Dimitrios Polychronopoulos

PhD Candidate
Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Department of Health, Social and Welfare Studies
Campus Porsgrunn (K-112)
Dimitris (short form of Dimitrios) Polychronopoulos is a research fellow at USN, working towards a PhD in Management. His focus is on co-creation, migrant integration and entrepreneurship. My PhD project is known as "Migrant Work Inclusion". For project details, see the link below. In addition, I represent early career stage researchers in Norway on the national level as EuroDoc Liaison Officer (see SiN at stipendiat.no for more details), and am also a Program Committee member for the PhD program of the USN Business School.


Through 2022 to 2024, Dimitris is researching co-creation possibilities of entrepreneurial training programs throughout Norway.

For more details about the project, see: Migrant Work Inclusion




Leadership, coaching, startup mentoring, advising. 

Master of Business Administration cum laude from BI Norwegian Business School


See LinkedIn profile for an overview of CV.


Academic publications are listed on Google Scholar and on Research Gate.

Also co-author of diversophy Norway.