Lasse Sonne

Associate Professor
USN School of Business
Department of Business, History and Social Sciences
Campus Vestfold (C3-139)
Lasse Sonne (DSocSci) is Associate Professor. He is Director of Teacher Education (main subject history). Sonne is responsible for the academic courses Profession Development related to Teacher Education with main subject history. Sonne conducts research, development and innovation on topics related to the course activities. Sonne is furthermore engaged in heritage learning, internship for history students and collaboration between schools and cultural heritage institutions. He supervises bachelor-, master- and PhD-students in the same areas.


  • Director of Teacher Education (main subject history)
  • Course coordinator, Profession Development related to Teacher Eudcation (main subject history)
  • Member of the management team at the Department of Economics, History and Social Science at USN 
  • Member of work group and reference group: USN Culture (USN focus area)
  • Member of work group and reference group: USN University Schools (USN focus area)


  • History Education
  • Profession development for history teachers
  • Heritage Learning
  • Internship for history students
  • Modern Nordic co-operation history
  • Modern economic, social and political history



  • 2024-2026: Co-creating a Social Sustainable Future through History and Heritage Learning. Financed by Nordplus Horizon (project manager).
  • 2024-2025: The Nordic folk high schools' contribution to a socially sustainable future. Financed by Nordplus Adult (project participant).
  • 2024: Utvikling av mikrokvalifikasjoner: samskapte læreprosesser. Financed by USN Culture (prosject manager).
  • 2021-2022: Co-creation at major events. Financed by Norwegian Research Council (project participant).
  • 2019-2022: Increased Learning through Social Spaces. Financed by Nordplus Adult (USN project manager).
  • 2018-2022: The Nordic Academy for Volunteer Management (USN project manager).
  • 2020-2021: Kapasitetsbygging og bruk av eventer til bærekraftig steds- og næringsutvikling (KAPEVENT). Financed by Norwegian Research Council (project participant).
  • 2020-2021: NIF - Rasisme og etnisk mangfold. Financed by the Norwegian Sports Association (project participant).
  • 2020-2021: På sporet - Et innovasjonsprosjekt for økt innvandrerdeltakelse i arbeidslivet. Financed by Norwegian Research Council (project participant).
  • 2018-2019: Museums and Education in the North. Financed by Nordic Culture Point and Nordplus Adult (project participant).
  • 2016-2019: Re-inventing Europeans through History, Art and Cultural Learning – REHAC. Co-financed by Erasmus+ (USN project manager and work package leader).
  • 2015-2018: Heritage Training for Young Adults – HETYA. Financed by Erasmus+ (USN project manager and work package leader).
  • 2016-2017: Preparing for Future Labour Markets: Internships for History Students in Scandinavia. Financed by Nordplus Higher Education (project manager)
  • 2015: FoU stimuleringsmidler: utvikling av mobilapplikasjon for kulturarv med fokus på elever i videregående skole og unge turister i samme aldersgruppe - regional aktivitet. Financed by Buskerud and Vesfold University College (project manager).


Work place, previous work places and education:

  • University of South-Eastern Norway (USN)
  • Buskerud and Vestfold University College, Norway
  • Vestfold University College, Norway
  • University of Aarhus, Denmark
  • Nordic Centre of Heritage Learning and Creativity, Sweden
  • Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain (Post.doc.)
  • University of Helsinki, Finland (DSocSci)
  • University of Copenhagen, Denmark (BA and MA)
  • Ministry of Culture, Copenhagen, Denmark

Publications in Cristin