Teresa Katherine Aslanian

Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science
Department of Educational Science
Campus Porsgrunn (D-3152)
I am a trained preschool teacher with 15 years combined practice experience as assistant, pedagogic leader and director. I have a PhD in educational science in which I studied conceptions of care in ECEC, including care as a material practice. My teaching practice is concerned with students exercising agency in their learning processes and joint learning processes. My research is concerned with re-theorising main concepts in ECEC, such as care, learning and play and is included in recent knowledge briefs on the role of kindergarten teachers published by the Ministry of Education and Research. I am particularly interested in the Nordic early childhood pedagogy tradition. My recent publications include three edited anthologies. I am currently working on an English edition of my syllabus book for Springer, aimed at Early Childhood Education teacher students and practitioners Kjærlighet som profesjonsutøvelse i barnehagen (Love as a Professional Practice in Early Childhood Education and Care).




Publications in Cristin