Suela Kacerja

Suela Kacerja

Associate professor
Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science
Department of Mathematics and Science Education
Campus Drammen
I am a mathematics teacher educator, associate professor, with long experience in teaching mathematics education at all university levels from Norway and Albania, and an active researcher in mathematics education I have an international experience in teacher education: first, from Albania as a pre-service teacher of mathematics and then as teacher educator for 8 years and as part-time teacher of mathematics for grades 5-8; then from Norway as a teacher educator at all levels (bachelor, master and PhD); but also from my study periods and international collaborations with colleagues in South Africa, Albania and Kosovo. I have a strong interest on critical perspectives in mathematics education, having done research both with school students, pre-service and in-service teachers, as well as teacher educators. I also am interested in mathematics in society and in different contexts, as well as on mathematical modelling in school. Here are some of the projects I am working with: -Evaluering av fagfornyelsen 2025 -ARGUMENT project about mathematics and sciences, and actual societal topics, for grades 8-10, a collaboration with teacher educators from natural sciences and mathematics education, Bergen kommune, and teachers and students from 3 schools in Bergen. -LATACME project (HVL) working with mathematical modelling and critical argumentation ( -Fake news in education -I have previously had a diku financed project for collaborating with the University of the Western Cape (South Africa) where I was one of the project leaders (


  • Leader for one course, MG2MA6 in the Master programme in mathematics education (for mathematics teachers in grades 5-10)
  • Teaching in the Master programmes for 1-7 (MG1MA6), 5-10 and Begynneropplæring (elementary school) teachers 
  • Supervision of master students writing their theses in mathematics education and evaluation
  • Co-supervisor for one PhD student in mathematics education (HVL)
  • Co-leader for the research group in mathematics education at USN
  • Leader for an international project financed by HkDir "Mathematical toolkit design North-South"




  • PhD in mathematics education from the University of Agder (UiA)- title of the thesis "Real-life contexts and students' interests. An Albanian study" (2012).
  • I have been a supervisor for many master students in mathematics education for many years, and co-supervisor for one PhD student. 
  • I have myself written applications for Erasmus + projects (student and staf exchange) and utforsk projects (HkDir) and been succesful in obtaining grants (the last one, Mathematical toolkit design North-South). I have also been participating in writing NFR projects. 
  • I have participated as researcher in the several big projects (Argument ; LATACME ; Indices as mathematical models- international ; EvaFag2025; Indices in society)
  • I have experience with leadership of research groups (Lived Democracy at HVL; Research group in mathematics education USN)
  • I have the competence in leading research and education projects (both formal competence from courses, and experience from leadership of research projects)




Publications in Cristin