Karianne Nyheim Stray

Postdoctoral Fellow
USN School of Business
Department of Business, History and Social Sciences
Campus Vestfold (C3-74)
I currently work in a postdoctor position related to the research project Migrant Work Inclusion.


See more information about the research project here.

For more information about my experience and competence, please visit my LinkedIn profile. 



Research experience from the project "Values of Integration" (2020-2021), led by USN and in collaboration with NORCE, Vista Analysis AS, and NTNU. Funded by KS.

Experience in work inclusion processes through various positions in the public sector (NAV), including supporting people outside the regular labour market, particularly emphasising work and mental health issues.

Experience with Supported Employment (SE) and Individual Placement and Support (IPS) methodologies.

Experience in collaborating with employers on inclusion processes in the workplace.

Lecturer, course- and process management within Health, Safety and Environment and health promotion programmes.

Career guidance of students.


Stray, K.N (2023), KAI-podden, episode 33: NAVs vurdering av sykmeldtes arbeidsevne. Kan alle stort sett gjøre noe? OsloMet, Komptansesenter for arbeidsinkludering

Stray, K.N (2023), KAI-kronikken: NAVs vurdering av sykmeldtes arbeidsevne - et moralsk oppdrag? OsloMet, Komptansesenter for arbeidsinkludering

Stray, K. N., & Thomassen, O. J. (2023). Frontline discretion from a Bourdieu-inspired field perspective: an ethnographic case study of a Norwegian activation measure for sick-listed employees. European Journal of Social Work, 26(6), 1109-1122. https://doi.org/10.1080/13691457.2023.2167069 

Stray, K.N (2022), Den norske arbeids- og velferdsforvaltningen (NAV) sitt arbeid med oppfølging av sykmeldte arbeidstakere. Ny kontekst - nye roller?, PhD. thesis

Stray, K. N; Thomassen, O.J & Vike, H (2022), Assessing sicklisted clients' work ability. A moral mission?, Critical Social Policy, https://doi.org/10.1177/02610183221113171.

Stray, Karianne Nyheim; Ljungblad, Linda Wike. Kokt frosk-syndrom i akademia: Stressmestringskurs og "Full yogic breathing" kan ikke være hele løsningen. Forskersonen.no, publisert 13.12.2020

Ljungblad, Linda Wike; Stray, Karianne Nyheim; Joranger, Line. Viktig praksiskunnskap gjøres irrelevant når tellekanter er viktigere enn kunnskap. Khrono.no, publisert 17.12.2019.

Stray, Karianne Nyheim. Å forske på sine egne. Pecha Kucha presentasjoner under Forskningsdagene 2019; Campus Bakkenteigen og Campus Drammen, september 2019