Marianne Sørflaten Eikeland

Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences
Department of Process, Energy and Environmental Technology
Campus Porsgrunn (E-215)


Professor in Process Technology - Industrial Circular Economy

Endowed professorship: The Birkeland initiative

Resarch group leader: Energy and Environmental Technology (URGENT)


Research topics:
• Gasification of biomass with a focus on process simulations
• Life cycle assessments
• Circular economy

Lecturer: Study program Clean Energy and Process Technology, Bachelor in Chemistry:
• Separation techniques
• Physical chemistry
• Sustainable resource managment

Supervisor for bachelor, master and PhD students.


1996-2001:    PhD Chemical process technology, Membrane Technology ; Telemark Technological Research and Development Centre (Tel-Tek)/ Telemark College, Institute of Technology / Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

1994-1996:     Master of Science, Environmental Technology; Telemark College, Institute of Technology, Environmental Technology, Porsgrunn

1990 -1993:   Chemical Engineer; Telemark College, Institute of Technology, Process Technology, Porsgrunn


2021-             Professor in Processtechnology- Industrial Circular Economy. University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), Faculty of Technology, Natural sciences and Maritime sciences.   

2016 - 2021:    Associated Professor in Chemical Process Technology, USN.

2006 - 2016:    Associated Professor in Chemical Process Technology. Telemark University College (TUC), Faculty of Technology

2003 - 2006:    Telemark Technological Research and Development Centre / Telemark University College

2001 - 2003:    Development manager. Norske Skog Research, Dep. printability and runability



2023-               Supervisor for Zahir Barahmand, ongoing PhD. Subject: Life cycle assessment of biomass gasification processes from a circular economy perspective. Co-supervisors Associate prof. Rajan Thapa, University of South-Eastern Norway, Dr.Morten Seljeskog  SINTEF Energy, and Dr. Liang Wang SINTEF Energy.


2021-               Supervisor for Nastaran Ahmadpour Samani, ongoing PhD. Subject: Computational particle fluid dynamics (CPFD) and process simulations modelling of biomass gasification reactors”. Co-supervisors Associate prof. Rajan Thapa, University of South-Eastern Norway and Dr. Morten Seljeskog SINTEF Energy.

2020-               Co-supervisor for Rajan Jaiswal, ongoing PhD. Subject: Waste as feed to biomass gasification reactor. Main supervisor: Associate prof. Rajan Thapa, University of South-Eastern Norway

2018- 2022:     Supervisor for Ramesh Timsina, fulfilled PhD. Subject: Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and process simulation modelling as basis for scaling of biofuel production. Co-supervisors: Prof. Britt. M Moldestad and Associate prof. Rajan Thapa, University of South-Eastern Norway.

2018-2022:     Co-supervisor for Nora C. Furuvik, fulfilled PhD. Subject: Modelling of ash melts in gasification of biomass. Main supervisor: Prof. Britt. M Moldestad, University of South-Eastern Norway

2016-2021:      Supervisor for Janitha Bandara, fulfilled PhD. Subject: Simulation and Parameter Optimization of Fluidized –bed Biomass Gasification. Co-supervisors: Prof. Britt. M Moldestad University of South-Eastern Norway, and Prof. Henrik Kofoed Nielsen, University of Agder.

2015- 2019:      Co-supervisor for Cornelius E. Agu, fulfilled PhD. Subject: Gasification of biomass for production of biofuel. Main supervisor: Prof. Britt. M Moldestad, University College of South-Eastern Norway. 



2022-               Norwegian Center of Circular Ecconomy (NCCE)

2022-               NORPART - Instituting of research-based education systems for the development of renewable energy technology in circular economy; A joint project among the Universities in Norway, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka (Re-Tech)

2021-               Powered by Telemark

2018-2022       Industry Cluster: NoWaste!

2018-2022       EnergiX: FLASH-Predicting the FLow behavior of ASH mixtures for production of transport biofuels in the circular economy. Partners: USN. SINTEF Energy Aalto University Finland, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Austria

2016 -              Norwegian Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME), Bio4Fuels 



Eramet Norway

SINTEF Energy / Norway

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)/ Østerrike

Aalto University/ Finland


Agder University

Norner Research and Development Centre 

Aalborg University /Denmark




Publications in Cristin