Solfrid Bratland-Sanda

Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science
Department of Sports, Physical Education and Outdoor Studies
Campus Bø (1-254)
Professor in exercise science. Experience as group fitness instructor and volunteer coach in children sport. Beactive - every move counts (WHO, 2020)! LinkedIn profile:


Lecturer and supervisor: bachelor in sport science with specialization in physical activity and health

Lecturer and supervisor: master in sport, physical education and outdoor studies

2023- Co-leader USN strategic research initiative "Health and Welfare Services of the Future"

2015- Leader of Health and Exercise in a Lifecourse Perspective (HELP) research unit

2016-2024 Board member union Forskerforbundet at USN

2017-2021 Member of Young Academy of Norway (

2018-2020 Board Member, Young Academy of Norway

2019- Collaborator in PROFRES, a National Graduate-level Researcher School in Applied and Practical research in the areas of Health, Welfare and Education (

2020- USN board member



Exercise physiology, behavior change, physical activity and health, eating disorders, compulsive exercise, dieting, weight regulation.


For all publications, please see this link:


Papers in international, peer-review journals

Rosenbaum S, Morell R, Abdel-Baki A, Ahmadpanah M, Anilkumar TV, Baie L, Bauman A, Bender S, Han JB, Brand S, Bratland-Sanda S, Bueno-Antequera J, Deslandes AC, Carneiro L, Carraro A, Castaneda CP, Castro Monteiro F, Chapman J, Chau J, Chen L-J, Chvatalova B, Chwastiak L, Corretti G, Dillon M, Douglas C, Egger S, Gaughran F, Gerber M, Gobbi E, Gould K, Hatzinger M, Holsboer-Tracksler E, Hoodbhoy Z, Imboden C, Indu PS, Iqbal R, de Jesus-Moraleida FR, Kondo S Ku P-W, Lederman O, Lee EHM, Malchow B, Matthews E, Mazur P, Meneghelli A, Mian A, Morseth B, Munguia-Izquierdo D, Nyboe L, O'Donoghue B, Perram A, Richards J, Romain AJ, Romaniuk M, Sadeghi-Bahmani D, Sarno M, Schuch F, Schweinfurth N, Stubbs B, Uwakwe R, Van Damme T, Van Der Stouwe E, Vancampfort D, Vetter S, Waterreus A, Ward PB (2020). Assessing physical activity in people with mental illness: 23-country reliability and validity of the Simple Physical Activity Questionnaire (SIMPAQ). BMC Psych 20(1):108. doi: 10.1186/s12888-020-2473-0.

Schmidt SK, Reinboth MS, Resaland GK, Bratland-Sanda S (2020). Changes in physical activity, physical fitness and well-being following a school-based health promotion program in a Norwegian region with poor public health profile: a non-randomized controlled study in early adolescents. Int J Environ Res Pub Health 17(3): 896.

Bratland-Sanda S, Pedersen FG, Haave MN, Helgerud J, Støren Ø (2020). Responses to a block of high intensity aerobic interval training: a case series and feasibility study in elite cyclists and triathletes. Int J Exerc Sci. Accepted.

Bottolfs M, Støa EM, Reinboth MS, Svendsen MV, Schmidt SK, Oellinggrath I, Bratland-Sanda S (2020). Resilience and Lifestyle-related Factors as Predictors for Health-Related Quality of Lifeamong Early Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study. J Int Med Res 48(2):300060520903656. doi: 10.1177/0300060520903656

Mathisen TF, Rosenvinge JH, Friborg O, Vrabel KA, Bratland-Sanda S, Pettersen G, Sundgot-Borgen J (2020). Is physical exercise and dietary therapy a feasible alternative to cognitive behavior therapy in treatment of eating disorders? A randomized controlled trial of two group therapies. Int J Eat Disord 1-12.  doi: 10.1002/eat.23228

Trangsrud LKJ, Borg M, Bratland-Sanda S. Friluftsliv in recovery of eating disorders: a systematic review. J Outdoor Recr Educ Leader. Under publisering.

Torstveit MK, Bratland-Sanda S (2019). Relative energy deficiency in sports and reduced bone health - the role of the physiotherapist in identification and management. Fysioterapeuten 2019 86(9):74-80.

Sundgot-Borgen C, Friborg O, Kolle E, Torstveit MK, Sundgot-Borgen J, Rosenvinge JH, Pettersen G, Bratland-Sanda S (2019). Does the Healthy Body Image Program improve Lifestyle habits in High School Students? A Randomized controlled trial with 12-months Follow-up. J Int Med Res

Vrabel KA, Bratland-Sanda S. Exercise Obsession and Compulsion in adults with longstanding eating disorders: Validation of The Norwegian Version of The Compulsive Exercise Test. Front Psychol 2019 10(2370). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02370.

Bratland-Sanda S, Mathisen TF, Sundgot-Borgen J, Rosenvinge JH. Defining compulsive exercise in eating disorders: acknowledging the exercise paradox and exercise obsessions. J Eat Disord 2019 7:1-3.

