Ylva Frøjd

Associate professor
Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science
Department of Languages and Literature Studies
Campus Drammen (5605)
Academic areas of interest: Contemporary literature, (critical) literary studies: ecocriticism, class perspectives, feminist studies, post-colonial studies. Literature didactics. Humanitarian aid communication


Teaching areas: text analysis, contemporary literature including children and young adult literature, literature history, literary theory and literature didactics. Multimodal texts. Humanitarian aid communication.

Member of the USN research groups Litteratur og litteraturdidaktikk and Litteratur og film.


Relevant work experience

Associate Professor of Norwegian, University of Southeastern Norway, 2019-

Research Fellow, University of Oslo, 2017-2018

Teacher at Røyken videregående (high school), 2013-2014

University lecturer (online), Volda University College, 2012

University lecturer, University of Oslo, 2010-2012


Relevant education:

Doctoral thesis at the Department of Linguistics and Nordic Studies, in the project Scandinavian narratives of guilt and privilege in a time of globalization (ScanGuilt), University of Oslo, 2018. The thesis "Who cares?" Global solidarity and guilt in Operasjon Dagsverk's material examines a selection of solidarity campaign material and 24 collected student texts.

University pedagogical competence, University of Oslo, 2018

Practical-pedagogical education (PPU). University of Oslo, 2013.

Master's degree in Nordic literature at the Department of Linguistics and Nordic Studies, in the project Cosmopolitanism, post-nationalism and the cultural self in recent literature, University of Oslo. Master's thesis Novel and identity in the nation's imagined community - an analysis of Jan Kjærstad's The King of Europe (2005), Jonas Hassen Khemiris Montecore. A unique tiger (2006) and Kirsten Hammann's A drop in the sea (2008) discuss contemporary Nordic novels in the light of theories about national identity, gender and ethnicity.

Bachelor in cultural and social studies. University of Oslo, 2008. Emphasis on the subjects Nordic literature, rhetoric, and media & communication.


Selected publications

Frøjd, Y. & Sandberg, K.L. 2023. Litterær eller lærarfagleg analyse? Om skilnader og nytteverdi i litteraturdidaktisk arbeidNorsklæreren 4/2023. 

Frøjd, Y., Norendal, A. & Olsen, L.W. 2023. Å utdannes til litteraturlærer – grunnskolelærerstudentens litterære erfaringer og profesjonens krav til litterær kompetanse. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. Vol. 107, utg. 3. 

Frøjd, Y. 2022. Klimakrisa i klasserommet. Kontroversielle, emosjonelle og sensitive tema i skolen. Goldschmidt-Gjerløw, B., Eriksen, K.G. og Jore, M.K. (red.). Universitetsforlaget.

Frøjd, Y. 2021. Sårbarhet i Maja Lundes Bienes historieLitteratur og sårbarhet. Dancus, A.M., Linhart, S.H., Myhr, A.B. (red).

Frøjd, Y. 2018. “Global dannelse i møte med Operasjon Dags­verks testimonials”. Norsklæreren 2/2018.

Frøjd, Y. 2018.  Who Cares? Operation Day’s Work’s Booklet Covers as Appeals for Humanitarian Aid. I The Happiest People on Earth? Scandinavian Narratives of Guilt and Discontent. Scandinavian Studies. Special Issue. DOI: 10.5406/scanstud.89.issue-4, s. 548-572.

Frøjd, Y. 2017. Solidaritet og bistand. En undersøkelse av hvordan elevtekster går i dialog med Operasjon Dagsverks temahefte 2015 om seksuelle rettigheter. I Åpne dører mot verden. Norske ungdommers møte med fortellinger om skyld og privilegier. Bakken, J. og Oxfeldt, E. (Red.). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Frøjd, Y. 2016. “Leve Vesten, la oss fortsette festen”. En retorisk analyse av Operasjon Dagsverks kampanjefilm (2014). I Skandinaviske fortellinger om skyld og privilegier i en globaliserings­tid. Oxfeldt, E. (Red.) Universitetsforlaget.