Audhild Lindheim Kennedy

USN School of Business
Department of Business and IT
Campus Notodden (S-434B)
I am currently carrying out my PhD research in the world heritage area of Rjukan - Notodden. I have called my PhD-research Shaping Minds. An Ethnographic Study of Children Learning about Rjukan-Notodden Industrial Heritage. In my project I examine how and why children learn about the local World Heritage in Rjukan and Notodden both at school and in production organised through the Cultural Schoolbag (DKS). Central perspectives in my phd are inspired by critical heritage studies, anthropology of learning and governmentality (Foucault). I have participated in several DKS-productions related to the local World Heritage narrative closely. In my analysis I view my empirical data from a perspective of performance. My empirical data has been collected by carrying out ethnographic fieldwork in the period 2018-2022.



  • ​autumn 2018: MG1SA1, SAM503
  • spring 2019: SAM504
  • autumn 2019: MG1SA1, MG2SA1, SAM504
  • spring 2020: SAM504 
  • autumn 2020: MG1SA1, MG2SA1


  • place
  • cultural heritage
  • world heritage
  • kinship. social relations, adoption, kinning, notions of destiny and caste in India
  • Regional areas: India,Norway


Cand. Polit. (M.Phil) in Social Anthropology, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo (2007) Title of thesis: Born of my Heart. A study of Unrelated Adoption in Delhi.

The thesis was awarded the price of excellence by the Asia Network group in Norway 
Asianettverkets pris for beste master/hovedfagsoppgave i 2007


2022 "Om kulturarv og tomatsuppe" kronikk i Klassekampen 15.11.22

2022 "Uses of Heritage as Context" Presentasjon på Åsgårdsstrandseminaret 2022 organisert av forskergruppen SEPP (Studies in Education Policies and Education practice) med tema The meaning of context in the nexus between education policy and education practice 

2022 “Negotiation Heritage – Negotiating Narratives” Konferanseinnlegg i panelet: (Un-) wanted Alternatives? Negotiating Heritage in Postindustrial Environments på 17th EASA Biennial Conference, EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons, arrangert av School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics, Queen’s University Belfast

2022 "Shaping Young Minds: The Governing of Heritage at a Distance" Konferanseinnlegg i Network 5: The Curriculum Research Network på Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA), arrangert av University of Iceland

2021 “Å tømme tissepotter og banke ryer. Om pedagogiske ressurser og artefakte” Konferanseinnlegg i arbeidsgruppen Læringsressurser i fortid og samtid: Steder og aktiviteter på Nasjonalt nettverk for samfunnsfaga, arrangert av OsloMet

2021 "Førnå-eksistens - Om å høre til i verdensarven Rjukan-Notodden" in Historikeren. (the Norwegian History Association) (2)

2020 "Før-nå-eksistens: Om å høre til i verdensarven" Paper presentation on the panel Kulturarv som 'hjem' i familie, museum og kulturindustri at Hjem2020: Nasjonal fagkonferanse for kulturforskning, organised by Deprartment of archeology, history, culture and religion, University of Bergen and Forening for kulturforskning

2020 "The Place of Affect and Emotions: The Narrative of How Notodden became an Industial Town and a Post-industiral World Heritage Site" Paper presentation on the panel Future Landscapes of Heritage at the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) 5th biennial conference, organised by the University College London, UK

2020 "The Gift of the Past: Or Heritage as Future-making Practices that Tie Children to Inescapable Pasts" Paper presentation on the panel Heritage and Time at the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) 5th biennial conference, organised by the University College London, UK

2020 "Being Human: Or How to Balanse Research and Friendship in Fieldwork" Paper presentation at the 4th ECIQ. European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, organised by L-Università ta' Malta og Ku Leuven, Malta

2019 "Gendered Heritage? The tale of Industrial Heritage in the town of Notodden, Norway" Paper presentation at the conference: 9th NCCP. Nordic Conference for Cultural Policy Research, arrangert av Bifröst University, Bifröst, Iceland.

2019 "Place-based learning, place narratives and notions of identity and gender in a World Heritage site" Paper presentation at the conference: 8th Nordic ISCAR. Nordic Conference on Cultural Activity Research, organised by the Activity Theory Group, the Norwegian University of SCience and Technology, NTNU, Norway.

2019 "Gendered Places, Gendered Learning" Paper presentation at the conference: Geographies of Gender: An Interdisciplinary Conference, organised by Centre for Gender Studies, University of Winchester, UK.

2018 "Mellom læring og forskning: Steds narrativer i det pedagogiske formidlingstilbudet om Verdensarven på Rjukan – Notodden" a conference organised by: The National Network for the Social Sciences in Norwegian Teachers Education, at USN, Drammen. Paper presentation in the work group, Sted og region som utgangspunkt og mål for undervisning: Muligheter og utfordringer.

2009 “Adopsjonsskildringer fra Delhi” and “Ulykksalige kvinner”. Ønskebarn, vol. 2 (the memebership magazin the NGO for the involuntary infertile and adoption parents in Norway).
Article and interview with regards to my M.Phil thesis.

2008 “Skjebnefellesskap”. The Norwegian Anthropological Associaton's yearly conference (NAF) 2008, “Forestillinger om fellesskap”.
Paper in the workshop Nye religiøse fellesskap.

2007 “Born of my Heart: A Study of the Process of Unrelated Adoption in Delhi”. M.Phil thesis(cand. polit.) i sosialantropologi.

2007 “Hemmeligheter i Delhi”, in Jordens folk: Hemmeligheder (Danish ethnografic journal), nr.4: årgang 42. 

2007 “Ulykksalige kvinners skjebne. Hvordan skjebneforståelse i en adopsjonskontekst kan skape nye handlingsrom for barnløse i Delhi”. The Norwegian Anthropological Associaton's yearly conference (NAF) 2007, “Tid, sted, rom”.
Paper in the workshop: Kjønn, makt og handlingsrom.

2006 “Født av skjebnen. En kulturell elaborering av ikke-relatert adopsjon i Delhi”, in Betwixt and Between
(The Master students journal in social anthropologi at University of Oslo).

2004 “Divine Adopsjon”, in Betwixt and Between
(The Master students journal in social anthropologi at University of Oslo).

2004 “Nasjonal adopsjon i India – om substans, ‘nurture’ og slektskap”. The Norwegian Anthropological Associaton's yearly conference (NAF) 2004, “Endring, flyt
og forankring”.
Paper in the workshop: Former for sosial forankring.