Sundgot-Borgen C, Friborg O, Kolle E, Engen KME, Sundgot-Borgen J, Rosenvinge JH, Pettersen G, Torstveit MK, Piran N, Bratland-Sanda S. The Healthy Body Image (HBI) Intervention: Effects of a School-Based Cluster-Randomized Controlled trial with 12-months follow-up. Body Image 2019 29:122-131

Bergsgard NA, Bratland-Sanda S, Guilianotti R, Tangen JO. Sport, outdoor life and the Nordic world: an introduction. Sport in Society 2019 22(4):515-24. DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2017.1390927.

Bratland-Sanda S, Andersson E, Best JE, Høegmark S, Roessler KK. The Use of Sport and Outdoor Life as Tools of Psychosocial Intervention: The Nordic Perspective. Sport in Society 2019 22(4):654-70. DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2017.1389037

Mathisen, TF, Bratland-Sanda S, Rosenvinge JH, Friborg O, Pettersen G, Vrabel KA, Sundgot-Borgen J. Treatment effects on compulsive exercise and physical activity in eating disorders. J Eat Disord 2018 13(6):43.



Mathisen TF, Sundgot-Borgen J, Rosenvinge JH, Bratland-Sanda S. Managing risk of non-communicable diseases in women with bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorders: a randomized trial with 12 months follow-up. Nutrients 2018 10(12):1887-1902.

Bratland-Sanda S, Vrabel KA. An investigation of the process of change in psychopathology and exercise during inpatient treatment for adults with longstanding eating disorders. J Eat Disord 2018 1;6:15.

Karlsen KE, Vrabel KA, Bratland-Sanda S, Ulleberg P, Benum K. Effects of yoga in treatment of eating disorders: a single-blinded, randomized controlled trial with 6-months follow-up. Int J Yoga 2018 11(2): 166-9. DOI: 10.4103/ijoy.IJOY_3_17

Sundgot-Borgen C, Bratland-Sanda S, Engen KEE, Pettersen G, Friborg O, Torstveit MK, Kolle E, Piran N, Sundgot-Borgen J, Rosenvinge JH: The Norwegian Healthy Body Image programme: Study protocol for a randomized controlled school-based intervention to promote positive body image and prevent disordered eating among Norwegian high school students. BMC Psychology 2018 6(1):1-8.

Mathisen TF, Rosenvinge JH, Friborg O, Stensrud T, Hansen BH, Underhaug KE, Teinung E, Pettersen G, Vrabel KA, Svendsen M, Bratland-Sanda S, Sundgot-Borgen J: Body composition and physical fitness in women with bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder with and without a history of anorexia nervosa. Int J Eat Disord 2018 51(4):331-42.

Bratland-Sanda S, Sundgot-Borgen J, Støren Ø, Øverby NC, Torstveit MK. Maximal strength training as a therapeutic approach in anorexia nervosa: a case study of a woman with osteopenia, menstrual dysfunction and compulsive exercise. Clinical Case Studies 2018, 17(2):91-103. doi:10.1177/1534650118755949

Mathisen TF, Rosenvinge JH, Pettersen G, Friborg O, Vrabel KA, Bratland-Sanda S, Svendsen M, Stensrud T, Bakland M, Wynn R, Sundgot-Borgen J. The PED-t trial protocol: The effect of physical exercise -and dietary therapy compared with cognitive behavior therapy in treatment of bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. BMC Psychiatry 2017 17(11):180.

Støa EM, Meling S, Nyhus LK, Strømstad G, Mangerud KM, Bratland-Sanda S, Helgerud J, Støren Ø. High-intensive aerobic interval training improves aerobic fitness and HbA1c among persons diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Eur J Appl Physiol 2017 117(3):455-67.

Støren Ø, Helgerud J, Sæbø M, Støa EM, Bratland-Sanda S, Undhjem RJ, Hoff J, Wang E. The Impact of Age on the VO2max Response to High-Intensity Interval Training. Med Sci Sport Exerc 2017 49(1):78-85.

Støa EM, Nyhus LK, Børresen SC, Nygaard C, Hovet ÅM, Bratland-Sanda S, Helgerud J, Støren Ø. Day to day variability in fat oxidation, and the effect after only one day of change in diet composition. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2016 41:1-8.

Bratland-Sanda S, Sundgot-Borgen J, Myklebust G. Injuries and musculoskeletal pain among Norwegian group fitness instructors. Eur J Sport Sci 2015 15(8):784-92.

Bratland-Sanda S, Nilsson MP, Sundgot-Borgen J. Disordered eating behavior among group fitness instructors: a health-threatening secret? J Eat Disord 2015 3:22.

Bratland-Sanda S, Sundgot-Borgen J. “I’m concerned – what do I do?” Disordered eating in fitness center settings. Int J Eat Disord 2015 48(4):415-23.

Bratland-Sanda S, Lislevatn F, Lerdal A. Frisklivsresept – en tverrsnittsundersøkelse fra frisklivssentralen i Modum Kommune. Fysioterapeuten 2014 81(3):18-24.

