Guro Nore Fløgstad

Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science
Department of Languages and Literature Studies
Campus Drammen (5612)
As of 2022, I am Full Professor of Linguistics and Norwegian at The University of Southeast Norway. My Ph.D. from The University of Oslo, published with Brill Academic Publishers in 2016, treats morphosyntactic changes related to grammaticalization in Argentinean and Uruguayan Spanish. My current research focuses on language variation, change, and contact in Romance, Romani (particularly Romani spoken in Argentina and the Americas), and Norwegian. I work within a usage-based framework, and also attempt to apply insights from this framework in a classroom setting. I am currently offering Norway's first study program in forensic linguistics, with Ingunn Indrebø Ims.


  • Professor II, Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, University of Oslo (2024-2026)
  • Elected member of The Young Academy of Norway (2022-2026)
  • Leader of the research group Linguistic variation and change in society and education, with Ingunn Indrebø Ims
  • I am responsible for the linguistic component of the project Ecological Connections: cultural studies in Cuba and Norway (ECOCON) (2022-2026), a Norpart-funded collaboration with Universidad de la Habana, led by PI Hans Jacob Ohldieck.
  • I am part of the network LISTEN! Linguistics in Schools Transatlantic Educational Network
  • Together with Hanne Eckhoff, I founded and led NORKOG, the Norwegian association for cognitive linguistics


  • Forensic linguistics (I'm in charge of Norway's first study program in forensic linguistics)
  • Gender (read more about my research here and here, in Norwegian)
  • Grammaticalization
  • Linguistic theory in the classroom
  • Usage-based and cognitive theory
  • Romance languages, especially Argentinean and Uruguayan Spanish
  • Romani, especially Scandoromani and linguistic variation among Roma in Argentina (listen to a podcast where I discuss this topic here, in Norwegian)
  • Fieldwork (Argentina, Uruguay, The Bangan Province in Himalaya, Roma communities in Norway and Sweden, and Roma communities in Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Supervision of Ph.D. candidates: Line Sjøtun Helganger; On children’s acquisition of intonation and information structure (cosupervisor; with Ingrid Lossius Falkum, UiO and Randi Alice Nilsen, NTNU); Aafke Diepeveen; Establishing agreement on the suspect’s statement and admission of guilt: The interactional realization of the closing phase of the police investigative interview (with Jan Svennevig, UiA)


  • Guest researcher and lecturer at University of Buenos Aires, Humboldt University Berlin, and University of Belgrade
  • From 2022: Full Professor,  University of South-Eastern Norway
  • 2016-2022: Associate Professor, University of South-Eastern Norway
  • 2015-2016: Associate Professor (fixed term) of Multililngualism, MultiLing Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan, University of Oslo
  • 2015: Ph.D., Linguistics, University of Oslo
  • 2014-2015: Completion grant, University of Oslo
  • In a former life, I worked as a dealer of 19th century European art in Northern Italy, as a trekking guide in the Appenine Mountains, also Italy, and in the health sector.


Ongoing projects:

  • Helene Urdland Karlsen and I are writing the first textbook in Norwegian on forensic linguistics for the editorial Cappelen Damm, with the title Rettslingvistikk: En introduksjon ('Forensic linguistics: an introduction'), to appear in 2025.
  • Invited paper for special issue (in Spanish): Desvíos semánticos: cuando los cambios lingüísticos no ocurren. Estudios de Lingüística Cognitiva: Nuevos desarrollos teóricos y empíricos. Visitas al patio. Revista de estudios de lingüística y literatura. Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia. To appear in 2024.
  • I'm working on the history of the Roma and their language, Romani, in Argentina and surrounding countries. The article has the working title The historical roots of language maintenance among Argentina’s Roma, and is soon to be submitted.
  • Eli Anne Eiesland (OsloMet) and I are co-authoring a paper on the grammaticalization of -core in English

To appear/in press:

Fløgstad, Guro Nore (2024). A prescriptive source with a spoken language imprint. Tense and aspect in Argentinean language textbooks. Peter Lang Studies in Historical Sociolinguistics. Historical Sociolinguistics. Studies on Language and Society in the Past. Peter Lang Verlag.


