EDUC – for Students

USN & EDUC. Logo

Studying has never been as unique as with EDUC.

The European Digital UniverCity or EDUC makes it possible for students to study not only at one university, but at all eight universities of the alliance.

  • Do you wish to study at USN through EDUC? Reach out

Thanks to our emerging infrastructure and innovative exchange and course offerings, you will soon be able to move easily between EDUC Alliance partner universities, broaden your skills beyond existing majors and gain international experience on an individual basis.

New virtual resources create more options: Further your education, learn languages or network with your EDUC community. From Bachelor to PhD, EDUC offers numerous options for a wide range of disciplines.

Build your curriculum according to your wishes and ideas, benefit from Europe-wide university structures, technical progress and get to know other countries and cultures.

EDUC Alliance – Find your own student journey

EDUC Course Catalogue

EDUC opens up new study opportunities in Europe with online courses and blended learning.

USN will be stronger on the field from autumn 2024, but you can already check out the course catalog and discover the diverse selection:

Tip: In the menu on the left, you can filter your search - at the very bottom, you can limit the search to "Only accessible courses", i.e. to display only upcoming courses.

EDUC Language Courses

You want to go to France, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Italy, Spain or Norway, but still have no idea how to order a coffee over there? Then a language course at one of our partner universities is just the thing for you.

The EDUC universities regularly offer language courses in the respective national language for every language level.

Unfortunately there are currently no offers available. Get back here later to check out your options and opportunities to improve your language skills or embark on a new language journey.

EDUC Summer and Winter Schools 

Whether on-site, digitally or in a blended learning format: the summer and winter schools of our EDUC Alliance partner universities in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Italy, Norway, Spain and France promote international exchange between students with a duration of one to six weeks.

You can attend language courses or expand your knowledge on a wide range of specialist topics in a very individual way. Finally yet importantly, you will gain unique insights into other lifestyles and cultures.

USN students can apply for EDUC summer schools in 2024 through our intranet: Go to summer school with EDUC scholarship in 2024 - USN Intranet

EDUC Gap Year 

As an EDUC student, you have the opportunity to pause your studies for one or two semesters.

EDUC Gap Year is a unique opportunity to take a break from current studies and explore the possibilities with different subjects, courses and programs that you would otherwise not have had time to participate in. At the same time, you get to see the world from a different point of view by visiting and studying abroad.

The arrangement allows you to spend one or two semesters at one or both of our partner universities in France: the University of Paris Nanterre or the University of Rennes 1.

The scheme will not be offered to USN students in the autumn of 2023, but we hope that we can already then accept our first EDUC students from abroad.

Check out our example of a Student Journey with EDUC below. Find a magnifying glass, or simply download the Student Journey pdf-file

modell som viser muligheter for hvordan USNs studenter kan lene seg på EDUC gjennom studieløpet.

Your world just got bigger.


  • Do you wish to study at USN through EDUC? Reach out

The EDUC alliance was established in 2019, and USN came on board in 2023. We are still working to establish new infrastructure and innovative exchange and course arrangements, which will soon, and increasingly, make it possible for USN students to move easily between the EDUC alliance's eight universities.

By autumn 2024 we will have a lot in place, and it will mark a watershed for our participation in EDUC and for student mobility at USN.

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