Anja Synnøve Bakken

Anja Synnøve Bakken

Associate Professor
Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science
Department of Languages and Literature Studies
Campus Drammen (12034A)
Anja Bakken is Associate Professor in English Didactics. She teaches topics in intercultural and text-based learning and literacy education and has extensive experience both from from Norwegian secondary schools and teacher education. She has taught and supervised students at all levels both in pre-service and in-service teacher training programmes.


Bakken holds a PhD in English Didactics from NTNU (Trondheim, Norway). Her research interests include multimodal and critical literacy in English language education, textbook analysis, language development in multilingual contexts, critical discourse analysis (CDA), and curriculum history.       



Bakken, A.S., Hundal, A.K. &, Sakshaug, L.L. (2022). Når minoritet blir majoritet. En kasusstudie av flerspråklighet og språklæring ved en skole med ett stort minoritetsspråk. Nordand: nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning, (17) 2, 98—114,

Bakken. A.S. (2021). Introducing critical literacy and multimodal perspectives into film pedagogies for the EAL classroom. In S. Ørevik & S. Diamantopoulou (eds). Multimodality and English: Affordances of multimodal texts in the teaching and learning of English as an additional language. Routledge.

Bakken, A. (2019). Questions of autonomy in Norwegian English teachers’ discursive practices. Educational Research, 61:1, 105-122,

Bakken, A. & Lund, R. E. (2017). Why should learners of English read? Norwegian English teachers’ notions of EFL reading. Teaching and Teacher Education, 70(2018), 78-87.

Bakken, A. (2017). Notions of EFL reading in Norwegian curricula, 1939–2013, Acta Didactica, 11(2),1.

Bakken, A. (2016). When teachers talk about films: An investigation into some aspects of English teachers’ discursive practices. Acta Didactica, 10(1), 5.



Åberg, I. B. & Bakken, A.S. (2023). «Representations of coloniality in social studies textbooks». NERA conference, OsloMet, 15 – 17 March. Nordic Education Research

Bakken, A.S. & Murray, H. M. (2022). «Colonial acts in EFL textbooks – relations between colonizer and colonized in Norwegian primary school textbooks». Nord-konferansen samisk og urfolk 2022, 19. – 21. oktober. Nord universitet.

Murray, H. M. & Bakken, A.S. (2022). «How implicit content relating to indigenous identity and cultural affiliation presented in English and Social Studies textbooks for grades 5-7 in Norwegian schools”. (Conference presentation on Zoom). Indigenous Research Conference, 4 February, 2022, Høgskolen i Innlandet.

Hundal, A.K., Sakshaug, L.L., & Bakken, A. (2022). «Transspråking og inkluderende språkpraksiser ved bruk av bildebøker». Forskningskonferanse om norsk som andrespråk, NOA. Digital konferanse Zoom, 3. – 4. februar, 2022, Høgskolen i Østfold

Bakken, A.S. (2021). Critical literacy for deeper learning through text-based approaches. Conference presentation – European Day of Languages, 27 September, on Zoom.

Hundal, A.K., Sakshaug, L.L., & Bakken, A. (2019). «Når minoritet blir majoritet: Språkopplæring i flerspråklige læringskontekster der den minoritetsspråklige elevgruppa er like stor som eller større enn den majoritetsspråklige elevgruppa». Forskningskonferanse om norsk som andrespråk, MONS 18, Trondheim.

Publications in Cristin