Petra Røise

Associate Professor
Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science
Department of Culture, Religion and Social Studies
Campus Drammen (4227)
I study how to help young people orient themselves in education and work. I know a lot about youth, and about school as an arena for getting to know oneself and exploring the future, especially through the subject of educational choice and career guidance. My research can have value for school owners, principals and teachers, and not least for young people choosing an education. It has importance in relation to the completion of education and inclusion in society. I teach on the master's in career guidance and in teacher education. My research interests are in career guidance and career education in school (in particular the subject of Educational Choice), critical pedagogy and didactics, as well as collective guidance in higher education.


  • Leading the KAV-project on collectiv academic guidance (Kollektiv Akademisk Veiledning)
  • Responsible for the subject Educational Choice on the masters program in career guidance
  • Responsible for the two subjects on Educational Choice in our masters program in teacher education
  • Emneansvarlig for masteremnene: Utdanningsvalg I (MGU1UV1) og II (MGU1UV2) på grunnskolelærerutdanningen.
  • Co-founder and coordinator of the national network for research in career guidance, KarriereForsk
  • Member of NordicCareerEd
  • Member of research group in career guidance


Publications in Cristin