Bratland-Sanda S, Sundgot-Borgen J. Eating disorders in athletes: an overview of prevalence, risk factors and recommendations for treatment and prevention. Eur J Sport Sci 2013 13(5):499-508.

Støren Ø, Bratland-Sanda S, Haave MN, Helgerud J. Improved VO2max and time trial performance after reduced training volume and increased training intensity: a case study on an elite national level cyclist. J Strength Cond Res 2012 26(10):2705-11.

Bratland-Sanda S, Sundgot-Borgen J. Symptoms of eating disorders, drive for muscularity and physical activity among Norwegian adolescents. Eur Eat Disord Rev 2012 20(4):287-93.

Bratland-Sanda S, Martinsen EW, Sundgot-Borgen. Changes in physical fitness, body composition and bone mineral density during inpatient treatment of underweight and normal weight patients with longstanding eating disorders. Int J Environ Res Pub Health 2012 9(1):315-30.

Bratland-Sanda S et al. Exercise dependence score in patients with longstanding eating disorders: the importance of affect regulation and physical activity intensity. Eur Eat Disord Rev 2011 19(3):249-55.

Bø K, Bratland-Sanda S, Sundgot-Borgen J. Urinary incontinence among group fitness instructors including yoga and pilates teachers. Neurol Urodyn 2011 30(3):370-3.

Bratland-Sanda S, et al. Physical fitness, bone mineral density and associations with physical activity in females with longstanding eating disorders and non-clinical controls. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2010 50(3):303-10.

Bratland-Sanda S, et al. Physical activity and exercise dependence during inpatient treatment of longstanding eating disorders: an exploratory study of excessive and non-excessive exercisers. Int J Eat Disord. 2010 43:266-73

Martinsen M, Bratland-Sanda S, Eriksson AK, Sundgot-Borgen J. Dieting to win or to be thin? A study of dieting and disordered eating behavior in adolescent elite athletes and non-athlete controls. Br J Sports Med.2010 44:70-6

Bratland-Sanda S, et al. ”I’m not physically active – I only go for walks”: Physical activity in longstanding eating disorders. Int J Eat Disord.2010 43:88-92

Bratland-Sanda S et al. Physical activity in treatment units for eating disorders: Clinical practice and attitudes.  Eat and Weight Disord.2009 14:e106-12.

Books and book chapters

Gorczynski, P., Bratland-Sanda, S., Lederman, O., Bueno-Antequera, J., & Munguia-Izquierdo, D. (2018). Research to practice: Case studies. I: Stubbs, B. og Rosenbaum, S. Exercise-based interventions for mental illness. Physical activity as part of clinical treatment (pp. 321-337): Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-12-812605-9

Bratland-Sanda S og von der Lippe, G. Spiseforstyrrelser i idretten: en kvinnelidelse? I: von der Lippe, G.og Hognestad H: Kjønnsmakt i idrett og friluftsliv. 2014, Novus forlag, Oslo. ISBN 9788270997930.

Bratland-Sanda S. FRI! – Fysisk aktivitet i behandling av spiseforstyrrelser. Fagbok utgitt av ROS, Bergen, 2012

Bratland-Sanda S. Physical activity and exercise in bulimia: the two-edged sword. In: Hay P (ed.): New insights into the prevention and treatment of bulimia nervosa. 2011, InTech Publication. ISBN 978-953-307-303-3.

Bratland-Sanda S. Exercise motivation in eating disorders: new insight gives relevance for the diagsnostic criteria. In: Saphiro CM (ed.): Eating Disorders: causes, diagnosis and treatments. 2011, NOVA Publisher. ISBN 978-1-61209-746-6

Sundgot-Borgen J, Bratland-Sanda S. Elite athletes. In: Alexander J, Treasure J (Eds.). A collaborative approach to eating disorders. 2011, Routledge: London. ISBN 978-0-415-58145-5.


Reports, guidelines

Lislevatn, Frøydis og Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid. Videreutvikling av frisklivskonseptet: Friskliv, lærings- og mestringsvirksomhet. Rapport til Modum Kommune og Helsedialog, 2012. 

Bratland-Sanda S. E-læringsmodul for spiseforstyrrelser I og II. Oppdrag fra Sunn jenteidrett, 2011.

Bratland-Sanda S: Håndtering av spiseforstyrrelser i treningssenterbransjen – en veileder fra Rådgivning om Spiseforstyrrelser. ROS, Bergen, 2010


Invited presentations and key-note lectures at international conferences and seminars

Bratland-Sanda S. Physical activity, exercise, sports and eating disorders - the double-edged sword. Nordic Sports Science Conference, Halmstad, Sweden, 22.-23.11.17

Bratland-Sanda S. Eating disorders and exercise – from abuse to health. Nordic Eating Disorders Society conference, Helsinki, 21.-23.09.16

Bratland-Sanda S. Physical activity for mental health. Foredrag på seminar, Nordisk ministerråd, Tallinn, 21.03.12

Physical activity in eating disorders: the two-edged sword. Foredrag ACSM annual meeting. Denver, USA 31.05 – 4.06.11

Publications in Cristin