Fløgstad, Guro Nore (2016): Preterit Expansion and Perfect Demise. A Critical Perspective on Cognitive Grammaticalization Theory. [Brill’s Studies in Historical Linguistics], Brill: Leiden. Open Access

Fløgstad, Guro & Anders Vaa (2010). Norsk er et lite språk som er i ferd med å dø ut, og andre myter om språk. Oslo: Kagge. (popular science book on language myths)


Fløgstad, Guro Nore & Luka Lucic (2024): Beyond trauma narratives. How the military siege of Sarajevo (1992-1995) shaped stories told in the aftermath. Martin Dege & Irene Strasser (eds.) Beyond trauma narratives. Reflections from the limits of storytelling. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Fløgstad, Guro & Eli Anne Eiesland (2023): Linguistic theory in the Norian classroom. I Ana Pineda & Alice Carr (eds.) International Perspectives on Linguistics in Education, Proceedings of the British Academy (PBA), Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Fløgstad, Guro Nore (2022). Language as a system or language in use. How to apply cognitive theory? Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift (Norwegian journal of linguistics). Open Access

With Helene Urdland Karlsen (2021). Rettslingvistikk som fag og metode. Et kritisk blikk på bruken av språkmaterialet i Bertheussen-saken. (Forensic linguistic practice in Norway. A critical examination of the treatment of language material in the Bertheussen-case). Sakprosa. Open Access

Fløgstad, Guro Nore & Celeste Rodríguez Louro (2021): Gauging expansion in synchrony. The Perfect in 19th century Rioplatense Spanish. In Marc Fryd & Kristin Melum Eide (eds.) The Perfect Volume. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Fløgstad, Guro Nore (2020): "A language as any other". Norwegian Romani in society and education. Acta Didactica Norden. Open Access

Fløgstad, Guro Nore & Elizabeth Lanza (2019): “Age groups”. In Jeroen Darquennes, Joe Salmons og Wim Vandenbussche (eds.), Handbücher zur Sprach-und Kommunikationswissenschaft: Language contact. Berlin: De Gruyter. Full text in open archive

Fløgstad, Guro Nore & Eli Anne Eiesland ( 2019). Gender shift in a Norwegian diminutive construction. Nordic Journal of Linguistics. Read more about this project here and here (in Norwegian). Open access

Fløgstad, Guro Nore (2019). Pavlenkos metode. (Pavlenko's method). In Iben Brinch Jørgensen & Norunn Askeland (eds.) Kreativitet i akademisk skriving (Creativity in academic writing). Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. Open access

Fløgstad, Guro Nore (2017): Revisiting perfect/preterit instability across Romance. On functional motivations for diverging paths. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia International Journal of Linguistics, 195-211

Fløgstad, Guro Nore (2008): “Retention of grammatical elements in Norwegian Para-Romani. The pronominal system”. In Acta Orientalia 69, 153-168

Fløgstad, Guro Nore (2014). “The expansion of the Preterit in Rioplatense. Contact induced?” In Tor Åfarli & Brit Mæhlum (eds.), The Sociolinguistics of Grammar. [Studies in Language Companion Series 154]. 117-137. Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Fløgstad, Guro Nore (in press). “¿(De)gramaticalización en el español rioplatense? Consecuencias teóricas y una solución construccionista”. Proceedings from the II Congreso de la Delegación Argentina de la Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de América Latina (ALFAL) y VII Jornadas Internacionales de Investigación en Filología y lingüística. La Plata: Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

Fløgstad, Guro Nore (2012). “Viste: ¿Un caso de gramaticalización?”. In María Marta Negroni (ed.) Actas del II Coloquio Internacional Marcadores del discurso en lenguas románicas: un enfoque contrastivo. 82-89.  Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires


I frequently write for newspapers and other non-academic publications. Here is a selection (in Norwegian):

Fløgstad, Guro Nore & Hans Jacob Ohldieck (2023). Lukkede dører ved norske universiteter ('Closed doors at Norwegian universities'). Opinion piece, Klassekampen

Fløgstad, Guro Nore (2023). Hva sier forskningen om romantikk og kjærlighet? ('What does reasearch say about romance and love?') Ask a researcher, Morgenbladet 

Fløgstad, Guro Nore (2023). Etterlyser språkeksperter i norske rettssaler ('Calls for language experts in Norwegian courtrooms'). Interview, Morgenbladet 

Fløgstad, Guro Nore (2021). Mot lyset ('Towards the light'),  Epilogue to the Norwegian edition of Gabriela Cabezón Cámara's novel Las aventuras de la China Iron

Fløgstad, Guro Nore. (2021). Bør akademikere skrive kreativt? ('Should academics write creatively'?) Kairos magasin for retorikk.

Fløgstad, Guro Nore (2020): Cavani i kontekst ('Cavani in context'). Opinion piece, VG

Luis Lacalle Pou. 2024. Lexical entry in Great Norwegian Encyclopedia.

Rettslingvistikk. (Forensic linguistics). 2018. Lexical entry in Great Norwegian Encyclopedia.

Grammatikalisering. (Grammaticalization). 2015. Lexical entry in Great Norwegian Encyclopedia.