training abroad, such as job shadowing (staff members from a HEI go to another HEI to work there for a certain period) or attending job-related conferences and workshops." (IMOTION)

USN hosted the very first Staff Week for Erasmus+ participants in June 2019 at campus Kongsberg. 

USN Staff Week 2019 was a great success and in 2023, we did it once again. The feedback was that it was a purpuseful and positive experience for the participants and USN staff. 

3rd-5th June 2024, the event was held at campus Vestfold. is will be held in June at campus Vestfold. 

The 2025 event will be at campus Bø, more information and registration deadline will be announced on our web pages.